90s fits
hesh fits
sick fits
Sk8 core thread
fuckers who wear thrasher hoodies and cant skate should be shot
what the fuck is a hesh fit you sound like a retard
hesh is a common term in skateboarding... why did you enter a skate thread clearly labeled as such, and then proceed to get butthurt when there's skate-related language being used? you're the only retard here kid.
There's already a skate thread faggot
Irrelevant to either of our previous posts. Try again or admit you suffered a humiliating defeat?
got em
You mean a fucking Sesh?
you cant say clothing is hesh it doesn't make sense. A skater can be hesh but clothes can't
how does that even make sense you mong
to put it simply, youre wrong.
either way, i wasn't addressing how the term was used. its a skate-related word and i was pointing out the absurdity in getting offended that such a word would be used in a thread about skateboarding. so again, irrelevant
nah im a black skater who skates in jeans and a t-shirt
I'm saying that's what hesher clothes are.
g2b fyurr
skates bowls, listens to metal and punk, shows up to the park with a tallboy wrapped in a paper bag.
This is a hesher.
...the fuck is this...
this is fucking shit
Looks gay af, nice reeboks tho
shit fit m8
is this supposed to be skate fashion? this looks like a early 90's tourist.
w2c jacket
andy roy is the heshest man alive
You don't skate either bro. No one calls anyone a fucking "mong"
This look is only acceptable if you shred pools or skate freestyle
otherwise you'll look like a raging faggot
suck my pecker hahahahahaah!
haha that fucking stupid cap
very good
very cool but not appropriate for the thread. this is not hesh
Check the catalog and make sure the thread you're about to make doesn't already exist next time buddy
>not knowing what the insult "mong" actually means