So now that the great flood has been proven, how many years of civilization was there before the flood?
So now that the great flood has been proven, how many years of civilization was there before the flood?
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Oh, just fuck off.
[citation needed]
Anyway if you go by biblical text a couple millennia. Depending on how you interpret the genealogies and whether or not people could have ever lived over 130ish years pre-medicine without succumbing to disease
Daily reminder Creatonists will never give a good answer to how Koala bears went to Australia in time before going extinct.
lowest of baits
The great flood has several plausible roots
The most likely is the nile flooding, but it could also be legends of melting icecaps (global floods) from 10000 years before or even changes in the medditerrainian
I wouldn't put the great flood concept to rest so easily. I'm unsure if ancestral information's maximum possible verbal transmission length through generations has been studied but it could easily represent the flooding of Doggerland and other coastal areas during the last ice age. It would explain the near global reach.
Obviously posing the question: did the people of that time even have a functional spoken language?
Flooding is, of course, not an uncommon event. Disparate events could lead to multiple civilizations having the same stories, IE Mediterranean tsunamis and Pacific Tsunamis inspiring similar legends.
Considering that the last Ice age ended while people were living in the Americas (Pretty hard for them to get there without that or some other ice age) I am pretty sure the answer is yes. Considering that it was evolutionary benefiting to have the ability to speak I see no reason why we wouldn't have developed language as it spread through all of humanity some time really long ago.
Then we return to my earlier point: how long can a population sustain verbal histories of an event?
I wonder if it can be simulated.
>Then we return to my earlier point: how long can a population sustain verbal histories of an event?
We should be able to do it by using archaeology to search for ancient disasters and then see if any memory of them remain.
Or maybe find isolated tribes that some colonials made contact with and see if they remember any of it.
About 1400
I already told you. Massive floating islands of debris following known ocean currents brought them to Straya after they were pushed out by the more predatory and harsh placental mammals.
Or exactly as the Word of God indicates.
And the Epic of Gilgamesh confirms.
Why didn't they end up on some other places as well, like Madagascar or Japan? Why is it all Centered so perfectly around Australia and South America?
Also, how did Humans get there?
If you want to see why things ended up where, follow the ocean currents.
Or we could do fun things like discover that the Chinese pictogram for boat is vessel + eight + mouth
Noah, Joan, Ham, Shem, Japeth, wife #1, wife #2, wife #3; that's eight mouths on a vessel.
Friendly reminder to not reply to bait threads, just report and move on. Sage if your autism requires you to post.
So they should have ended up in Indonesia as well?
And then we remember that the Chinese got no flood stories that exactly depicts eight people traveling on a boat which they should have if they remembered it well enough to name their world for boat after it.
Also, shouldn't any other nationalities also use something similar in their word for boat as well, as everyone comes from Noah and his family?
>if they remembered it well enough to name their world for boat after it
Many ancient writings are lost.
And according to you they had enough traditions to "name" their word for boat after the event, why didn't that survive in their mythology.
Why do you insist on dealing with fantasy and not reality?
It appears to me that the sediment from the worldwide flood cascaded on that big fish while he was eating that little fish, and they were both pressed down by the sediment until dead, and preserved by the hardening of that sediment into sedimentary rock.
Is it really that hard for you to live in the real world?
What Fantasy?
what was so "great" about the flood?
Isn't it more like the horrendous flood? check m8.
It looks like it really happened guys.
He tolld me to look at a map of water currents, and I did, and they go past IndoNesia as well.
Also, how did Humans end up there? Did they use those floating Islands as well?
Finally, if Humans started using agriculture as soon as they got of the boat, shouldn't they have brought that to Australia instead of becoming but hunter gathers?
Also, why would God sent a flood if the people just went back to their old ways after that?
There was some major flooding in the eastern Mediterranean and Mesopotamia in the Neolithic that submerged early farming communities.
Why aren't these animals over there?
Why aren't these things different from what they are?
it didn't have to do with people doing sins like murder, etc. in the story of the flood angels had sex with women who gave birth to giants. read the book of enoch, it clarifies the biblical passage
What do I win!
This isn't the problem with the Koala example.
Koalas can't eat Eucalyptus leaves if you put them on a plate in front of them. They cannot understand how to feed in anything other than a Eucalyptus tree. Which only is native to Australia.
So any and all Koalas would have to arrive in Australia within days of the flood ending, and there would have to already be trees.
>What is Pangea, the post.
>What are boats?
>What are land bridges?
Humans went back to their old ways. For the most part, the hybrids were wiped out.
Here, have this image I made with the same size as the original, correct date and without the /pol/ logo.
PS: The Flood has nothing to do with the first two chapters of Genesis though.
>Things are now as they have always have been, without any rational thought or reason. Generations of stoned koala bears are exactly the same as their predecessors 4600 years ago.
The truth!
You couldn't find a non heretic to go against the Christian?
Answers in Genesis says nothing about Angels though, they say it was because Men was corrupt and did evil acts.
You're not looking in the right place.
Genesis 6 and Numbers 13 (pre-Flood and post-Flood) mention the term “Nephilim” that has been the center of discussion for many years.
Keywords: Nephilim, sons of God, daughters of men, children, fallen angels, demons, Seth, Sethite view, fallen men, to fall, pre-Flood
Any reason for such an evolutionary change to appear that they stopped feeding from leaves not attached to trees?
Generations of stoners, yeah. They didn't evolve; their diet did.
Other question, why do so many trees and plants live naturally only in certain continents?
Like, why did Potatoes and Sweet corn only grow in America before Columbus and peaches and olives only in Europe?
And why did it change?
Why would they go from eating thins you feed to them to only eating things from treas?
*knock* *knock*
Reality calling!
Ever see a crack addict do nothing but consume crack until they die?
Yeah, and as Annon said, they can't eat the Eucalyptus leafs unless they grow on a tree.
Why should they stop eating those they are feed by humans if they gets addicted to them? Shouldn't it work in the reverse, that they eat any they may get`?
>Pre flood
>Potatoes grows all over the world
>Post Flood
>They don't
That's the state they've run themselves into, yes. They're high 24/7.
You have no way of knowing what koalas ate 4000 years ago.
Man, that's a lot of global flood stories.
>Do Koalas get ‘drugged out’ on eucalyptus leaves?
>No. There is a common misconception that Koalas get ‘drugged out’ or ‘high’ on eucalyptus leaves and that’s why they sleep a lot. This myth possibly arose as a way of explaining why Koalas sleep for up to 22 hours a day. They need more sleep than most animals because eucalyptus leaves contain toxins and are very low in nutrition and high in fibrous matter so they take a large amount of energy to digest. Sleeping for long periods is a strategy for conserving energy. Koalas and gliders are the only mammals which can tolerate the toxins in gumleaves but fortunately they don't make them 'high' or ‘drugged out’.
Anyway, you have given no explanation for why they would stop eating food not growing in trees.
Not that user, but Koalas are the retarded cousin of the mammal world. They have smooth brains like reptiles as opposed to the folded ones most other mammals have. They're so stupid they can't tell food is food if they aren't getting it from the tree. They aren't drugged they're just mentally simple
It makes more sense when you remember that all human civilizations live by major bodies of water. And rivers periodically flood.
So, are you generally agreeing with me ((Non-floodist)) or him ((Floodist))?
High as giraffe vaginas.
You know what makes the most sense?
Believing them when they say the world was wiped out by a global flood.
>hurr durr we know more than them! they don't know about local flooding!
So considering that most religions think the Earth wasn't created ex nihilo but from some pre existing thing, we should believe that to?
they're myths. ancient cultures had a lot of myths. should we trust them on those other myths too?
You could make the same case for the Judeo-Christian world too.
Genesis 1 Young's Literal Translation
In the beginning of God's preparing the heavens and the earth -- the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness [is] on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters, and God saith, `Let light be;' and light is.
I was having a hard time discerning which was which, but I don't believe in The Great Flood in the biblical sense. I don't believe most of the "creationists" who like to post on here and Veeky Forums believe in it either. Its like those Flat Earth Society people where its just a critical thinking exercise to make you question what you think you "know"
>I can separate historical truth from myth because I am euphoric in my own understanding.
I know it happened. The evidence of it, layers of hardened mud all over the earth, the fossils of the sea creatures at the bottom of the sea being found on mountains, etc., all scream global flood. 6000 feet of water covering the planet does a lot of damage, and when it sloughs off, it leaves things like the Grand Canyon behind.
I reject incrementalism and naturalism; I believe that the world is shaped more by catastrophic events. Like the flood, that left polystrate fossils of denuded trees all over the earth.
How does that explain the completely different faunas that exist between different continents, if all animals walked off a boat at the same time somewhere in Armenia and all plants existed all over the world before the flood?
when a culture says something happened in the past and archeology doesn't support that event, we discard it. the global flood is not only illogical on several levels, archeology doesn't support it at all
Massive floating islands of debris following the ocean currents is the best answer I have seen.
Even if the Flood happened as you believe, it doesn't prove anything other than a flood occurred. In fact, I have no doubt there were great floods all over Europe and North America when the glaciers melted. Probably a kernel of truth in there.
But a large seemingly apocalyptic flood doesn't prove anything else in the Bible happened, or that God caused it, or that he even exists.
That still don't explain why Tomatoes didn't grow in both EuroAsia before and after the flood.
So... Where all of this great flood water today? It should return being a part of water cycle and everything.
even with that plants should be fairly evenly distributed
It seems to me that if the Flood happened, and covered the world for over a year before it subsided to the level of the top of a mountain, and that the atmosphere was full of emissions from all of the volcanoes on earth, that would set up precisely the sort of conditions under which the poles would freeze over.
Your assumption is that archaeology can and has proven everything in the past that is true.
It's a bizarre assumption I would never expect to hear from a scientist.
How do you know your contention is true? How do you know where tomatoes grew 6000 years ago?
I don't see why that would be the case at all. I just note that there is flora and fauna at this point where the ocean currents touch this continent, and the same where the same ocean currents touch a different continent.
volcanoes don't erupt water
Tomatoes were created in the Garden of Eden with Olives.
They spread out all over the world.
Isn't that most logical?
That's how you can tell the difference between the Hawaiian islands and the surrounding ocean, yes. Very good.
it should be evenly distributed because the the ocean currents aren't choosing which plants to take. they could only pick up the plants at random. also if the flood was salt water most of the plants would have died off
The world was created fully mature and ready to go, and was likely a Pangea type thing in the beginning. The world broke apart later. More than just the Garden of Eden was created by God, although I could not say for sure how big Eden actually was. I'd assume it was smaller than Iraq.
Did God create animals specifically for those continents as well or only plants?
tomatoes were only in the Americas until the Europeans came and took some back to Europe. same thing with potatoes and several other crops
atheists on suicide watch
Have you read the Epic of Gilgamesh user? I don't think you have.
It doesn't back up your 'le word of god' as much as you think it does.
I think your forgetting about a few mouths
Again, I believe the world used to be one large land mass that broke up. The bible says the world broke up in the days of Peleg, but I cannot remember if that is pre-Flood, Flood, or post-Flood.
It has Noah in it by the name of Utnapishtim.
I do not expect ungodly history to be anywhere near as accurate, precise, or inspired as godly history, and would never take a Chaldean or Sumerian's word for anything.
Only people matter, apparently. They do eat dogs and cats.
Why wouldn't most plants be on all those continents?
Corn do, literally, spread like grass.
diets no not change dramatically without the digestive system changing dramatically. in other words mutations, in other words evolution
I had a nephew like you. Wouldn't shut the fuck up about why the sky is blue, why clouds float, why birds can fly.
He's dead now.
Yeah, micro-evolution. Koalas before eating x, koalas later eating y. Still koalas.
Apparently they can go for days without taking a dump, and then unload Guinness record shits.
It seems to me that in a muddy ass world like we got at the end of the flood would kill many species of plant. The global winds carry seeds that could grow in the environment east not west in the northern hemisphere. The ones that sprouted later woul have been too crowded to survive in the east where more plants grew and the fauna that took a long time to sprout and had to wait for dryness only sprouted west. Also, we have turned 90% of our crops into giant ones. Look at a wild watermelon or corn not farmed. Also, didn't God just reseed the earth? That would explain the fossils of plants that no longer exist. Some Dino's may not have been allowed on the boat cuz they not animals they monsters.