Why isn't blatant Christposting banned?
How are people allowed to derail entire threads by mentioning something on the level of dinosaur bones being Satan?
Why isn't blatant Christposting banned?
How are people allowed to derail entire threads by mentioning something on the level of dinosaur bones being Satan?
Report and ignore, moron.
Keep moving
This is a board for the saved and soon to be saved
I am gonna draw a furry image because of that post, any requests?
>Report and ignore, moron.
If Veeky Forums was capable of ignoring trolls it wouldn't exist.
They completely derail good threads on a regular basis and we literally can't talk about religious history of any kind without them ruining the thread.
Constantine and that Jesus avatarfag need to be permabanned. It would make this board a much better place.
But instead mods let them make whatever faggot thread they want with impunity.
That's not Christposting, that's Hammposting
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion...
>Stop liking what I don't like.
Origen is literally not a Christian, but an heretical Catholic.
Crematoria at Auschwitz.
Yeah do a furry picture of mary getting fucked by yahweh. Or just do a safe for work version of joseph and mary as furries.
We basically need to inflict maximum christard asspain here.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
the board is literally named Veeky Forums but we can't have historical discussions because dipshits proselytizing.
Religion isn't part of the humanities but Hiroshima Nagasaki didn't know that and didn't give them a separate board. Retarded.
The Church Fathers had some extremely sophisticated views on Genesis and creation.
Fundamentalists can't into tradition or non-literal biblical interpretation so they end up with people like Ken Ham spouting off nonscientific dreck that makes them look like morons.
While he certainly held some heretical views, it's hard to characterize him as an out-and-out heretic. He was basically on the forefront of theological thought, and, as was often the case in the early church, reached some conclusions that don't quite match the faith. So we take the good stuff that he said to heart and everything else with a grain of salt.
Also Catholics are Christians.
Anyone who know if Mary or Josef are represented by any certain animals?
Like how Marcus is represented by a lion.
Seems like it won't be today, bump this thread and I will do it tomorrow.
Not every Christian here is a liberal modernist Catholic like you who doesn't care about what the Bible teaches and I'm saying this as a Catholic.
>Origen was a Catholic heretic
I'm just going to go with you being a retard Evangelical fundy Prot that doesn't understand how Heresy in Christendom works and thinks Catholics are the Horse of Bobby Ling.
They aren't.
Where the fuck is Aelian to shit up this thread?
>Origen was a liberal modernist
>In the 2nd and early 3rd century
Define "shit up".
What country are you from?
Shhh, you. You need another daily dose of MUHAMMAD IS A DEMON HERETIC
Why does it matter to you? It's God who matters, not my nationality. Are you an atheist?
Mods hate us, I guess.
Oh fuck, it's you again. Abandon thread. Abandon thread, everybody!
literally who
It's this dude. I'm not sure if he's the same dude with that Constantine guy, but we 'll never know, I guess.
Why isn't blantant Marxposting banned?
How are people allowed to derail entire threads by mentioning something on the level of true communism has never been tried?
No, I think he means that Origen was considered a heretic by the Catholics. Not that Catholics are heretics.
I know I said I would make that request, though it never went all through.
I did do some other sketches though, which I may show if someone really wanted to see what I drew since this thread caused me to draw them.
Veeky Forums is a Christian website.
Report for what exactly? Christposting is not against any of the rules.
Go back to the atheist board on reddit if the mere mention of christianity triggers you so much.
>Veeky Forums is a Christian website.
Enough with this meme already. We are not anything more then a collection of assholish, anarchistic shitposters.
Counter Arguing with people by using bibilical quotes as facts.
People tend to get very slightly smarter on average for specific subjects after bouts of wild, consistent shitposting
I've seen it on /a/, /v/, and Veeky Forums. Hasn't happened here, or /an/ yet, as far as I can tell.