what are effay drinks?
What are effay drinks?
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always remember to stay hydrated
>not sparkling water
robutussin & md urself my man
fiji water, distilled hand sanitizer (salt + coffee filter), roofalin, promethazine with codeine + sprite or what have you, whatever the fuck that liquid vicodin is called, arnold palmers, 4loko, hennessy. maybe some other stuff idk thats what i can think of off top.
soda water is pretty dope too i agree
i always get that shit at the dining hall but when im back home i drink tap water : )
oh probably also that fitness tea stuff.
>drinking anything from plastic bottles
drink from the tap senpai
people actually drink this? i thought its just a tastier alternative to pepto-bismol
>tap water
>gunpowder, birth control, flouride, and a myriad of other shit
>not drinking a designer tapwater blend with the perfect proportions of those substances
Not him but ginger ale is the drink of Kings.
Also pic related is a very effay and tasty drink
Expensive coffee
Expensive scotch
yes yes, aloe juice stay healthy and culturally blesst
Or espresso.
winner alright
charls makes some good tap.
thanks froggo
Fiji is the lowest tier water, absolutely disgusting
xD xD Bleach Meme Kys xD
Easily the most aesthetic drink.
>you just KNOW they banged
They changed the bottle design.
what? are you fucking autistic? it tastes like decent clean water you fucking idiot.
>those last three lines
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on soylent / coffiest?
For a good month after reading American Psycho I drank nothing but Evian water.
It tastes like shit even when it's cold tho.
Will I get a buzz?
retarded but good for dieting
fuck yes
the sugar is kinda high, but other than that, it's fantastic
+1 for it's subtle flavor, easily the best "sports drink"
>Try hard weeaboo shit.
Noticed that too, taste good though.
So creamy
>shipping water from fiji around the world
>a literally superfluous act
>in an attempt to appear ostentatious
environmentally destructive processes are not Veeky Forums lads