Post words when you just stop reading
Post words when you just stop reading
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Cuck, multiculturalism, nigger, and sjw all let me know someone has no clue what they're spouting
I'd say cultural marxism you buy you adjust diets covered that
Negroe is a better indicator. It shows the poster has deluded themselves that using a less offensive term makes their point any more credible.
People who outright say 'nigger' are usually memeing. Usually.
Whenever Ayn Rand is referenced unironically.
What the fuck, there's nothing wrong with using the world multiculturalism. The rest I agree on tho.
Neo-liberal is one that triggers me.
>white genocide
>white guilt
>regressive left
And to keep things fair
>fascist referring to anyone but neo-nazis and other real outspoken fascists
I have never seen a post on Veeky Forums where multiculturalism is used in a sound argument, except when in a reply to an idiot who used it first
all cuck thread
>literally has triggerwords
Actually literally just go back to tumblr
>A new study has shown
You know what, you didn't read that paper. And you know no one else did or probably can either. And even if we do read the paper we will find that the title is wildly more far reaching than the mixed conclusions of the in depth study and much of the methodology is highly suspect. Also no replication. You fucking liar.
Not triggerwords as much as words that are a warning to
>discard opinion
Telling people to go to tumblr is one I forgot, thanks
This thread has nothing to do with triggers. It has to do with words commonly used by retards on this board, so when you see a post using them, you can safely assume it was written by a retard and thus there's no point in wasting your time reading it.
A trigger word would be a word that causes trauma in someone, as in if they read or hear the word they literally have a breakdown. That's not at all similar to the point of this thread.
For a board constantly using the word "trigger" /pol/acks sure have no fucking clue what the word actually means in that context.
When dealing with racists..
Sometimes it gets even more ridiculous
And then suddenly
For me the word is retard.
Therefore i disregarded your entire post
Why is this an insult again?
you're just as guilty of using it as a buzzword
Too be honest all politics and economice is pretty much the epitome of pseudoscience
>regressive left
Yes user, this is a thing. Refugees are also massively unpopular, congrats about finding that out.
And you're free to do so.
We won't lose any sleep over it.
Back in the day people with down syndrome or other birth defects, since those often include a flat face and epicanthic folds, were described as "Mongoloid" for obvious reasons. You can imagine how it evolved from there.
Words can always be used differently. Person can say multiculturalism as in promoting it, worshipping it, hating it or namecalling. Same goes for any other word.
Generally though, right wing edgy poltards are impossible to have a conversation with.
>Cultural Marxism
I still have no idea what the fuck this is supposed to mean and the definition seems to change depending on who you ask.
>emotion based opinion
isn't this pretty much all opinions? they all seem to stem from some sort of emotional reaction to something
> >Holy
> >Roman
> >Empire
Marxist ideals being preached through culture rather than being forced through a revolution.
"enjoy hell"
>Cultural Marxism
>Hyper war
>Clay (as land)
And so much more
What is wrong with this.
Honestly i don't see a lot of abolishment of private property being pushed for in my daily life
Neither do the people you hear it from 99% of the time. In general it just refers to non-right wing political ideas.
It's just pseudoarchaic (throw that on the list but still) memetalk that would not be harmful on its own but I have always encountered it in the company of the most irrational and immature right-wing opinions so I can't help associating it with the rest on the list.
It implies they're a shithead /gsg/ player
'Marxist ideals' is used very loosely here and it's unrelated to ownership of private property. A more accurate goal would be to weaken the people while establishing a powerful state.
It's just an /int/ meme. And /int/ is just vaguest hint of mock-nationalism used to fuel poorly informed historical shit-flinging fights. If /int/ is too right wing for you, I don't know how you stand any of the boards
>Redpill me on x
So what words can I use to discredit your bogus sources that won't harm your delicate sensibilities?
>literally hating Veeky Forums memes
fuck off back to r**dit
Only newfags enjoy reposting the same stale memes over and over again.
That and autists. They find repetitive behavior soothing.
> cuck
I liked it better when it was just kek
>cultural marxism
cuck gets a pass
Clay meme comes from the original remove kebab video from around 2009. This is the first time I've seen someone assblasted about it.
I wonder how would ole Genghis feel if he discovered his race is now a synonym for a retard.
>ancestor from a rock
>class traitor
>race traitor
>Sky fairy
>bronze age fairy tails
>white genocide
>The Jew
>"Europe" referred to as a singular and united entity that is culturally homogeneous and with no internal differences whatsoever
>redpill me on x
>cultural marxism
>fascism when referring to someone isn't a fucking fascist
Multiculturalism gets a pass
>the people
Nigger, Jew, kike and cuck are the indications of a low IQ stormnigger who should be ignored.
> Holy
> Fucking
> Shit
>Redpill (Implying that there is some hidden truth the public is not told)
>Politically correct
It is not a conspiracy theory that there is knowledge that the government does not immediately release
You do realize that has nothing to do with "liberulz" and SJW's or Democrats and the like.
It describes a system of austerity and free trade agreements designed to keep developing nations in debt, and has nothing to do with the American variant of the term Liberal.
>scientific terms
>our culture
>society should
>we need to
>'Marxist ideals' is used very loosely here and it's unrelated to ownership of private property. A more accurate goal would be to weaken the people while establishing a powerful state.
So then, the opposite of Marxist ideals?
I can't remember the last time I read the phrase "redpill" used in such a context.
Usually it's just a euphemism for "Give me a reason this is the fault of the Jews."
>disliking Rand
Evening, Comrade
>reading a book
>suddenly the author falls for the teleological history meme
but it totally is okay to be a douchebag, you just need to define the right context
rand fucked up, she was never a mother. her ideas would've had a ton more traction if she invoked everyone's un-questioned right to do absolutely anything for their progeny
>Gleefully paying tens of thousands of dollars to attend college
You realize you can literally attend university in Germany tuition free... as an American.
tell me more, but I have to learn German and how is living costs over there?
You'll have to do the rest of the legwork yourself.
>cultural Marxism
It's a meaningless umbrella term encompassing anything fringe right wingers don't like.
You have to prove to Germany's intrusive nanny state that you have a certain amount of money in your bank account for some reason.
They won't let you in unless you have like 10 k in savings I think.
I fucking hate this
My hack professor made me read Hardt and Negri's Empire and holy shit I wanted to shoot myself
Why are Marxists so fucking stupid. Literally all of their beliefs completely collapse under the slightest amount of historiographic analysis.
Thanks time for more dream chasing. I hope they're okay with a Moslem. A little cliché for Germany though.
>Bach on piano
>philharmonic orchestra
>programme music
>"golden ratio" or any other numerology bulshit used in the composition
>John Cage
>and the definition seems to change depending on who you ask.
This is also true for regular marxism/communism
>Veeky Forums
I assume that literally everyone on this board is retarded and doesn't understand what they are talking about. Even I don't get a free pass.
And yet this is supposedly one of the better boards
At least most other boards don't have such a large concentration of college student pseudos.
come some please explain this thing with Voltaire because it's literally the only meme that Veeky Forums desperately clings on to
Hey cuck
lmao look at that cuck guys
Are you triggered?
Go back to your safe space
Hold up, you stop reading when someone refers to pseudoscience, or when they call something pseudoscience? Because pseudoscience is a very real thing and you're probably a fucking moron in the latter case.
Yes, but 9/10 when someone uses the phrase they are simply referencing a perfectly legitimate scientific finding that doesn't fit their worldview.
Then again, 9/10 anyone posts anything around here it's because something perfectly factual doesn't fit their worldview.
>Neo liberal
THIS. Literally a leftist buzzword.
>all these monumental newfaggots who don't know the origin of the clay meme
>Look at the author's surname
>stop reading if his surname sounds Jewish
>Palestine doesn't exist
>Remember Millions
>But, the Israelis are Just defending itself!
>Hitler, The worst man that has lived on the earth...
On the other hand..
>World Wide White Pride
>politically correct
You forgot "white genocide"
libtard and reverse rascism are another.
also when people go "b-but muh group is oppressed too!" as a counterargument.
always wondered why that skull type was found among Somalians for some reason.
Pottery should be made of stone or wood, not dirt.
>black nationalist
>Reich wing
To these "people" anything that isn't black is racist
Sorry, do you prefer the term "race realist"?
Also putting the word people in quotations when referring to others isn't the best practice if you want anyone to think you are an open minded person
I don't consider leftists to be real people :)
They aren't scientific terms though, they're not an accurate cladistic taxonomy.