Daily reminder that protestantism is just Islam without the Quran

Daily reminder that protestantism is just Islam without the Quran.

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Iconoclasm is heresy. An icon is not an idol.

I want people to keep their religious and ideological shitflinging off this board

Reminder that Catholics worship the pope

Yeah, because Catholics never destroyed idols or used force to convert people.

can anyone explain ops image?

what is that statue those muslims are taking an axe to?

Islam is just going through its War of Religions period.

It's ancient pre islamic statues that were kept in a museum in iraq . Isis destroyed valuable pieces of history because of the Muslim fear of idolatry.

Daily reminder that the Allies were just muslims with foreskin.



more like disdain for idolatry. I get triggered when people call any form of dislike, criticism or un-acceptance by "phobia".

It's literally a fear though. Because it's the fear that humans will take the statues as god or make them equal to god. That is a grave sin in Islam and so muslim extremists are afraid that the community will be led astray from the path to god.

Yes, the Catholic Church is notorious for practicing idolatry. Making an image that is supposedly Jesus and worshiping it, the rosary, praying to saints and exalting Mary, are utter blasphemy against God

And the pope is this guy.

Kneeling is almost never a part of greeting the Pope, I can't even tell if this guy is actually doing that, but if he is, then it is highly irregular. The verse you're talking about involves someone throwing themselves on the ground before Peter, which is even more abject than kneeling, and it's because the guy thinks Peter is not a man.


King James is pretty accurate. What other version even bothers to translate the abundance present tense used in Mark as such?

dude is remarkably chill in this situation


and? catholicism can't even defend itself against either

there's a reason why WASPs run successful countries, while catholics don't

Bible sees no difference.

They don't. Those so called successful countries are successful for ditching Protestantism and altering it, eventually ditching religion all together

>acknowledging authority = worship
I guess then that all kings in history have been worshipped as gods?
You are deceived by the master of lies.

>there's a reason why atheists run successful countries, while religious ones don't
this is basically your argument

>if you kneel down to the Pope it's bad
>if the Pope kneels down to you it's bad

heretics everyone

And Christians of all kinds did the same thing to pagans in Europe, Americas ...


What is with Catholics and kneeling?
Explains all those scandals tbqh

The Catholic Church don't really got more scandals than the Averge US protestant.

What about Americans?

Which is why they sell most of them on the black market?

It's just a photo op for them.