What is the coolest real language still being used
Linguists pls
euskara is pretty neat
American English
Greek, a language and alphabet that has survived for about 3000 years.
Inb4 latin( meme language)
>coolest language
Not familiar with this linguistic terminology.
Right, but what's the dif between modern greek and 3000 yo greek?
Masculine is no longer in the role of feminine
"Y Gymraeg" means "the Welsh (language)" but when you write it by itself it's spelled Cymraeg.
Less than that between Old English and Modern English, a modern day Greek can read classical Greek texts without much trouble.
meme moonspeak
they wouldn't be able to understand it if it were spoken
The accent would be very different but they'd pick it up. Written languages tend to be very conservative, and Greek has been written for 3,000 years.
Bushman click languages. They may be dumb niggers, but I'm just amazed at how those sounds survived.
Hebrew, the only dead language to be revived.
you can bet your sweet tuchus its yiddish
>a real language
ניסיון חמוד, אבל אתה סתם מדבר גרמנית
The Algonquian family and its Direct-Inverse alignment:
ni- waapam -aa -aki
'I look at them'
ni- waapam -ekw -aki
'They look at me'
Underated post
English - most useful
German - sexy
Arabic - manly
Lithuanian and Latvian
Whatever you say Hans.
Silbo Gomero
I never thought Arabic to be a manly language. German maybe, because of the hard consonants.
Arabic doesn't sound exactly manly, though even less femenine. Alien would be the best word to be honest with all the ghalkholgha.
I'm Uhmerikin but I enjoy hearing Deutsch girls speak.
All foreign accents sound good when used by cute enough girls, to be honest.
Just look at this shit
any pre-indoEuropean language in Europe is pretty spooky.. Basque for example
My phone auto corrected it
Isn't the "tl" sound only found in only three other languages in the world or something?
Plainsrunes desu
Danish and Dutch?
Lithuanian. Most conservative surviving Indo-European language.
I dunno about conservative but it is the oldest surviving language in its current form.
Greek is probably the most conservative but might be due to Indo-European linguistics being based on classical European languages.
Modern Greek, with the exception of Tsakonian, you pedants, is all derived from Attic Greek, basically Athenian, and so anything from that continuum is pretty much decently understandable.
I've heard it analogized as this, from my Greek professor, Plato is Chaucer, and Koine is Shakespeare.
That said, "Modern" Greek is a horrible Frankensteinian abomination unto God created by a committee, and doesn't reflect a natural evolution of the language, which has several modern Attic derivatives.
There's also a Book Language called Katharevousa, which is basically an attempt to retain as much Archaisms as humanly possible, and it's all rather posh.
Dutch women are just a massive turn off for me.
Hell yeah, man.
Flemish is hella sexy compared to Hollandic Dutch. A lot of Dutch people even think it's more sexier then their own language.
>tfw i could cuck every dutchman
example: youtube.com
As a burger, how hard would it be to teach myself Russian over the summer? I'm sure the resources are out there.
I could take a class in Uni but I'm already taking Latin next semester and I don't want to confuse my brain.
These questions are pointless as it depends on your individual talent. Going with the assumption that you are average and don't speak anything else than English then you won't get very far. Russian and English don't have much in common, the pronounciation would be quite dificult for you too I guess. Plus Russian is relatively a difficult language to learn. Much more difficult than any Germanic language and with English as your only it's also much more difficult than any Romance one out there.
Go ahead and give it a shot, though. You have nothing to lose.
do explain.
I like Friscian because their English's little brother that nobody ever notices.
>implying colloquial written arabic doesnt have vowels because of how rough the consonants are
well it's easier to learn than say Finnish...
Most of your difficulties will come with cyrillic, in my experience
Depends highly on dialect. Franconian basically has no hard consonants at all.
I know a little bit about algonquian languages. they almost all have that same 1st person prefix. the -aa- / -ekw- is telling you whether the ni is the subject or the object.
nahuatl is sick dude, there's so much morphology. I like how compositional the words are. like "tlacochittac" I think means "dreamer," but it breaks down to "someone who sees sees something in his sleep"
>hard consonants
English is objectively the best in literally every way. Russian is pretty cool though
Gym rag
Cym rag?
Those are agglutinative constructions. The same as Japanese. English has a lot of long words and technical terms that are constructed in a similar way.
Fuck you
First post best post.
Whats the most pleb tier easy language to learn if you only know English?
Estonian of course
If dubs it's Arabic
Cyrillic is incredibly easy to learn. The hardest part will be learning correct pronunciation, but you can get decently good at reading it within one summer.
I've been self-teaching for about a month and I'm able to understand most words in popular songs, have simple conversations, and reading and writing in Cyrillic is as easy as using the Roman alphabet now.
There are tons of resources out there. I'd recommend looking up some coursebooks on vk.com.