Did the French ever make much of an attempt to convert the Muslims in their colonial clay to Christianity?

Did the French ever make much of an attempt to convert the Muslims in their colonial clay to Christianity?

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We taught them that their ancestors were from gaul and most muslims drank alcohol before the independance and now the radicalization.
I think its quite a success

Yep, Guiana, Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Martinique... Everywhere but the lost clays in fact.


>it is 2016 and France is still a colonial power

Charles De Gaulle was a Fascist who picked the winning side. Get it together frogs.

No, but neither did the British (who owned Egypt, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan and many others of the current most terrible islamic shitholes)

not really. of course, like in everything they do, they made an institution claiming to do it, but that is just a way to keep control over the subjected ones so they dont do anything on their own and dont fully acquire the french way. they keep them in an empty in between so the frenchies can keep their fragile security over what they do.

if it makes you sleep at night, leftie cuck

There was no muslims in these places.

They did actually try to convert the berbers, as it was perceived that their nationalistic tendencies would support abandoning the arabs religion and returning to that which was theirs before the conquest.
It didn't work well.

They said "become Christian and you'll be a citizen", but there was so much resentment that even less religious Arabs would not age wanted to become French

They never said that. A choice was given between being subject to religious law and becoming a citizen subject to French civil law, but converting was not required.

>be berber
>convert to islam
>raid europe for centuries
>some frog comes and tells me to become pagan again
>mfw no face

North Africa was Christian before Arabs came.




Those French chicks should have known better than to visit busy cafes.

>not demonic paganism
Since when is Christianity pagan? Unlike you, we actually worship God.

Various degrees of organisation.

>Je me suis trouvé pendant quinze ans à Dakar avec trois millions de musulmans, cent mille catholiques et quatre cent mille animistes, et si pendant ces quinze ans on a pu convertir dix musulmans, c'est un maximum. Je veux dire les convertir vraiment, les faire passer de l'islam au catholicisme. Je ne dis pas qu'il n'y ait pas eu une certaine influence catholique grâce à nos écoles où nous avions jusqu'à 10 à 15% de musulmans. Je n'en voulais pas davantage, sinon ils auraient imposé l'islam dans nos écoles. Une fois qu'ils sont forts, ils s'imposent, prennent la tête du mouvement et essayent de convertir les autres. Quand ils sont faibles, ils écoutent et se taisent. Les jeunes gens qui ont été dans nos écoles ont certainement été influencés, peut être certains d'entre-eux ont-ils désiré le baptême c'est très possible. Mais c'est très difficile pour un jeune homme de se convertir au catholicisme, car il est chassé de sa famille, il sait qu'il risque même d'être empoisonné. [...] Il n'y a que ceux qui sont étudiants en université qui arrivent à se convertir parce qu'ils sont indépendants. Ils savent que leur avenir est assuré; dont ils n'ont plus besoin de leur famille et partiront en Europe, ils peuvent se convertir. Mais convertir quelqu'un qui est dans sa famille, c'est pratiquement impossible. En inspirant la religion islamique; le démon a véritablement empêché la conversion de millions d'hommes.
>Archbishop Lefebvre, founder of the SSPX

Good quote, where did you find it?

>not demonic paganism
uh Islam is monotheistic. or is paganism just a buzzword to you?


Nice forced meme you got here

Nice buzzword, denial and refusal to read historical facts my clueless friend who knows nothing about the origins of Islam.

I bet you're a muslim too since you didn't attack the user who called Christianity pagan. Silly Abd Al-Makir.

You worship a demonic spirit who wants to be God and everytime you pray towards his image in the prostitute Kaaba in Mecca, he rubs his hands.

Christianity and Islam same difference.

Same difference? No.

The abomination which muslims call "Allah" is not what arab Christians call Allah, i.e. God.

>For when God made a promise to Abraham, since He had no one greater by whom to swear, He swore by Himself.
Hebrews 6:13

Pic related, we see that "Allah" does not swear by himself. Instead, "Allah" implies that the stars, the moon, the 'brilliance' of the sun, and a man-made city are greater than Allah - the very things he is supposed to have created. He even swears by such menial things as fruits which is not surprising since "Allah" is Satan and in the Holy Bible Satan is described as:
>"the god of this world" (2 Cor 4:4)
>"the whole world lies in the power of the evil one" (1 Jn 5:19)
>"the prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2)
>"the ruler of this world" (Jn 12:31)


>Charles De Gaulle was a Fascist who picked the winning side
I think that was pretty obvious
He was also a major piece of shit and set up a broken political system to pander to his Napoleon fetish while still assuming a pretense of democracy
He also figuratively shat his pants in anger when people started disagreeing with him, fled Paris in May '68
He was a hypocrite and an incompetent that never did anything worth of note apart from war-time advertisement and I can't help but REEEEE when anyone mentions this cunt
Both muslims and christians worship Satan and that is a fact

You're gonna need a bigger bait.

since religions are made up anything anyone says about them is canon :^)

>look mom I shitposted!

at least I'm not using a trip :^]