metal frame/frameless edition
post all questions about glasses itt
pro tip: transparent frames are kill
metal frame/frameless edition
post all questions about glasses itt
pro tip: transparent frames are kill
transparent frames is kill*
urgh when does this pedo trucker manlet hipster shit will end
>inb4 muh normcore constanza 90s kys
did a guy with a mustache steal your girlfriend or what?
nope but that art school look is trigerring me
>tfw u only got ur transparent frames just now cause i couldnt find them anywhere last year
Also, i have a pair of aviator as my presc lens. I know i guys hate them but i dont care
plz essplain
are plastic/transparent frame really played out ? just want your opinion guys
nuturd pls
single mothers should be banned
they lead to balless bois
Opinions on these ones?
I had them for two years already. Some people say I look good in them and others say I don't.
I like them mostly because the only other people I've seen them wearing them are old folks, literally never seen a young guy or girl with these glasses.
they will certainly make you look triggered
When it comes to glasses, you should always buy what best suits your facial structure. Ignore everything but that, and once you have some options narrowed down, then you can look at their aesthetic.
once again, this thread boutta get shat on by /pol/
>you should always buy what best suits your facial structure
the problem is that there is no objective gauge for this, it's completely arbitrary.
Things being played out really depends on where you live and your social enviroment.
If you live on Portland and have seen hundreds of hipsters wearing them, then they're played out. If you live in Uzbekistan and literally never seen anybody else wearing them, then they're not played out.
This goes for anything, really. A bunch of nerds on an imageboard can tell you "X is played out" but you gotta notice that for yourself.
It's like, if I make judgments purely on what's posted here I could say Lil Yachty is a famous celebrity superstar. But I know perfectly well that nobody in my country ever heard of him and that none of his songs will ever be played at a club
protip:if you're good looking you can pull off anything
if you arent you should stick to basic bitch shit
>nice glasses, are they prescriptioned or do you just wear them to look cool?
Does this happen to you too? The idea of using glasses just to look good is so fucking retarded to me. Like only 12 year old girls do that. Do people see me and think I'm as stupid as a 12 year old girl?
yes they are, don't cop.
But they're right though. An oval frame will look bad on an oblong face, square looks bad on square face, etc. You should get a contrasting frame shape, such as a rectangular frame on a round face.
generally, if you have a round face, get square frames.
If you have a square face, round frames.
contrast is the name of the game.
pedo core
that only happens if your glasses are comically large and look like shitty forever 21 accessories or those 3D glasses.
stay away from warby parker and eye buy direct trash if you want to avoid that type of convo.
I have pic related, am lightskin paki, the problems is that every other brown pajeet has the same glasses. These look good on me, I have an oval face. Pls help, what kind of glasses should I get next?
round metal frames
>that only happens if your glasses are comically large and look like shitty forever 21 accessories or those 3D glasses.
you overestimate people. any frame that differs from the norm will get this response, trust me. especially in small towns.
Thank you, I will look at some, I might look like some kind of Harry Potter guy though
i guarantee the glasses you wear fit my description, post a picture of them.
What about an oval face
try these, they're a little less dramatic than the perfect round style.
not that guy but I get those kinds of comments wearing ones very similar to these
Thanks user
those glasses look ridiculous thats why.
>thinks basic aviators look ridiculous
opinion: dismissed
not if they don't look well on his face
it's better to have unfashionable glasses that fit you well
What kind of frames are these/what are they called?
Would they look good on a guy with a cute/feminine face?
People compliment my eyes regularly, what frames would be good at bringing my eyes out?
they do on anyone under the age of 40
lets drop the face shape meme, like yes it does matter but it's not end game. the size of the frame is just as important.
they are clubmasters and they have been played out since 2010
My frames
patbateman wannabe tier
i have two similar pairs from moscot, semi round frames are very versatile works great for many face shapes
good choice
mass killer/10
What's the exact model name? Are these legitimate or a replica?
Quite happy with these, brought them over a pair of round metal frames.
Waiting on my moscot lemtosh pair to be delivered and fitted with lenses, not sure whether I picked the right size for my face though.
Kind of regretted paying this much and would probably get oliver people's sheldrake over them if I could get them for cheaper.
square that is deeper than it is wide
good philosophy on this, ya'll all should listen
for example, I wear pic related. they were played out when I got them three years ago in my area. I'm still wearing them, and since they're out of cycle, they work and look unique. just be like your dad and wear the same thing for years.
>big ass logos on the arms
absolutely disgusting
tacky brandwhore
thank you for your constructive input, friendo :^)
I'm bored with my thick rimmed meme glasses. What goes for a male with an oval face?
looks like riley+r to me
why would you possibly want those words on your face
Best glasses for thick lenses? Don't think rimless will work at my prescription.
Contacts are not an option.
where can i get some of these frames?
I've got lame ass glasses like these. Looked for a nice pair for a while and never really liked how they look on my face.
I think the first five pictures of people wearing them look p bad desu
I've got a few transparent/translucent ones and get plenty of QTs telling me they love them.
Here's a qt wearing my glasses
Mine are black though not tortoise shell
the quality of moscot? cop? y/n?
mad cuz poor
c/n? Or should I get the silver? I tried them on and they look good on my face.
>same galsses im wearing
Nice taste my dude
not a big fan of the bridge
well If they look good then get them
Theyre yuppies
As I said earlier I'm waiting on a pair, they seemed pretty okay quality wise although the silver details are sticker-like and not actual pieces of metal to hold the screws as they usually are.
>that nsoe
i have 2 pairs, been very happy with both.
silver is more versatile
nah, you have shit taste.
One of my all time favorites is the Decor C line by Cartier. I wish i could afford it. Does anyone know some similar designes?
r8 my frames famille
Should I cop? Ray Ban Rx3447 in a gold frame. Really liking the round frame aesthetic.
This might be a stupid question, but are these sunglasses even though the lens is clear? I want to try to put prescription lenses on these but in case that doesn't work I wouldn't mind just having them as sunglasses.
haha happen to me all the time..Those subhuman i swear
what size did you get? I'm very very worried that the 46 I ordered will end up being huge like this.
the glasses i ordered are not the same frame...they are semi round so that might skew the comparison any way the size is 45-22-142
the new round metal frames i bought are 41-21-135 and they look great.
you should have got a 44 desu
Those look a tiny bit too small for him though, and that guy is a chink thus I believe a bit smaller than me (I'm 1.83m by my latest measurement).
Going to get these soon. I think they're cute.
These are prescription but you could make them sunglasses if you wanted i suppose. I want these frames badly tho.
those aren't clubmasters desu
Here's my ideal fit, but I'm not sure if the 46 I got will get me there.
Nah they are ugly af, won't look good nor cute
okay well browline*
Ah yes that makes sense as to why you'd get them, you illiterate fuck
>tfw wanted thin metal frames for two years ago
>finally saved up to buy some expensive ones and done my research so they fit my face and all that
>now everyone has them
what kind of frame would suit my face? I'd been doing thin metal square frames for a while but they are so fragile and easily bent im done with them for now, before that id use some fossil frame. I just dont really know what shape suits my face best
I always forget that huck was actually very Veeky Forums, but was on the board at the wrong time. sure he had a lot of misses, but he had a pretty cool style.
tfw your face is so small you need to buy kid's glasses
google half circle readers
>tfw my friend was asking me if they should buy a pair
>tell them no they look stupid
>buy a pair for myself this year
>love them
any places i can get round metal frames w/ prescription, i've looked at lenscrafters nd sheeit but i cant find any that arent huge
got my pair from frames direct they are the john Lennon walrus