effay jobs.
I'm a manager at sunglass hut. I love and hate my job.
effay jobs.
I'm a manager at sunglass hut. I love and hate my job.
I work at staples
Unemployed artist.
Bonus points if you're actually terrible, but draw crude line drawings of pizza and try to sell them on Etsy, while still telling yourself you're actually a good drawer, you're just doing this to "make a bit of extra cash right now"
Assistant to an agent in Hollywood. Anyone who aspires to be an agent could be exterminated from the Earth, and nothing of value would be lost.
I'm an Astrophysics researcher. Feels great wandering around looking great while everyone else is dadcore as fuck.
I work as a writer for a small company. I wrote all kinds of marketing content, personal biographies, proposal letters, etc. It's pretty fun and I get my own office with a great view of downtown
Not Veeky Forums
it's pretty fa desu
how do i get a writing gig? i'm good at it, do i need to major in eng lit or something stupid?
my dream life whats the dress code
MD student. Do scrubs count as effay?
Founder and owner of a fashion design house with 20+ employees. Am I Veeky Forums ?
Security guard
I'm currently still an undergrad. Are you allowed to get your scrubs more fitted? I see how horribly they fit on some people, and I don't want that to be me
scrubs are not meant to look good.
The kinds of people who thought scrubs should have some "style" decided to put Loony Toons and dolphins on them.
Just wear your shit.
>it's pretty fa desu
In what way
Is it required that all the girls at sunglasses hut be hot as fuck and dress in tight short dresses
I work as security close to one and it's all 8+ high test grills at the counter every day
security officer is most effay occupation
treat ppl like shit
nice crisp clean uniform
utility belts
off shift and you can put on your cool leather jacket and head off to nearest bar to pick up the chicks
Im a groundsman at a tree trimming company, i climb trees and remove limbs near powerlines
-research and academia is effay without a doubt
-the money and prestige that comes w a job like that is also fa
-I assume that researcher isn't an idiot too, "astrophysics researcher" gives off an impression of intelligence and sophistication
yes it actually is. sunglass hut has a strict dress code and we don't say it specifically but we look for the best looking people. when I call my regional manager about a potential new hire. he asks me about their look (dress) and then he asks if they fit in with the sunglass hut imagine (face). I was recently told add some color to my store...... hire a black person. they told me it's easier to sell black people shades when another black person is dealing with them. what ever you say head office lol.
I do nothing and live off the money from relatives who keep dying
I'm also writing a really bad novel for tween girls in the hopes that it gets a Hollywood adaptation
I'm a DJ.
Somehow I make just enough to survive and keep my closet effay.
cmon guys, we all know most of you are homeless . you get on fa thanks to obama free cell phones
Where is that in Wisconsin.
Sounds like a pretty cool job teebeeaych
My climb crew is in Wyoming, another picture of cool open areas i get to work in. I get to work in a lot of private and beautiful land that really no one else gets to see
also, FUCK russian olive trees, and anyone who plants them for decoration
run/own a winery....not sure if Veeky Forums
dude thats Veeky Forums as fuck
Wash dishes LMAO
But I'm a student and sometimes get a nice amount of extra income from online gambling
not when you're coming back from gaining a shit ton of weight from depression.I can't smoke anymore either. COULD be Veeky Forums, sadly I can't at the moment
Employee at a high end sex toy shop near a college. It's both really fun and really creepy. If the pay were better I'd never leave.
I'm in school to become a nuclear engineer, the most Veeky Forums job of all.
I work for a security company at an old person village
It depends. Show us some of your houses work?
Mall security guard.
Student of archaeology while being the only employee of a mom & pop bookstore. Well we were beaten by the new barnes and noble so I lost my job and they lost the store.
It was pretty nice while it lasted. Started in junior year highschool and gave tons of recommendations to qts coming in. Got a few numbers and whatnot.
i work with koi
I am but a simple oysterman,
From the Willapa,
Yeah it's a dirty job,
Sweaty when the suns out.
But I look damn good in my gage and Xtra tufs
Is that... ok here? I mean I've been lurking since I was a broke guy with a dream and I've never seen anyone commercialize on Veeky Forums ever.
You're an archaeologist? Because I've got a large bone for you to examine.
At least you didnt ask what my favorite dinosaur was
Naturally I assumed your favorite dinosaur was homo erectus.
Department manager at a Nordstrom Rack. Not very effay but I get transfers from full line Nordstrom for stupid cheap.
Lost prevention security for JC Penny
Are you describing your life? Awful specific
sounds nice, are they chill?
give it to us senpai
Goodwill distribution center
Every cell phone should include Obama.
I'm an event and band photographer.
Any photography bro's here?
I sell candy and cakes in a chain, doing 15 hour shifts few times a month while studying. It pays well and even though it's not humiliating to me or anything, I hate it. Human contact is just not for me I guess.
Anyway, it's a beneficial experience in a way - I realized that having a sucky job is basically inexcusable nowadays and that I should work hard so I will not have to differ between my work life and free time in future. Now's the best time to live a fulfilling live ever, we're lucky.
/blog post
Literally this: Scrubs are meant for work not for Veeky Forums. nobody gives a fuck about how you look when you're a student in the hospital.
get into md school then start complaining. how your scrubs will look will be the last of your problems
Med students are scrubs.
I'm a developer, starting a new job soon, not sure if it's going to be lame or cool, this depends entirely on what sort of gig you end up landing.
Goal is to get into a working from home situation at some point, where I will be working from my minimal desk at home, working in fashionable pajamas with my pet birds perching on my chair, chain drinking doubleshots of espresso from my italian espresso machine.
How cares how effay you are when you are as comfortable as humanly possible.
I stole several sets of scrubs to use as home suits and pyjama's.
comfy as fuck.
Its true about the black people though, I used to be the sales manager for a local sunglass store and my boss told me to look for a "reliable black person, or a white acting black person" to hire that could sell to the many black tourists coming in.
I found a guy who could be white as fuck to white people and flip to ghetto when the inner city blacks would come in wanting Ray Bans.
Do Mexicans at your store always buy the Shield Ray Bans? Because that seems to be a universal trend for Hispanic people.
>Shield Ray Bans
those shades are loco
Are u me?
Though I'm gonna study tailoring soon, so that's something, right?
Flight attendant. Still haven't had the opportunity to go abroad but soon my dream of buying rick directly from Paris will come true.
there just called shields. that type of glass. we don't have Mexicans in Canada. a lot of nigger women and douchebag guidos buy shields. I never sell anyone raybans unless I know for a fact they are poor and won't budge. price point is waaay to low unless it's a folding polarized club or leather wayfarer. versace and bvlgari have the best (yuck) shields right now. the rayban ones are kinda cheap looking. raybans are for poor people lol.
McDonalds grill staff, the least effay
dialysis nurse
I play the drums in a surf punk band.
Mike Kowalski is that you?
Copy/print shop
I'm 25 years old and I'm gonna kill myself.
underrated post
any scientist or academic is Veeky Forums as fuck. doesn't even have to do with their clothing
Social Justice Interest Group Manager
it's not as fun as I wish it was :(
fellow bartender here, i agree its not as fun as i thought it would be, but i make okay money and dont have to work in the morning often which is nice.
how late do you guys work? is it a 40 hour work week. what kind of place. it's too get jobs? I've been thinking about it. how much do you make an hour roughly. what don't you like about it?
I'm a goodwill supervisor. I think about ending myself everyday.
i make bubble tea at a local restaurant, it's aight.
Enjoy your radiation sickness which will spawn new limbs from your body senpai
all the more to fist you with my dear
Im customer service for a large furniture company in canada. I work at a store that's mostly dead. So 80% of my day is spent on my phone, shooting the shit with all my cool coworkers/managers.
There's no dress code other than business casual so I get to experiment with more preppy fits that's I don't usually wear. So yeah, in it's own way its pretty Veeky Forums
Only effay if it is plasma physics focused astrophysics.
Fission isn't effay. Fusion is effay.
disc jockey brooooooo i produce too tho
engineering of any sort is unironically the most uneffay profession, i just want to put that out there
Nuclear plants are awesome though
Security Guard for a warehouse
Attending here
I wear carhartt black scrubs for maximum effay
you could try pinrolling scrub pants for a better silhouette
Delivery driver for Jimmy John's.
Personally, I feel a job isn't very Veeky Forums if it has a uniform.
Chef at Wendy's
I'm hoping to see reviewbrah's face.
Maybe on earth, maybe in the future.
I'm an organizer for a congressional campaign. I have begun to hate politics and have become totally apathetic about the outcome of my election.
The office is lots of fun at least. Plenty of college student interns and twenty somethings, plus no dress code.
Which one of these would the most effay? Translator, interpreter, teacher (language), some language related job in ministry of foreign affairs?
how so? takes a lot of intelligence and pays well, both of which are pretty cool i think
Ayep. Once I get a job in the nuclear field, I'll be able to afford my own fursuit finally.
A teacher but one that teaches along the lines of history or SS. I say this because my 11th grade world history teacher was Guamcore af.
I'm the guy who farms the cotton on your supreme tees
I work on an oil tanker
just as long as you aren't wearing the ugly contrast sleeve shirts
the ripstop pants are GOAT but not as comfy as Jockey scrubs
which specialty?
i want to go into ophto
I'm still the casino hotel guy. Please kill me.
As opposed to working in retail or some similar shit and pretending to be an artist like most of you losers do. Lmao. Not him, just a network engineer casually browsing Veeky Forums.
>I'm a manager at sunglasses hut
what is a good pair of glasses for someone with a very rectangular head
It's funny because as a black person in retail I am always around snobby white customers, which is fine because they're also nice to talk to and they compliment my well spoken nature, but when i serve black people I make it clear that the whole store is a charade and a pile of bullshit. The ability to switch persona is my favourite perk
I work at mcdonalds during the summer and the uni gym/dining hall during the school year. Studying to be a geologist tho.