Over 2000 ethnic groups live in India.
Only 56 live in China.
India has been home to so many foreign conquerors
Whilst China has been primarily dominated by Han
Why is India such a clusterfuck and China isn't?
Over 2000 ethnic groups live in India
maybe multiculturalism and diversity aren't good things
From the west, it's pretty damn hard to invade China and Japan never have enough of a shit to invade from the east
>Why is India such a clusterfuck and China isn't?
You're question forces an acceptance that India is a clusterfuck and China isn't. Both countries, from different perspectives, could be seen as, or as not a clusterfuck. The bottom line is that they are just different countries with different cultures.
China is still a shit hole now, their officals and rich people sent their childs to the West.
>Only 56 ethnic groups
le lying imperialist han moon face
why does the usa hace few nationalities but the EU many?
Only 56 are RECOGNISED
Barbaric Aryans pillaging and raping the Dravidians
Maybe relstive homogeneity has something to do with that? That's at least what Lee Kwan Yew would say.
Because India is Frankenstein's Monster while China is a Bureaucratic State and has been so for many years.
t. tamil
Because India went full retard into the democracy meme?
There's also the media exposure. We know more about India's fuckups than China's.
>Whilst China has been primarily dominated by Han
The thing is that Han is not a homogeneous group of people at all and there are stark differences between "Han" people depending on region. Chinese civilization had an absorptive quality to it wherein many foreign groups Sinicized and gradually blended in with the population. There have actually been many foreign conquerors who staked their ground on Chinese soil. Examples include Xiongnu, Xianbei, Mongols, Shatuo Turks, Tanguts, Manchus and Qiang among others.
Qin conquest that led to the centralized bureaucracy that replaced Zhou era feudalism.
There was a lack of significant southern "other"(e.g. Dravdian) Hmong Mien/Tai Kradai/Austroasiatic make up a significant linguistic/genetic substrate in southern Sinitic groups.
Prior to the Ming conquest southern Chinese weren't recognized as "Han".
There should be a distinction made between vassals (Southern Xiongnu,Shatuo Turks,Di/Qiang etc.) and foreign invaders(Xianbei,Khitans,Mongols,Jurchens, etc.).
>Only 56 live in China.
Everything else became Han.
India has designated shitting streets and China has designated blindness cities.
What's a designated shitting street? Where you shit when you don't have a toilet.
What's a designated blindness city? Where you can't see even if you can normally see because the air is too polluted.
Central India is flat, so one state could be quickly beaten in war, meaning borders changed like mad
China is an actual civilisation with several millennia of near continual history. Whereas India is an invention of the british that indian nationalists claim as their own, which is sort of ironic.
Plus the caste system which in the indian mentality allows foreigners and minority groups to work together but stay apart.
Perhaps the Chinese government only uses the broadest definitions, which may be a result of communism wiping out more unique identities.
Whereas in India defining who and what you are has always been traditionally important. I bet at least every 100 of the 2000 ethnicities are basically just the same but like to label themselves differently. It's like saying Londoners are a different ethnicity to people from Yorkshire.
>China is an actual civilisation with several millennia of near continual history.
This ignorant western meme needs to end. From outside with cultural ignorance it might look like one big continual country but it really wasn't, it has as many splits, wars, various kingdoms and empires as Europe. If anything, India is the country which has had a history of near continual unity, for such a big country its been remarkably united throughout history.
>This ignorant western meme
Actually, the Peoples Republic of China holds the position that all the states were successive.
>Actually, the Peoples Republic of China holds the position that all the states were successive
For obvious reasons. They want people to view the Communist Party as the heir to the 'Chinese State' in a sense that everything preceding them was an iterative evolution that led to their existence, and not some dumb decisions by the Republic of China and the Japanese invasion that let them have power.
china's history is basically a 500 year cycle of self-hatred and mass genocide. oh and some buddhism too