Have you ever seen a Chad interested in history?
Me neighter.
Have you ever seen a Chad interested in history?
Me neighter.
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What is a Chad?
An alpha male
/r9k/'s boogeyman
I fukt hundred slut and lunch history fuck u fag you can't even name all 10 Finnish hyperjedimastercuntd
Someone who is above the age of 20 and knows how social interaction REALLY works.
So anyone not on /r9k/, /pol/,/g/ or/b/?
Or /tv/
Or any board.
It's a trait of the majority of 4chins. Even Veeky Forumss tend to be creepy betas.
/tv/ is pretty much the most normie board.
/trv/ isn't bad minus the sex tourists
I'm a Chad ask me anything.
Sure, I've seen plenty of attractive guys who are crazy about history. In fact being passionate about something probably contributes their attractiveness.
Im 20 with an 8/10 gf who is the best woman Ive ever met.
I don't study history, but I enjoy learning about it on the side to my major courses.
Don't be mad other people are better than you.
All the chads in know take STEM courses
>tfw these fucking plebs will never understand anything other than the material
I'm a Chad and I like history
I don't think the creators of baneposting and cuck memes are normies
What makes you better than OP?
STEM courses and medical related courses like nursing are the last desperate hope of people hoping to not have to work retail or hard physical labor.
The Starbucks barista with a masters degree meme is all too real, soon it will be 'Starbucks baristas with computer engineering degrees' will also be a thing, not just Philosophy degrees.
College bubble will burst harder than the home bubble burst.
Also they bathe more than once every six months, don't (usually) treat women as a god-given right, and improve upon themselves.
You can see why they're /r9k/'s greatest nemesis.
honestly Veeky Forums is the most alpha board in Veeky Forums
>tfw this is me but still no gf
Do you even grammar?
Also yes.
>mfw /r9k/ tries to bring their shitty school-shooter-tier memes into Veeky Forums
If your interested in history your a loser
Kill yourself loser.
is that way.
A handsome man (model tier), knows how to be social and is talented
A landlocked country in northern Central Africa.
I took a class about American capitalism with an econ major frat bro who gave strong Patrick Bateman vibes
Now he posts /leftypol/ memes on my Facebook feed
The only thing worse than a Jewish Communist is a non-Jewish Communist
>having a Facebook account
>liking w*men
>being a gynephile shit
Already lower than me
I saw one with an SPQR tattoo on his arm once. So either he likes Rome or he just really liked the Gladiator movie.
I think of all the arts history has the highest likelihood of interesting Chad-types.
>rating your self worth by the appearance of your girlfriend
>zero mention of anything of your accomplishments, besides get an 8/10 girlfriend
>still feels superior
That's pretty sad, anonymous.
ITT: Salt
kek stay salty you dumb nigger
you dirty faggots need to get back to /r9k/