You're forced to live in either Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome -- which one would you pick, and why?
You're forced to live in either Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome -- which one would you pick, and why?
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I'd pick Athens over Rome, but Rome over Sparta.
Depends on which part of Greece.
What time period?
Athens at its peak
Western empire at its peak
Rome because I don't like gaysex that much.
both rome and greece are known for being kiddie fondlers desu
But it's a meme, it's a greek thing and in Rome it was mostly done by rich degenerate helaboos.
Greece, because I like not being a pleb.
no, this is a meme. there is nothing true about what you said
Learning Latin would probably be easier for me than learning Greek
legit the most retarded reason so far
Why not both?
Greece because I'm a poor fag.
>There are more people who vote for the WRE
So you guys like the BBC?
>Implying you couldn't live a far superior life as an Imperial Roman IN occupied Ancient Greece
Rome cause of all the hookers available.
Greece is constantly in turmoil except in a few good spots, while Rome was economically and militarily stable for at least two good stretches that each lasted centuries.
rome. plumbing.
Life as a Roman Citizen was probably pretty chill.
You weren't expected to be a hoplite or some stupid bullshit, and you could live in a society that reflects the modern First World more than any other civilization in the history of Man.
Being a Plebeian baker of some shit was probably cash as all fuck, except for some rare instances.
I mean, I wouldn't want to live near the end of the Republic or the Imperial era, but other than that, I'd be good.
In fact, I'd argue that Rome is the only time in Ancient History that a Modern could conceivably live.
Most practical reason so far
Ancient Greek wanderlust would b gr8 family
Unless you are a Patrician living in Rome would be no different than living in a guetto or refugee camp in any modern metropolis: dirty, unhygienic, multicultural, impersonal and dangerous. In Ancient Athens even a homeless man could be a dignified citizen. In Rome Diogenes wouls have been trampled and lynched by spoiled Patrician kids. In Athens he discoursed with philosophers and emperors.
Diogenes died a slave.
Plus, you're over looking the Equestrian families
Greece because it was HELLA cool lmao! xD
Patrician tier opinions my friend.
How is everyone not picking Rome? Imagine a bunch of worthless potheads sitting around a fire talking about all their cool ideas about life and stuff.
Thats Greece.
Now Imagine a bunch of High-powered executives doing coke on a plane before fucking the stewardesses, making phone calls to secure the capital for their next business venture. They also foil a terrorist plot before the plane lands, with their bare hands.
Thats Rome
Because we feel like visualizing something other than the current society.
I'd at least want to die fighting for the empire and gain the chance to get some Barbarian booty. Also watching chariot races and gladiator games would be nice.
Greece, that is Athens, was just like a shittier version of modern Society, though, like Greece.
If you want an alien world, go live in the middle ages or among the Steppe Tribes or something.
>Greeks saved Western Civilization from the P*rsians at the Battle of Salamis
>Rome literally destroyed every civilization in the region before collapsing under their own incompetence
I will grant that maniples are better than Phalanxes.
>Actual, Pure, Direct Democracy
>Olympic Games
>Gay Sex
>Politics, Politics, Politics
>Fuck a Slave Whore
>Die in some cold swamp fighting snowniggers
Greece obviously.
>wanting a small dick
Wog internet defence force in full force I see. Athens had culture and advancement, rome was just the US with even dumber plebs
>Picking the most meme tier polis
Reminder that true upperclass Athenians were laconoboos for a reason.
Rome hands down
Sorry, I can't hear you over the Battle of Salamis.
is that even a question? i want my whores painted with lead and my toilets with plumbing pls
Greece because I'm a theatre lover
You mean shitting in the field, showering once a month, and sharing your wife with other Spartans.
Nice. I always imagined I'd like to be born under Nerva and then live my life during the reign of the five good emperors. I get to experience Rome at its height without having to go through extended periods of civil war and political instability. Pretty based.
After the divide of the empire? Pax romana was a way better period.
Ancient Rome any day. Living anywhere in Italy during the pax romana >>>>>> any greek city state.
I was going to vote Rome because in Rome I could at least have more opportunities, a better place in society and even chance at managing my own life as a woman (husband permitting) instead of being forced to stay home all my life. But then I remembered I spend almost all of my free time closed in my room and I hate going out or even interacting with people in the first place.
Still voted Rome though, I would have loved to have experienced the whole Ceasar-war-Augustus fuckery in person.
>not going back in time to greece to discuss philosophy and natural philosophy with all the OGs
you could drop five feet of astronomy textbooks on the romans and they'd use them to throw at the barbarians
I would live the diogenes life
There where probably some bronze age civs that can e close to that
Though thinking about it, if you dazzled your way into a high enough position in rome you could probably develop gunpowder and possibly cannons if you know how
goddamn I love thinking about historical time travel
In Rome, I would be more likely to not be executed for being a wise radical person, so I choose Rome.
them baths, man
Ancient Greece if I got to explore the world and start a new colony
Yeah, Greeks had that habit of exiling or executing unpopular people. Hell yeah, direct democracy at the mercy of the mob.
Romans spoke Greek, not Latin.
Educated and wealthy Romans would know some Greek. It wasn't common to speak it over Latin.