can you give me one example of a western or middle eastern civilisation that flourished or accomplished anything without us jews living in it?
Can you give me one example of a western or middle eastern civilisation that flourished or accomplished anything...
Other urls found in this thread:
The Ottoman Empire
Nazi Germany. It accomplished killing you.
Ancient Persia
Well I mean, Rome did pretty well and it was mostly concerned with crushing you guys' shitty revolts until a cult-like offshoot of some guy you killed took off. Or are you suggesting that just because Jews were conquered by / existed inside a successful civilization that they helped?
Yes, he is, and he's simultaneously implying that the only reason Jews were ever spared in medieval times was because the nobility couldn't afford to kill the only people in Europe who were capable of lending money reliably. This was because European goyim occupied themselves with physical labor, including expensive wars that basically never ended and which defined the structure of feudal society, and devotion to Christ, which Jews obviously refuse to go along with. Meanwhile, the Jews, being excluded from all of the important and respectable positions in society, filled in the cracks. They became a thorn in the side of Christendom: without their accursed usury, there wouldn't be as many wars, because there wouldn't be as many reliable creditors, and there wouldn't be as much funding for them.
Every time Jews become important players in society, they enter into a parasitic or symbiotic relationship with the people who rely on the goods and services that they bring with them. This is true in the contemporary world as much as it was true in the medieval and ancient worlds.
Pic related, Jews and the State cooperating to put down a potential insurrection.
>that flourished or accomplished anything
well memed
What are you implying? That because the contemporary people are stateless, the territory has never been home to people who lived in Palestine and did great things? The Crusader states alone are great accomplishments.
>Nazi Germany. It accomplished killing you.
Jewish scientists and engineers contributed massively to Germany's technological superiority, and I think you'll find that things went rather badly for Germany not long after they started killing Jews. So your edgy answer is actually totally wrong on multiple levels.
a meme that keeps on giving, yum.
yes, we jews are responsible for all western civilisation. Whites never accomplished anything without jews. All intelligent europeans have jewish heritage whether they know it or not
That doesn't look like an argument. I know you people have no shame and will lie about anything, but come on. At least put your unnaturally high average IQ to use.
>you people
I'm not the OP, and why should I waste my time arguing with a fucking retard such as yourself? the only reason why I still reply is because it entertains me to watch how much of a bafoon you make out of yourself.
Ancient Sumerians
>I'm not the OP
Are you Jewish?
>the only reason why I still reply is because it entertains me to watch how much of a bafoon you make out of yourself.
I'm entertained by your buffoonery, too.
>the classic "I'm only entertaining this frivolous discussion because it amuses me, dear boy!"
This doesn't make you look intelligent, it makes you look like a pretentious fedora.
No, BUT I live in jewistan (no kidding, I can even provide a pic of my passport) and I can see why reasonable people would have justified reasons to hate jews, BUT I can't see why any reasonable person would support the palis, they weren't fucking present in the area up until the ottomans were in need of workers for their railroads so they brought people from surrounding areas to work, and they didn't even call themselves palis untill 67'.
It kinda does, but it's still entertaining to watch people defend the palis while 8/10 times hating when rapefugees come to their countries.
You obviously know nothing about Spanish history. Spain had the largest Jewish populations in Europe until the monarchy tried to force them to convert.
>BUT I can't see why any reasonable person would support the palis,
I just said that the Crusader states were major accomplishments, not that the contemporary Palestinians have a better case than Israel does. You're strawmanning pretty hard here.
> but it's still entertaining to watch people defend the palis while 8/10 times hating when rapefugees come to their countries.
Nobody here has done anything like that, though.
>until the monarchy tried to force them to convert.
You mean when Spain as an entity started accomplishing things?
I was infering since most of the times this kind of slippery-slope leads to full blown shilling for the pali side. I admit I went too far by assuming that, but taking in mind that the board is overflown with commies and /pol/acks I hope you can understand.
Go back to destroying your own economy Franco.
I do understand, I just think your entire way of going about this is wrong. I think that living in Israel, having an Israeli passport, and being neither a Jew nor an activist working with underrepresented groups seeking representation in a state makes you a colonial oppressor at best and a collaborator at worst. You're a weight on the Jewish state and on the causes of those who are genuinely suffering human rights abuses at its hands. Get the fuck out of Israel, goy, nobody wants you there but your contractor. You'd have to be stupid to be a non-Palestinian goy living in that country.
What does Franco have to do with the Reconquista?
Of course not.
Bayer, Krupps, Thyssen, BMW, Volkswagen, Siemens, these are from goyim and the 50th biggest german corporations were made by goyim.
Planck, Hertz, Leibniz, Hilbert, Ohm, Heisenberg, goyim.
Please, don't be a liar my hooknose friend, I know you guys like that but still.
Jews were asskicked from everywhere because they counted money better than everyone.
When they had to make bread, agriculture, fight.... Nobody.
gtfo out here with this liberal minorities loving bullshit. Do you even correlation/causation sir??? Jews did not cause these civilizations to become great, these civilizations made their citizens, including the jews, to accomplish great things.
fuck outta here dawg.
Don't really care about the palis since they're as much of a retarded scum as their rapefugee cousins, and I manage to live pretty comfortably here even tho I'm a goy. I'll probably move when the demographic changes would turn out against me(too much ayyyrabs and/or haredim), but now I'm pretty good so no thanks.
>Don't really care about the palis since they're as much of a retarded scum as their rapefugee cousins,
Do you care about human rights abuses and the suffering of human beings? Because that is happening there, whether or not it's deserved. It's something you ought to think about, especially if you're posting on a history forum.
>and I manage to live pretty comfortably here even tho I'm a goy. I'll probably move when the demographic changes would turn out against me(too much ayyyrabs and/or haredim), but now I'm pretty good so no thanks.
Why are you there now?
we were there. Thats were we came from originally.
we jews invented all the maths and science and we jews run those companies
>Jews were asskicked from everywhere because they counted money better than everyone.
they were bloody peasants jealous of we jews
You're still bloody Jews.
>yfw op isnt even jewish
I've never met a Jew in my life. They're non-existent to me. All I know is that "JHWH" made you wandering around in the desert like confused sheep and that you are still waiting for your Messiah. Can't make this shit up.
BRUV. FUCK OUTTA HERE with that all jews were rich usurers meme. Polish and Lithuanian jews were basically all farmers senpai, or vodka producers.
what about the Spanish fucks that were just settlers for three years between 1492 and 1495 while the Spanish fucks were trying to get their lands from the muslims. PEASANT JEWS AS WELL.
>d all the maths and science and we jews run those
Give exemples please
well the whole Israeli-Arab conflict is a pretty complex subject, I wouldn't say that the Israeli government is actively trying to violate human right, but they're still ending up doing shady shit because both of the sides are total fucking immature retards- the Israelis neglect Pali villages which causes a state in which the pails have nothing to lose and the palis in return are too retarded to figure out the direction in which their hate and frustration should be derected which is the Pali officials since they're the ones receiving the donations made by the lefties in eu and doing nothing with it but build huge villas and buy expensive cars.
what have we ever done? we are blameless and contributed more to humanity then any race but all you ungrateful goys do is hate and persecute us, terrible. We are just poor jews doing our best, is this kind of speech allowed in this forum? I would like a moderator to attend to this libel and defamation please
>I wouldn't say that the Israeli government is actively trying to violate human right
I didn't say anything about "actively trying."
I basically agree, everyone involved is retarded, a sycophant, or corrupt and the entire thing is a shitshow.
and the worst thing about this shitshow is that there's no end in sight - Israeli officials are benefiting by staying in power using lame populistic tactics and fearmongering and the pali officials don't want the money flow to stop once they won't be the victim anymore.
> The Ottoman Empire
Do you know literally nothing.
> Western or Middle Eastern
> China
> Achaemenids
> Without Jews
Well meme'd
>we are blameless and contributed more to humanity then any race
It's this fucking attitude, more than anything. That and the fact that your own intellectuals are the ones who lecture us about the need to disassemble the structures you built yourselves. You're self-destructive, you don't realize it, and you spread your lack of awareness of your self-destructive nature to everything you come into contact with. Taking credit for all the great accomplishments of every great civilization ever is ridiculous, another level of "WE WUZ" than even the most militant Zionism I've encountered online has gone to.
No person and no group of people can possibly be blameless. When you learn that lesson, you cease being Jewish. That's the problem with Jews: you have a chip on your shoulder, and you lord it over the rest of us, who also have chips on our shoulder but who didn't get Shoahed or enslaved as recently as you did, and who don't have power like you do (and this is literally a thread in which Jews are arguing that they're responsible for the rise of every great civilization, so don't even try to weasel out of the fact that Jews have influence and power in modern society). We resent the fact that your religion actively opposes every other, and that secularism is allied with Judaism in an attempt to stifle Christianity in the West and bring Islam into Europe. We resent the fact that the people funding refugee movements are Jewish and the fact that the people funding BLM and writing journalism about how Donald Trump is worse than Hitler for having multiple wives and being attracted to hot women are Jewish. We're frustrated by the fact that Bernie Sanders' supporters get angry when you mention the USSR and try to shut down people who say he's not qualified by asking them if they mean he's "not Christian?"
Get over yourself, "ungrateful," says the Jew protected by a goyish military-industrial complex.
post that shit on /b senpai. That's a great fokin meme
> Nazi Germany
> Flourished
Compared to the Weimar Republic, yes.
>Whites never accomplished anything without jews
Arent jews white?
Ancient Egypt.
If there were Jewish people, they weren't great contributors to Egyptian civilization.
>Ottoman Empire
There were far more powerful minorities than the Jews: Greeks, Azeris, Armenians
Not him but,
>expulse jews
>automatically become the strongest power in the west and conquer most of the Americas
Isabel&Fernando did nothing wrong. The mistake was when the third Philip expulsed for no reason the moriscos who were christians.
Rome did pretty much everything it did of worth before conquering the jews. With jews you lose.
What the fuck of course not
she does look white to me though
I can post the photo of that Wilson nigger with the scottish skirt and claim that celts are black.
ffs senpai!! Race theory?? Jews lived in many civilizations, some are whiter than others some are nig noggier than others. IS THIS BOARD JUST MEMES???
yes we are white, we always have been but other whites have never accomplished anything without us. Ethiopian and indian jews aren't real jews
>expulse jews
>automatically become the strongest power in the west and conquer most of the Americas
>implying this had any causal connection and spanish power didn't come from the fucking empire they built conquering land filled with silver
funny because genetics says otherwise
do you view goyim as below you?
he is culturally celtic but racially black
usury was driving europe's economy. europe really grew once they started ignoring their rule against it
there are many ethnic groups that are called jews, but that have little in common other than their religion.
Asheknazi are white, Ethiopian jews are not
Lol the way you keep using we is cringy
Spain started to grow well before that, mostly because its economy no longer relied on usury but on territorial expansion and the exploitation of literal cannibals and Dutchmen, who rebelled against the successful Spanish when they decided that usury and finance were the way to go rather than world domination, which was no longer possible because of how successful the Spanish were in holding their New World holdings.
Rats flock to food sources.
The cannibals, of course, rebelled much later than the Dutchmen.
not at all true. all jewish groups have been shown to have some common ancestry in the levant. all of them obviously have quite a bit of mixture with the local populations that they moved to but their is still some truth to their claim of common descent
palestinians are more related to the original jews than the "jews" we have today
if you mean the Samaritans, yes. my point isn't that the Jews are genetically pure, but that they do have the ancestry that they claim, even though it is somewhat small
[Citation needed]
Spain right after they expelled you all.
Portugal after they expelled you all.
Russia after they contained you to the Pale of Settlement
Most of that red was accomplished thanks to disease and indian conquerors. Also there were jews participating during the conquest of the americas.
you want to include how well the Anglos did while doing nothing against the Jews?
Germany after they invaded Europe and put Jews in camps and shot them in the woods
No, a lot of fled jews from the Inquisition were doctors, scholars, bankers, etc.
Ancient Greece.
Egypt (inb4 we waz slaves n shit!)
היינו מלכים
>implying holocaust happened
They used the usury cheat code.
I always laugh when I see "Allied and Soviet armies", Soviets were apart of the Allies you retards.
genetics can't say where someone was white or not unless they have schwarze genes
מלכים היינו!
The Egyptians.
The Babylonians.
The Assyrians.
The Roman Empire.
Ancient Greece.
So every civilization had jews and all civilizations eventually fall
can you give me one example of a western or middle eastern civilisation that perished or fell without the jews living in it?
You know that the Italian wars happened before the conquest of the Aztec and Inca empire right? Spain was alredy a powerhouse before the silver and gold of America.
British Empire
Disraeli was a jew.
Give it time, they are almost done