whore core thread and things similar.
not saying it aint cute
but it is what it is
Other urls found in this thread:
do girls browse this board
Why do girls tuck in their shirts and sweaters just so you can see their ass?
>so you can see their ass
I mean if you have to ask...
You answered your own question.
Whorecore truly is best core
Wow that is some bad anterior pelvic tilt
who is this semen demon
i really don't want to know. she looks pretty gross.
some1 pulled the sliders all the way in character creation
The fuck is wrong with her lips
I love you
common accident from sitting
what the black hell is with the anti-grav jeanshort? this was done, you are just doing it again. what is it, a fucking 20-year cycle?
Going to contribute some shit from instagram whores I have bookmarked.
Keep more "fashion" coming.
And another one, matched with this gem on tinder (left).
go away pls
god this board went to shit
Actually disgusting. Choking on my own puke
>that waist
oh my god
they both smoke crack
this. skanks make me want to vomit
You might as well buy one of those lifelike dolls you can fuck, I fucking hate this bitch anyway her face just annoys the shit out of me
thanks for these senpai
bless you, read Libido Dominandi and hungry for more
hope you have an good night
Red ice is great
>health goth
>in 2016
Famalam, I...
Me too, I had bodily fluids escape my body from an orifice as well.
its not health goth she is just basic bitch suprised she isnt wearing white superstars
who dat
I would desu
actual whorecore, pic related
Who dis?
please pay attention to me core
>poorly dyed grey hair
>armpit and leg hair
>poorly done stick and poke tattoo
>creating "art" that doesn't actually say anything
i don't want to be one of those le wrong generation tards, but wew!
Its some dumb art school bullshit.
Your welcome!
some whore I fucked.
Id put a ring on that doe
>lets you take pictures
somebody is lying (you)
Looks like game character outfit
That's a thing?
None of this matches
are hand tattoos whore core
stop talking like a nigger
more trash core