Essential Manlet-core

5'5" with a baby face and small frame, how to I not look like a fucking child all the time?

>just become a trap/twink

Other urls found in this thread:

just become a trap/twink

If you're cute become trap/twink, if not grow a beard, if you can't grow a beard write "I am not a child" on your forehead

just become a trap/twink

just become a trap/twink

lift, this guy is 5'5. just because you have the height of a child you doesn't need to have the body of one

wear suits that are so form fitting they almost look too small

>you doesn't

5'4 spic here. what do


This looks even weirder. If you're short, don't bulk up. You should definitely work out, but you want lean muscle. Otherwise you look like a tryhard gorilla hybrid.

6ft spic here
little noob

bullshit. Just don't wear over sized clothes and get the hems trimmed on pants.

>but you want lean muscle
ahahah lol what are you saying that he is fat or what m8

many women say that they like taller men because they feel safe around them, not having a little twink body when you are short helps

and yes I know that the guy is jason statham but she isn't really a nobody either and yes short guys will have it harder

I'm saying he's bulky as shit and could never fit into any nice clothes, or have a sleek aesthetic. Look at those fucking thighs.

>sleek aesthetic
no one that is 5'5 male can have that without being really skinny and weighing as much as a female. also he has very long clavicles. this guy has the squat WORLD RECORD in the 74kg class and he fit pretty good into pants

Get really buff. Drive a huge truck. Fuck a lot of girls by manipulating your way into bed. Walk around with a perma chip on your shoulder.


I am 5,6. I've never taught that being muscular will help me. Good Veeky Forums and working on personality is a better advice than grow some muscles, while it might help, of course.

you won't look like this accidently this guy is 5'6 and competes in the 69kg class in weightlifting and he look very aesthetic and not bulky at all, he has a lot of his weight in his lower body but at 5'6 you can be 60-65kg lean and not look bulky at all

I probably should have said proportionate instead of sleek. You don't need to be skinny as a rail to wear sleek clothes as a manlet. As you pointed out, clothes do some of the work for you. But at some point, too much muscle, like in that other pic, just looks gross and disproportionate.

I'm 5'7 myself, I try to model after Charlie Day, or Michael J. Fox.

but he has face

you but the thing is that most people don't have clavicles as long (wide shoulders) as this guy and you can be very muscular and fit into clothes and look great as long as you are lean and muscles will give you a more "manly" figure and make you stronger and look more attractive without clothes on which all attractive to females. being lean really makes a difference

for example here is someone that is probably about 5'5-5'6 and doesn't have long clavicles but he is still jacked and looks good in clothes, and as I said before muscles attract females

another one this guy is 5'2

Noose desu baka senpai


You are going to improve your personality? I think you have a better chance of growing 3-5 inches.

What? Holy shit, you really think that? Guess you need to tell yourself this kind of BS, otherwise you'd have to face reality and work out more. Lying is easier.

Wait, he's just 59kg and 5'6? I thought muscle was heavier than fat.


Someone call Eric Andre, I found his dream girl.

Vin Diesel's slightly more Mexican brother

>those thighs




why'd he piss himself?

that is one terrible outfit

Isn't he still like 5'10 when the average is 5'9? I know the whole manlet meme cut off is 7'4 etc. but there aren't any serious actors that are legit short (

It's USAs olympic 'uniform', not his fault.

I'm 5'10, 70kg. Why do I look so short? I've had 5'6 guys ask if I was taller than them until I stood next to them.
Pls no bully on my clothing, I don't come to Veeky Forums often

Shit posture you have cuck neck

My posture is pretty good 95% of the time
Cuck neck?

grow.a beard and get fat and pretend ur a biker

you have a long torso

what the fuck is wrong with you insecure retards, you're literally comparing yourself to world class olympic athletes who are probably on juice or hollywood stars, find some more realistic targets

How do I rock baggy sweaters as a 5ft 7in dude


Long torso, short legs. Wear shorter shirts and keep footwear and pants similar colors for a slimmer, longer leg line. Don't fall for the white sneaker trend or the dropped crotch meme.

5'4 here. I started gaining attention after I gained muscle. All I do is wear basic clothes since most fits don't look right on me.

Your torso is almost as long as your legs.You should wear shorter t-shirts and high waisted jeans in order to get better proportions.And btw, change your posture is going to help.

League of Legends detected

>tfw 5'6 but somehow FEMURS are longer than torso
at least I don't look like a manlet in pictures

I am 5'9, my country average is 6'.
I don't care a lot, but sometimes I get the feeling I am a fucking child compared to other tall and muscular guys.
When I was a kid, I hoped I would be at least 6'1, but as I turned out to be the next David and not the Goliath. Well, whatever.

Statham could literally kill you, so yeah...women feel naturally safe around him, kek.

more like tryyhard.jpg amirite

Cheers lads
Where I live it's too hot to wear pants 80% of the year. What do I do when I wear shorts?

The ultimate manlet.

It always puzzles me when manlet non-whites mention their race as if it makes it worse.
I suppose it might: but no one fucking spics, curries and azns to be 6'4.


Barbeque stream 100+ weather

Tfw 5'10. All of my Azn gfs make cousins are 6'0-6'2

All those gains and I bet you're still stuck fucking fat chicks
