So I went and tried a leather jacket today and looked totally horrible in it. It basically crushed my dreams and I was super embarressed at the store. I don't even know what to do now as I saved up for this leather jacket for a whole year. I just want to kms . Can someone give me fashion tips or something to make me feel bttr
So I went and tried a leather jacket today and looked totally horrible in it...
just end it famalam
leather jackets look bad on most people desu
thank you, that makes me feel better
>wanting an outdated, ironic piece of clothing that was considered "edgy" in the 50s
The fact it looked bad on you shouldn't be what embarrasses you.
Seriously though, it's fine OP. Just think how bad it would have been if you'd mail-ordered, only to have your $400 jacket be ugly as fuck, and you couldn't return it because it was on sale or some shit.
Spend the money on a gun and kill yourself
It's the only option if you actually think leather jackets are cool
get an engineer coat
leather jackets only look good on properly skinny (or ottermode) attractive (or positively odd-looking) people
tru. I'm 5'7 and 165lbs and it looked pretty bad on me. I'll try again at 145lbs
This is true too, but I saved up about 2,500$ to buy this jacket. I would never buy something online for that much money.
>I saved up for this leather jacket for a whole year
.... ?
You should be happy that you saved $2500. Put away 2k and buy some clothes with the left over 500
ok wow op it obviously looked shitty bc ur fat
dont fret you dumb idiot no one looks good fat its still possible youll look good skinny
Thats not even fat
You also need to be tall
5'7 isnt short
you dont have to be super tall to wear a leather jacket, it's cropped, any height is fine.
The most important thing is to be skinny or slightly fit (muscular).
Also if you have 2.5K to spend in clothes you can build a good ward robe. Lurk more and loose weight then buy the clothes you like.
yes it is
5'7 isnt short
It's more of a personality thing if you ask me.
Well ive been wearing fake leather for years and it always looked good on me. But the fake leather i had was a different style, it zips all the way up and is a regular jacket you could say. The expensive real leather i tried yesterday was a double rider type "perfecto" inspired i think they calles it.
i agree with this guy op
buy yourself an eighth of weed. that's what id do
>>wanting an outdated, ironic piece of clothing
Leather jackets are one of those things that will never go out of fashion. It's right up there with Jeans and T-shirts.
maybe it was a mad expensive jacket and/or user's simply not good at putting money away for things
dam this is a sad fuckin thread
._. All i wanted was to look cool
imma tell you something
I am 6,2 and fairly decent built. skinny but some muscle
I have always wanted a nice bomber jacket, so I saved up my money to buy a nice one
went to the store and tried it on
and i remember cringing so fucking hard and just leaving the store and never looking back
not everyone are made to wear "cool" pieces like leather jackets and bombers etc
but my man
one day our day will come, i just figure i need to get some real facial hair and get my 22 yo face to finally hit puberty
and then ill be good to go
dont stop believin my little man
Show us the jacket
Thank you for the pep talk
fighting a losing battle my g
It's useless to post this and not show us what the problem is by showing us a picture or telling us the brand and label. Why do you take it as a personal defeat that some article of clothing doesn't fit you? that's gay as shit. If this is your attitude, no wonder it looked bad on you, if you have the attitude of a cuck you're going to look bad in a leather.
>5'7 isnt short
oops, meant to say brand and SIZE, although now that I think of it again we would probably need to know the model/style too to give proper judgement.
It was a burberry motorcycle perfecto. Size medium.
Also sorry for not snapping a pic. I was just out of my element and already felt stupid and out of place enough.
source to the photo?