I heard a history adage:
>Rome fell because China built a wall
What are your thoughts and interpretations of this old history adage?
I heard a history adage:
China didn't build the wall to deal the the Huns, they built it to deal with the Xiongnu.
Also, Rome dealt with invasions from the Kimbri and the Teutons that were vastly larger than the Germanic migrations that ultimately sunk them.
Would Brazil fell if Trump became a president?
Some say Huns were descendants of the northern Xiongnu.
>the Huns were from Mongolia
No, there were successive barbarian migrations pushing tribes WEST, this occurred because the chines exiled all brigands and vagabonds.
There was a daisy chain of Migration.
We have done the same from Europe expanding into Russia pushing the migrations the other way.
This is a historical phenomenon.
Why build a wall when you have the Rhine? Rome fell shortly after the Rhine froze over.
It's a baseless 19th century theory that got popular thanks to the lack of a better identity for them.
The germans got more sophisticated politically as time went on. The red indian style tribes described by Tacitus in his Germania gave way to tribal confederations: the Franki (the fierce ones), the Gothi (the good ones), the Alimanni (All men) and the Saxons (the swordmen).
The barbarians were certainly well trained warriors--this is why the Romans so often tried to recruit them into their army.
well the mongols didn't cause the fall of rome so I guess it's just strictly inaccurate
shit, I mean huns, sorry, my mind keeps mixing their names
I guess that depends on how you treat the whole "caused" thing then. Had Attila not been doing his thing, the Goths never would have chimped out and Germanics would not have taken Rome.
Unless you're one of those "hurr durr Rome fell when the Turks took Constantinople" types.
Don't be silly. Rome was sacked many times The Roman empire however didn't fall until 480 a.d.
>Unless you're one of those "hurr durr Rome fell when the Turks took Constantinople" types.
Nah m8 it fell in 1204.
What happened in 480? Are you thinking 476?
The earliest iterations of "Great" wall is nowhere long enough to cover mongolia
>"hurr durr Rome fell when the Turks took Constantinople"
So every historian on the subject? K.
>Rome fell because China built a wall.
False. Han China didn't even need the fucking wall. It's opolicy in central asia was.
1) Have Steppenegro allies.
2) Take the battle to the biggest horsefuckers (namely at the time: the Xiongnu)
The westwards migration of Altaic Steppe People happened because China launched military campaigns versus the Xiongnu and downright massacred the first Slant-Eyed Steppe Nomad Empire in a series of wars called the Han-Xiongnu Wars.
Coupled with overpopulation of Eastern Central Asia, they started migrating westwards gradually with serious consequences, such as the overruning of Western Central Asian Indo-Iranian/Indo-Whatever Steppenegroes, who then also migrated westwards.
>What are your interpretations of this old history adage?
From this thread seems Veeky Forums prefers to take the exact literal interpretation of adages.
To put shit into perspective, this was the Xiongnu "Empire." It united that much Eastern Central Asian nomads.
If China was Asia's Rome, this was their Punic war. The collapse of the Xiongnu confederacy broke the Eastern Nomads like a poked hornet's nest. Coupled with the massacres and subjugations they were fleeing for their lives from the Chinks and their Steppe Allies..
The last western roman emperor was assassinated. Julius Nepo, the man who was the last western emperor to be recognized as such by the emperor in Constantinople. He controlled Italy and Dalmatia before losing Italy to Orestes in 475.