What are some things he was right about?
What are some things he was right about?
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nothing communism doesn't work!
Idk, he does have a great beard
Basically everything.
Eh, the things that I will say that he fucked up was not noticing corruption and totalitarianism.
Off the top of my head,
Alienation in industrial countries
Slaving away in a factory doing repetitive labor and risking your health is a really shitty
Labor unions have legitimate uses, to a point
Men, women, and the races of man are basically equal, give or take a little
Conflict is perpetuated by capitalists in as disunity in a population makes them easier to exploit, the more heterogeneous the better
Not a huge accomplishment given the breadth and body of his work, even Ayn Rand had a few cogent points like self-respect and egotism being the foundation of meaningful love
On the ze Jews:
>What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
He diagnosed the ills of modern capitalism. The exploitation and wealth accumulation. Also right that nations have economic origin and culture came into play later.
He just hasn't delivered a cure for the monopolization of the "free" market.
The big fish (corporations, 1%) eat up the little fish (the middle class) when in theory capitalism should benefit middle class the most.
>everyone is middle class
When will Americans realise that this is a total meme. Everyone from a doctor to a day labourer seem to be middle class in America. Where the fuck is the working class?
It is super vague and basically worthless. The "middle class", as some kind of foundation of society, is often talked about by politicians but no discrete definition exists.
In my mind it's sort of like the idyllic 1950's american family. House, car, stable job, no danger of going bankrupt, etc. Working class or poverty class or whatever doesn't have that security and generally makes below 30k a year.
Security is the name of the game. Long term gainful employment. Americans are scared to death these days of getting laid off and drifting in unemployment, forced to accept some shittier job with lower pay just to get by.
Profit comes from exploitation
Human history is best understood through a material lens
Economics is the base fulcrum of human history. Always follow the money, even when people are speaking of God.
Capitalism is a new material/economic epoch where the game has fundamentally changed. There have been past epochs such as feudalism or the ancient slave societies.
In the current Capitalist epoch all previous class designations are melting away into two polarities with mutually antagonistic self interests. Those that work for a wage, and those that derive wealth from ownership and give the wages. Proletariat and Bourgeoisie.
Capitalism doesn't just stop at prices, it changes our culture. Our work days, our families, our entertainments, our government, our ideology, our "history", our religions, all bow at the alter of and are shaped by the economic base structure.
Power is a fundamental part of economic analysis
Capitalism left pure and alone trends towards extremes of super wealth and poverty
The worker is what really matters and is the tree of civilization
Working class is lower middle class or upper lower class. Doctors are upper middle class or lower upper class.
>What are some things he was right about?
1-Classes exist
2-Class interest can differ
3-Hence Class conflict exist
Funny how rich knows this and protect their own class, through old boys clubs, ivy-oxbridge, favoritism and nepotism etc etc.
Marx however, cannot force me to give a crap about the lives of blue collar-worker proles. Fuck them in their nascar loving assholes. I only puruse the interest of my own class.
pic unrelated, but one of my favorite caps.
most everything else he theorized is obsolete
That we should control the memes of production
I'm a middle class eastern European, which is really fucking rare.
In theory middle class are people who have enough money to live comfortably, afford useless stuff they fancy, travel a bit, and invest or open small businesses.
not as great as engels' beard
That It's easier to mooch off the wealth of your bourgeoisie friend and theorize how your lifestyle is the ideal than to do actual work.
He's basically the first NEET.
He was right about most things in the time when he wrote.
His error was in failing to imagine how capitalism would evolve. He imagined it remaining as a sort of neo-feudal system where companies had particular owners and the workers had nothing. His theories really never properly encompassed the idea of companies being owned in small shares by tens of thousands of individual investors, mutual funds, and public/private hybrid pension administrators.
>Alienation in industrial countries
What alienation?
>Slaving away in a factory doing repetitive labor and risking your health is a really shitty
People live longer lives than ever thanks to the benefits of industrialization.
>Labor unions have legitimate uses, to a point
Not Marx
>Men, women, and the races of man are basically equal, give or take a little
They're absolutely not equal in capabilities.
>Conflict is perpetuated by capitalists in as disunity in a population makes them easier to exploit, the more heterogeneous the better
Marx literally wanted workers of the world, a very heterogeneous world, to unite. You're talking shit.
Things Marx was wrong about :
>le revolution is just around the corner!
>revolution will happen in rich industrialized countries
>the pauperization of the working class
>the concentration of wealth at the top and the proletariazation of the working class
I don't know why this faggot is still taken seriously. KYS marxists.
He was right about many of capitalism's flaws. I like him as a critic.
He was wrong about the idea of teleological historical progress, which indirectly led to the atrocities of communism.
>Men, women, and the races of man are basically equal, give or take a little
this is clearly not true