Its so cringe how feminist try to say the fashion industry is devil for hiring skinny models
am i the one who thinks they are just butthurt because they are not born tall and skinny looking ?
why don't they understand that fashion models are skinny because of genetics attributes. They have low bone mass and elongated limbs, enabling them to look skinny without being in absolute danger of anorexia.
also why is there so much hate toward skinny people ? People keep saying on social media "being obese is good, you need to be yourself" fucking cringe worthy
but aren't these screened and casted for the activist gig by their PR department? I mean, they're also modelling, which ever way you want to put it. best thing is, by the looks of it, they even adhere to the exact same beauty standards...
Wyatt Martinez
>protesters just as skinny as some of the models FUCKING HELL
Anthony Howard
This seems incredibly staged.
Brayden Garcia
no they're not skinny
look closely
Ryder Fisher
>we are against sexualization of women! >let's show our tits FEMEN is as retarded as Ukraine in general. But it's funny as hell to watch them from the side. Like a visit of a psychiatry.
Adrian Cox
Lagerfeld said it best.
There isn't an Anorexia epidemic happening right now. We don't have people dying left and right and all of western society being restructured to accommodate Anorexia.
Obesity however...
Until this changes it's like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
Also I don't care what these people personally think but when they ruin a runway show that takes hundreds of people and months of planning, money, resources, and hard work to put together I think there should be more serious repercussions than a night in a jail cell.
Dominic Turner
Nathaniel Green
i hate the alt right anti feminism meme, but i bet these two are just some privileged spoilt brats who have never had to try hard and have never been genuinely oppressed once
Jack Stewart
against sexualisation that isn't totally on their terms. No Feminist is anti-sex.
Camden Wilson
what the hell is written on them anyway? i can't make sense of it
Xavier Gomez
>As one of the women, from the radical feminist group Femen, grabbed Miss Saker's arm and tried to lift her skirt (pictured), the model lashed out, striking her squarely on the nose Good, shooting her down would've been a better thing though.
models are skinny so the garments hang off them. If they were curvy then people's attention would be on the beauty of the women, not the beauty of the garments.
Sebastian Allen
This still seems incredibly staged.
Jaxson Roberts
technically, catwalked. and no, you dummy
Chase White
not as skinny/tall as the models
Jason Wright
Tbh i wouldn't be surprised if femen is just a false flag operation. Isn't their leader a man?
Chase Fisher
For proof compare the exact same fit on a skinny person vs a fat person.
Even a fit that looks shit on an average person would look at least passable on someone that's tall and skinny.
Bentley Torres
Well, all they want is to boost Ukraine's economy that is compeltely prostitution a bit. Send hot girls show their tits, make them believe they totally don't do it to provide free advertisment of "hot slavic chicks", enjoy shekels. Ukrianian whores are indeed better than any other woman though, I still bang some when my gf is far away.
Adam Moore
a Jewish man
Camden Gonzalez
I think the point is to desexualise tits by parading them around like it's nobody's business
Hudson Scott
They don't seem to suffer from a lack of genetic attributes to me.
Jaxon Ramirez
What's that music in the background?Sounds pretty surreal
Jordan Hill
>model don't go to brothel >fashion dictaterror
I tried watching a video to see what they said, but I was too busy watching the model.
>fuck beauty standards!!!! >fucking SCHLACKED in makeup
lmao, are they serious? They are as caked as a 13 year old girl on her first try with target makeup.
Nicholas Gutierrez
I don't get it, what point they were trying to make? btw, while supporting feminists, I find really silly attacking the fashion world, especially runways they're not the place to look for sexualization/imposing a certain body image/whatever...
Hudson Smith
they are protesting "Le evil fashion industry making women self worried about their bodies" by hiring very skinny models only
They want that big fashion houses hire more "normal" beauty like size plus models and not so skinny girls to walk their runway
pretty cringe if you ask me
Christian Richardson
>female models paid orders of magnitude more than male models >more female employment industry wide than males >females actually own fashion houses
feminazis should be celebrating the fashion industry
Isaiah Young
model has a cute face
Gabriel Scott
kill yourself degenerate nu male cuck
Colton Rogers
Like most of the feminists. This meme is real
Sebastian Cox
alot of feminists address alot of real issues
however flopping your tits out and running about strikes me as remarkably self indulgent considering there exists the chance to actually and tangibly improve the lives of women practically rather than this, it strikes me as like performance art or something
Jaxon Nguyen
just used strike twice in the same sentence haha feeling really smart today
Easton Jackson
man I'd love to take down some feminist bitches
Sebastian Gonzalez
the protesters are paid actors basically, femen is a George Soros agitprop endeavor.
Angel King
it is not the fashion industry it's the nature who is cruel i wonder why people only care about bodyweight, it's the easiest thing to change, and not about things like "why does fashion industry only hires people with defined jaws, big cheekbones, symmetrical faces, hooded eyes" and so on... probably because THIS is just unconditionally attractive and yet after thousands of years of selection and evolution we failed to breed an attractive population in general it is really sad why are some people literally born for the runway, with ALL facial features AND height, AND body, AND skin condition, while others have to suffer from genetic disadvantages? this is the second cruel thing nature imposed on us (the first one is death)
Chase Carter
It's some off-beat techno, but impossible to get an ID anywhere Reminds me a bit of Surgeon Sorry m8
Jaxon Powell
I love this edit.
Grayson Price
feminist hate seeing non-feminist women who are prettier than them.
they also hate that men prefer thin pretty girls over fat pigs who are to lazy to take care of them selves.
Samuel Reyes
Are you the lovechild of Oscar Wilde and Adolf Hitler?
David Thomas
That's like every feminist though and why they're feminists to begin with. They had shit handed to them and now that mommy and daddy are gone they have to grow up, which they reply to with "Help I'm being oppressed!"
Grayson Jenkins
Everyone watching probably just thought these were some avant-garde minimalist Rick fits desu
Kevin Ward
you have obviously never met a feminist before also newspeak "feminism isn't this thing, it's been that other thing the whole time! You've always been wrong! Mere coincidence goyim!"
Christian Sullivan
Alexander Anderson
holy shit fucking destroyed
Jayden Myers
oy vey
Mason Lopez
That's not femen tho.
e.g. The women still look semi-attractive/still have all their hair/don't look like ugly slavic women
Gavin Moore
oh. goy, you're not suppose to say that
Blake Garcia
Feminism can and has undergone changes, hence the different waves. I have met and had sex with plenty of feminists, and most contemporary feminists are very, very sex positive.
Kayden Collins
I am very much on the left, but truly I do not understand the outrage over skinny models and the push for plus sized models. This is just capitalism. The most beautiful people are the one's who are going to get paid for being beautiful. You wouldn't want a football team full of average players. You want the huge, genetic anomalies.
The "low self-esteem in young women" argument is less due to models being beautiful than the fact that women have fewer avenues to gain self-esteem in culture and the most emphasised of these is their appearance, which is going to take a lot more to solve than changing model casting.
Brandon Anderson
Me neither, I am friends with people who are obese and such but Is it wrong for people to like the most fit people. That's what we as human are naturally attracted to. I feel that people who have obesity problems are trying to bring the world down to their level. Also low self esteem in women is not true of were I live men kill themselves or od way more than girls do. Society allows women to express their low self esteem for guys its embarrassing.
Thomas Sanders
>also why is there so much hate toward skinny people ? why do people on r9k hate Chad