What is love, Veeky Forums?
What is love, Veeky Forums?
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
We love because we're meant to reproduce. Species continue through reproduction, and continuation of the species is paramount in evolution. Since mating is the ultimate goal, then feelings of romantic love are merely a vehicle toward this goal.
>mating is the ultimate goal
Animalistic subhuman detected.
Wizard lvl 30 detected.
How long till we get to see a webm of a burning gay club?
According to the Platonic tradition, love is the desire for the beautiful. There is a "erotic" (from eros = love) ladder of ascent leading to it.
First we love beauty in bodies. Then we love beauty in virtues. Then we love beauty in the sciences and, finally, beauty itself, which is in God.
Love is also analyzed as desire to gain immortality.
With bodies, we immortalize ourselves by begetting children or creating works of art. With virtues, by practicing good deeds that remain after we die. With sciences, by learning and teaching the next generations. And with God, we gain immortality itself. The final goal is achieved.
Why would a webm of a burning gay club be posted?
Some Christian guy wanted to warn/Scare us with Hell, so he posted a Webm that was suppose to depict Hell that was from a real event where a gay club caught fire.
The scene depicted a bunch of people running through fire to try and survive.
Christianlowlife detected
Woah-woah-woah, oh, oh
Sexual hormones gone wrong.
An intense feeling of deep affection for someone or something. That was easy. Next question?
This isn't even logical. What that woman did and how that woman lives her life would probably send her to Hell. We have no information on the hooker and the simple fact of her being a hooker doesn't send her to Hell.
Woah-woah-woah, oh, oh
"I'm 14 and I want to pretend to be an emotionless robot because >anime"
Love is a vehicle for happiness. As, philosophically speaking, the only measure by which we quantify emotionally is "good" or "bad", love is basically wanting to impress goodness on another, which would make you feel good. Animalistic desire does have something to do with it, but that would be lust, not love. The two are not mutually exclusive of course, and the extent to which that is true has been debated since antiquity. I feel like mutual love is mutual good-will for the sake of maximizing happiness. Even if you don't look at it like a cost-benefit scenario, genuine love/infatuation can be self-serving. And when two people make each other happy out of self-interest you get a feedback loop of posvibes.
Idk man, it is true that love exists mostly for survival purposes and the sustaining of our own species
Unless you flat out deny evolution this is something that needs to be accepted
Nah, that is lust. I fully realize sex is a big motivator for relationships. But "true" love, genuine love, is not motivated by wanting to get off, it's motivated by feelings of goodwill. Lust might come before love, love might come before lust. Etc.
No, loving has definite purpose for survival, it's what makes a motger not abandon her child and what makes humans protect others among other things
Love for children is absolutely hormonal. I thought I loved my husband but when my son was born I felt biological love. Like, orders of magnitude stronger than my strongest love for my husband, who I adore. When my son cries out my arms move on their own to hug him, my breasts ache, etc. This is beyond a shadow of a doubt instict/programming, and yeah That's natural selection at work. That's not love in the relationship sense. My statements apply to 2 adults.
I don't know when or if I will ever grow out of this biological "baby rabies" as I call it, or, more accurately, whether *he* will grow out of it.
In the relationship sense you have two mechanisms, what the fox user said and the same mechanism that is used for affection for kids, both have different purposes, both are for survival
Dunh-dun-dun-dun Dunh-dun-dun-dun Dunh-dun-dun-dun Dunh-dun-dun-dun
Is to praise Trinity and feed cats.