Is there any doubt ernest was a repressed tranny?
>tranny son, it seems to be atleast partially hereditary
>extreme fixation on proving manhood
>many people that met him thought him less manly than the hype suggested, someone even called him androgynous
>killed himself
Is there any doubt ernest was a repressed tranny?
>tranny shit
"No." The question is whether it's thanks to prenatal hormone exposure or a learned behavior, but it's absolutely not hereditary.
>fixation on proving manhood
Are you the same kind of retard who thinks people with big cars have all small cocks?
I read it as tyranny.
>The question is whether it's thanks to prenatal hormone exposure or a learned behavior, but it's absolutely not hereditary.
Well that'd make it hereditary on the mothers side, at least, since their womb would be causing the issue.
Also overcompensation is very common among trannies.
>every single thing can be inherited
I have a broken leg, doesn't mean my son will be born with a broken leg too.
>Hemingway wasn't fixated on manhood
If not him, then who??
Being obsessed with manhood and killing yourself is a very clear indicator he was involved with some unsavory behavior, he was at least a bottom
>being fixated on manhood means you're a tranny or submissive beta bitch
>was ernest a transexual?
>he was at least a bottom
Is Veeky Forums the only place that dares to ask such hard hitting questions and propose such insightful hypothesis?
A guy who was made to wear a dress when he was ten or something, leading to something that could be politely described as an over-compensating personality in his maturity, does not a tranny make.
Pic sorta related
>submissive beta bitch
Telling word choice on a mere positional preference in sex
We've had this thread a lot on /lgbt/. Given his constant writing about male characters who injure their genetalia and his fixation on androgyny, obviously
Telling of what? You're literally arguing that because he celebrated masculinity, he probably took it up the ass.
what better way to celebrate masculinity than on all fours, receiving it from both ends?
Giving it. That's the manliest thing to do.
wow, it's 2016, let go of your roman values.
>not being a top
Beta bitchboi spotted.
well, guilty as charged. but I certainly celebrate masculinity.
Do you really want to portray your home-board as a bunch of pseudo-freudian hacks? Cos you're succeeding
I think it's more that it's a fun thing to imply because he was so manly, rather than a sincere proposal anyone took seriously.
lighten up, OP isn't serious either.
I can't believe you're all not only indulging OP's delusions, but actively agreeing with his spurious nonsense. Bizarre
You clearly have never dealt with trannies m8
>trannies see a famous person as a tranny
SHOCKING. In other news, Macedonians think Alexander the Great was a Slav.
Oh fair enough, sorry. It's just that there have been hundreds of academic types who've built life-spanning careers on this sort of stuff.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that, if they can substantiate their thoughts. It's interesting, even if it's pretty useless.
stop, that's a sekrit club term.
Fuck off back to your containment tank
D-don't be mean, I like history too
I'm not even a tranny
People complain about /pol/ posting and rightfully so, but nobody ever brings up the mentally deranged shitters that crosspost from /lgbt/ and /leftypol/, the pseudos from Veeky Forums or the memesters from /int/.
What's the point of asking this question?
Do you have a source that indicates that "tranny shit" is hereditary?
>stutter text
And don't come back
I tell all of these shysters to fuck off
We don't need 30 threads to talk about niggers, or the "holohoax", or to debate if Shakespeare was a faggot or not,or to talk about how Uncle Joe dindu nuffin
Why are you so mean user-sama
I agree with the last paragraph. Actually Veeky Forums shouldn't be about anything but the roman republic and a few select topics I find interesting.
that said, you're being a dick to user for no reason and stutter text is hip.