You know when you're considering copping a piece but there are two similar ones you can't decide between?
ITT: Let's help each other out lol
You know when you're considering copping a piece but there are two similar ones you can't decide between?
ITT: Let's help each other out lol
Def this.
Which one?
1 or 2?
I know someone with it and it's nice and goes with heaps of shit. If you have the money though, I actually like both
Which tattoo design is more Veeky Forums?
left one, far more interesting and great for upcoming season (autumn)
right is just pussynigga hentai69 all over again. also very uninteresting patterns and bland, looks like crackhoe grandmas poncho
Get the parka, I'm waiting for it to go on sale myself, either gonna cop that green one or a whine red one.
1. 2 is a bit too edgy
I have the first one and has also examined the second one. I liked the first one better, but dont expect it to warm you very much. Its light, like good enough jacket to use even if you're in a tropical country. The reversible cloth underneath is made up of thin material though. Is why some anons who bought who lives in colder places said they wish it should've been thicker.
DEFFO THIS if you pick the other one you must be a nigger
1st one
I hate newbalance tennis shoes
ASOS my dude.
The reeboks
that's 4 your decision's made
the other looks like he is going to a funeral. it looks boring and flat.
Iron Rangers
w2c reeboks?
1st but still bad tattoo
whatever fits your style more, but probably reeboks
1st i dont like the second pairs silhouette especially not the toebox
get the crts, i want the c85s
i have those nbs. the light blue heel tab is so loud and looks metallic. this def
this, 1000 looks best in black
neither this or that
Need some plain hoodies for getting comfy in Uni, realized I wore the same hoodie way to fucking much.
Choose 3, I have platinum white hair if that influences your decision.
1, 4, aaand... 1
good idea for a thread
first 3
1,2, and 5
Pretty much agree with this post spot on
I think 2 will look good with white hair to contrast
link on these hoodies?
Green is my favorite colour but I think the colours used on the left one go together better.
New to patches
or neither?
that, the first one is way too recognizable to be a cool patch and will instead make you look tryhard artsy
Imo :
Pale hair + pale skin : 1,5,6
Dark hair + pale skin : 2,3,7
Pale hair + darker skin : 1,2,7
Dark hair + darker skin : 2,4,5
Take this ! The number 1
which pair of glasses looks the best? I'm pretty clueless.
I think 2 or 3 looks best, leaning towards 2.
or should I get another home try on with more large square frames in it?
it depends on your personality, both 2 or 3 looks good
3 is more "i'm a generic arty prick fuck me urban outfitters"
2 is more "my family are farmers but the kind of farmers rich enough to send me to this liberal arts college"
however neither are inherently bad and they do suit you so
I think your face has issues with 4 in that it makes your nose look huge, and I think your face is too wide to go with 2. I'd go for 1
1 would be my choice
damn NB tennis shoes literally getting zero love
You remind me of some big guy
zooming in on the tabs in the neck i can discern they're river island
90s looking ass.
Which do you think?
neither, both are bulky, cheap looking and disgusting. get something sharper, more minimalistic.
I already have pic related (with a leather strap). I want a diver that I can actually dive with and wear casually.
I'm killing the next person I see wearing these shitty meme shoes.
This (levis cord sherpa)
Or that in Black (uniqlo u worker jacket)
I wanted to go for a preppy-edgy style
1 or 2?
fucking neither
Which of these should I get? The only decent jeans I have rn are black or light wash.
Also, which of these do you think goes best with black shoes?
Get the top right ones
Goddammit I decided to pony up and buy some Monarchs but I can't decide which ones
I feel like the black/red ones go good with more casual/streetwear but the blue/navy ones are more formal. Grrrr can't decide
Which one? Got a scarf that suits the redder one better, but the bluer/blacker one would fit my skin tone more.
Honestly, i want both...
i like toe cap but if i were to buy again id get 1000
bottom left or black also w2c
1 or 4
grey (top left top right) and bottom right
go right, iconic
left, w2c?
drop a link ? Can't find it
Whats w2c?
Found the left one for 273euro, right one for 385 euro.
Thats the scarf btw
which one looks better? Both are the inspiration, for both looks, who does it well?
>posted in cop or not, but i'll post here too
w2c is 'where to cop?'
as in where i can buy this
google is your friend, newfag
First one. I think the black on top looks better for some reaason
Black, olive drab, and the washed blue.
w2c left
4 options
lmao get both so I can laugh at you
bottom right or top left
vans are so boring
i like bottom left and top right best, probably get both they'll be versatile and you can wear them lots
right, but it depends on your colour schemes, go ahead and get both if you want. but the left one suiting your skin is better because you wear your skin every day but how often will you wear the scarf?
DON'T get the vans.The gray adidas are probably better but it depends on your overall style.
should i even get a cape at all though? these models are all quite tall, and at 5 foot 3 i'm not sure i wouldn't look like i was drowning
Don't. You're too short. Not tryin' to be mean, wish I was shorter, but you'd drown in those.
Which one. My expensive white shoes are gonna fall apart if I wear them everywhere, plus soon there will be snow. But I don't want to look like mfatrash
why do you talk like that
like what?
Thanks for replying! What is wrong with Vans ?
Looking for a Fall Boot
definitely the one on the right unless you are some greek euro trash.
saw both in person
the packable jacket looks cooler IMO but its a lot thinner
its more of a windbreaker while the reversible parka might actually keep you somewhat warm (still not a substitute for a winter jacker if you live somewhere cold though)
still best jacket at uniqlo rn is that block tech parka
Nike Field Boot (Shia boots) or LL bean duck boots (8 inch)?
They are two totally different kinds of boots. What do you want them for?
How's this even here? Answer is B
Asos - Cape color block
A. The gaudy flannel tops on B will mean it only goes with certain things