Why don't you fags exercise? Civilize the mind, and make savage the body.
Why don't you fags exercise? Civilize the mind, and make savage the body
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why be unhappy for others to view me when I'm happy without their notice?
Because I don't have much need for it.
Being sufficiently educated while being a hunk leaves little time for doing anything else.
I used to play football and was in excellent shape
Now i cant deal with being in a gym with random strangers, it makes me nervous
So i do tai chi at home and run.
>why be unhappy for others to view me
>afraid of a little bit of work
Bet you'll achieve great things.
Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor.
If you lift for others you're lifting for the wrong reasons. I used to lift because it was a stress relief. Then I blew out my back, stopped for a little bit, then picked it back up. Now I'm too busy to lift and I have other passions that I enjoy more. You can tell me about that prolosophy shit and whatever, but the bravest and manliest men I know don't oft hit the gym. They are tough in the mind. Pressuring other people to lift makes you look like a cunt.
>Why don't you fags exercise?
But I do user
I hit 375 on my deadlift last week. Feelsgoodman
You missing the whole point proves to me you've never been regularly physically active.
What is the point then? And I wouldn't jump so quickly to conclusions.
I do the absolute minimum in exercising.
I gag a lot when I exercise so it makes it hard.
>reads kant
Congrats user. Nice.
I do exercise, a bit much actually. But outside of work, family, gardening, and study, I don't have many other hobbies.
>powerlifting 2x/week
>rock climbing 3x/week
>Brazilian jiu jitsu + Russian Sambo 3x/week
>running 4x/week
>yoga 6x/week
Great stress relief. I have some body image issues, so when I feel strong and lean I am happier and more confident. What I should really do is get my diet in check. I eat fairly healthy, but should make an effort to double or triple my intake of cruciferous vegetables.
I keep myself in moderate shape but I don't really exercise in the way that my friends do.
t. skinnyfat 70 kg
>being a petty piece of shit who needs to feel superior to others
He brought that unhappiness on himself.
I'll contribute a little more to make this Veeky Forums related.
When I work out, I frequently listen to history or humanities related audiobooks, podcasts, or music. It's a great way to multitask, but can also be quite inspiring.
What's more I frequently think about the physical hardships that were part of history, and often shaped it. Hannibal crossing the Alps, ANZACs storming the cliffs of Gallipoli, Polynesian explorers rowing outrigger canoes across open ocean to settle new islands, the miners and stonemasons and builders that erected the great monuments of antiquity... I try my best to feel empathy for individuals caught in the currents of history, no matter how small.
When I challenge myself physically, I am able to ever so slightly commune with those experiences, share them through the collective cultural memory, and also prepare myself for any future hardships I may have to endure. God knows that the world is facing grave challenges, and our fates even in developed countries in 10, 20, 30, 40 years is uncertain. I plan to be ready.
I'm also a bit of a prepper/survivalist, although I think the best preparation is being a useful member in society and improving your local community.
working out makes you physically superior to most others m8, it isn't a feeling
>Civilize the mind, and make savage the body.
You sound like some corny gym trainer.
I bet you'd also drop Oriental Learning quotes taken out of context.
I agree, OP.
It actually aquires little time. just do pushups and pullups daily, jog for 45 minutes every other day. Try your best to spend your every bit of power until you can't lift your arms. Yes it's supposed to hurt, you get used to it and even like it. I'm fit as fuck but that's mostly because I was forced to do heavy work all the time in the military.
Buff alpha male is literally me, minus the height
But I do lift. I've just been hospitalized for several weeks and got a flue right after that I still have so I haven't been to the gym in almost a month.
fatties detected. Put down that mars bar and lift some weights, its good for mind and body,
I lift 3x a week and I have a black belt judo.
>Not training for the incoming pan-European nationalist revolution
>not medieval knight martial arts
Sounds like you're making excuses. I lift because i like to be and feel strong, it also makes me feel very fit and healthy. I feel like i did at 12 when i used to climb trees and run constantly and do all sorts of crazy shit, i don't feel like a weak old man anymore.
I do. Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums are my boards.
The Greeks had the right idea with their gymnasia.
>This delusion
It sure is hard to not eat like a pig and do some crunches, push-ups and squats.
>When I work out, I frequently listen to history or humanities related audiobooks, podcasts, or music.
I listen to speeches from the Third Reich.
Regardless of your stance towards it, the guys knew how to get someone fired up.
physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death
=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift. I know that it hurts to hear this.
you gag a lot because either you've got respiratory problems or are simply unused to regular exercise. Unless your doctor says otherwise, assume the latter.
Y'know, the first week is the worst, you're sore and exhausted and you've only just woken up, you haven't even done anything yet. Like adulthood!
Eventually, you just sort of build a pattern that repeats itself, and even if there is some sort of soreness or exhaustion you are simply beyond the point of caring, this is simply what you do. Like adulthood.
i tried to lift weights for a while, but since my bechterew got worse i can't really lift much. it sucks
Because my body is all fucked up from personal injury. My right shoulder barely fucking works and my knees are shot to shit. If the weather is about to turn to shit, I know before the fucking meteorologists do. I miss lifting like hell, but my body just can't handle it anymore.
>you are bored aka a failure
>having the most common human feeling is a failure
So you're a supreme human being who's never bored in your whole life? Yeah right
>started going to gym since a few days ago
>tfw have spongebob tier strength and the only thing i can lift without getting hurt after 5 reps is 2 lbs dumbells
One small step one giant leap, r-right?
>tfw Veeky Forumsizen and Veeky Forumstorian
>tfw 8/10 face and IQ of 131
I was regularly physically active. I fucking hated it because it just hammered home how shitty I was as a human being.
Then again I was forced to run, and run, and run. I hate running for the same reason.
I went to the gym for a month with a friend. Actually did some progress, little by little I was adding more kilos to my weights, but I left it.
I'm not fat nor tremendously skinny, I think I'm around the perfect weight in the IMC tough I don't have the strength that other people that goes to the gym have. I'm fine with it. I've always been able to solve my problems talking and I don't expect I'll need to solve them otherwise in the future, but I guess it would be nice to be FUCKING RIPPED UP TOP!
Really tho, I don't have time. When I get home from class I chill for a bit and then read or do something productive, then I have to do homework or study. I've considered exercising at home, like doing pushups and shit like that every day but I've heard that it doesn't really work just doing the same exercise over and over, besides I don't eat healthy. I have a strange situation at home so I don't watch what I eat, there are even days where I forget completely about eating or so 1 meal for the day and I know you need a regular diet to grow some muscle. Say what you want, I'm happy with what I am and what I'm becoming. Would like to practice aim with guns tho.
holy shit dude, what you just said is the reason I go in Veeky Forums. Defiantly gonna try this out
2 lbs dumbbells
two pounds?
you can only lift two pounds?
how do you function in day to day life?
I mean I can lift much more than that obviously but I can't do more than 5-10 reps of dumbbell exercise with heavier dumbbells in my gym without feeling pain and forcing the reps.
Is it better to do a few reps with a couple of heavy dumbbells or 25 reps with a couple of 2 pound dumbbells? I'm a newfag at this stuff.
Shit actually meant 15 per sets
But then I'm too sore to exercise the next day
Those two should fukk
Veeky Forumsizens ate bro-tier on their own board. Everywhere else and you're a bunch of obnoxious cunts.
I like the thought of empathizing with hardships. I will try.
Thanks based user
I do exercise. I've been practicing kickboxing and fighting amateur matches ever since high school.
I used to also play pick up basketball and football all the time too, but fuck me it's too hard to get enough people together anymore, last time I played I was still in uni.
>tfw only 265 lbs deadlift, but progressing every week
>also only 187 lbs squats
I'm 6 feet 2 inches and weight exactly 200 lbs today
>tfw converting glorious European measurements so that U.S-bros can understand.
Been going to the gym 5 times per week for the last month. Lost like 12 kg.
I have no life apart from university stuff, working out and internet.
At least i had a gf.
These were my main motivations when I used to lift and you articulated them beautifully. I really want to connect with that mindset again but have grown content this past year.
There is no definitive answer to ''which rep range is better'', but in general I'd advise lower reps on your main working sets and higher reps on acessories.
Also read this: fitsticky.squarespace.com
real shit m8
Thanks for the advice and the link senpai
>Veeky Forums- History and Humanities
Get the fuck out.