Are dark circles/eye bags effay?
Panda eyes
If already atractive yes, like any other thing, if not, no.
I got some Ian Curtis dark circles since ever
I love this flaw
They make u look old & haggard AF. Don't bother w creams, etc. It's genetics + stress (lack of sleep, dehydration, etc.) Get Restylane shot fr an Asian (preferably Korean) dr. who has that delicate touch.
Dorothy Parker bf heartbreaks & alcohol
Her after...
Good thing I don't dig alcohol
Well I'm still having a "baby face" at my 22 everytime I shave. People still saying I look like 19.
Most be because I didn't drink and smoke as much as my friends at the time.
If not drinks & drugs, heartache will rob your youth. Nothing ages like hard core love
Both are in b&w
How many time has past between each pic?
Dunno but after 3 marriages. The lives of famous writers are often short & miserable. In DP's case, it was LONG & miserable
I been there
Now I kinda feel a little old to be in love again.
how to fix them? Get healthy sleep, dont go into sun to often. I feel cursed.
>tfw when cousin says she cant imagine me without acne
>tfw 3 acne meds prescribed by derm
Can it get much worse?
Just go with accutane and its derivatives. Seriously, if you have cystic acne, nothing else will work.
Feel bad. The last time I saw my ex he looked like shit. Aged like 5 yrs instantly w permanent deep grooves under his eyes. Meanwhile I'm in this weird Dorian Gray trap--I look so good better than ever in life after break up but I'm wretched wo him
The thing about me is those late years I got insomnia but the dark circles are with me since I was a kid.
Ironicly, when I'm too much time without sleep my dark circles fade away.
If u r guy, u no have to worry abt getting pregnant. If it's rly rly bad, go for it
Yeah I kinda feel like you user.
Relationships are worst than cigarettes.
Just stay chill you will age slowly
Lol worse than heroin. Perfect, skin, perfect figure, perfect clothes--mangled heart. I felt happier when I was w my ex, 10 lbs heavier on the pill. He didn't care I wasn't perfect ;( I miss him
soo should I be getting more, or less sleep?
You are just being retarded right now
get some sleep. you need it for the 9th grade
im 18 and that stings a bit
Get enuf sleep. If u sleep too much it will make your eyes puffy; too little, u get dark circles. U also need to exercise for good circulation. Also keep hydrated. Did so much research on dark circles bc my ex was self conscious abt them n wanted to help
how much is enough?
I guess is just easier when you are a guy and after the break only care about fuck and not much about having someone that you can actually talk and feeling handsome even without having a perfect bod
7-8 hrs. If u sleep more than that it's bc u r stressed so u need to relieve that w exercise, meditation, good sex, etc. Control sugar/caffeine bc it will make u crash. If u sleep less than that, it also means u r stressed out abt something--face your demons.
That catches up w u tho. Sooner or later. And bc u know, u r stuck w a rebound
I sleep about 9 hours since its summer
>good sex
list is impossible
Everything I can control--except good sex. That just abt takes care of everything--it's a stress busting spiritual cardio.
that little twink body isn't 18 no matter what you say
>dark rings
>not bruised sockets
get on my level pleg
Underage fag
I get this response 100 percent of the time I ever post a pic
my baby face is strong
this is depressing
post ID or i repot u
what do
u first baby face
Start to workout so you can increase your testosterone
Sissy bitch.
male Grimes
Before or after she became a gross bitch?
although I think she looks gross in half of her pictures I can totally see what you mean
post proof or enjoy your ban