Effay Fags

What do you smoke, Veeky Forums?

Mouth Fedoras may not apply.

Smoking isn't really effay.

American spirits

Use to smoke perique american spirits but quit cause cancer and smoking isnt effay.

Makes the clothes stank

marlboro menthol 100's

Used to smoke rollies when I was edgy and thought it was cool. It stopped being cool when I was suffering on an easy hike because my lungs were so fucked. The crazy thing is, rollies are relatively healthy compared to shit like Marlboros.

Moved on to a mouth fedora and feel douchy but I don't think I'm capable of quitting nicotine any time soon. Also I hike/do outdoors shit now without feeling like garbage, which is much more effay than cancer.

Parliments are the most effay by far


Warning labels are Veeky Forums... right?

plebs need not apply

Parliaments 100s, Winston's

what is luckie

Lucy Strikes, not hard to find in my region and very few people bum unfiltered cigs ;)



Good ol' Brian, a true Aussie legend.

Too bad the cunt got AIDS.

goat menthols

his cheek bones and jawline got sharp as fuck though

>high end cigs

Maverick Menthol Shorts, strict one a day regiment

ur an effay fag ;)