Everyone talks about vikings but why are pirates so romanticized? No one sugarcoats what Somali pirates do so what makes the old guys more appealing?
Everyone talks about vikings but why are pirates so romanticized...
Because Somalis are legitimately bad pirates
Wanna look for scary modern pirates? Southeast Asia. Particularly those niggers who prowl the celebes sea.
Because the old pirates often just wanted freedom from the states, fighting to be able to sustain their semi-democratic order.
Somali pirates was created when people used that freedom to overfish the Arab sea so the Somalis lost an important part of their food source.
>Because the old pirates often just wanted freedom from the states, fighting to be able to sustain their semi-democratic order.
American revisionism.
The """"""""""pirate republic"""""""""" is a mere protection scheme for thieves, like thieves guilds back in Europe & syndicates.
Truth don't matter in popular history m8.
tragedy + time
I am gonna say it's tragedy*time^x*education where tragedy and time works to make something harder to romanticize or joke about whereas the time factor makes it increasingly easier.
Veeky Forums got a factor of *0,1^1000000, as we can joke about literally anything seconds after it passes.
During the classic period, states were committing piracy against merchants of each other's nations freely, and raiding and looting and enslaving innocent people freely. Pirates were defined more as rogues against authority than morally worse in any sense. Also, the increasing urbanization lead to a drastic decline in the quality of life at the time, much higher rates of hunger and starvation, and more homelessness; so pirates and highwaymen were heroized like bank robbers were during the Depression.
how would you know?
Because Caribbean piracy wasn't just a bunch of drunken thieves, there were also Jacobites who treated their fleet as a potential reserve navy of the Stuart monarchy.
pick 1
You quoted the wrong post?
>celebes sea
There were no such thing as thieves guild. They were invented in the XIXth century literature.
You realize they're fishermen who have waste dumped on their waters and european vessels taking their fish right?
>their fish
What legal claim do they have to call the fish theirs?
It's in their traditional Fishing waters, I would be pretty pissed if I lived in Norway as a Fisher and someone decided to start overfishing where I usually fish.
Cry me a river.
>some capitalist decided to take a shit in my backyard pond, totally justifies kidnapping innocent civvies
Answer the question.
Except leaving thousands of artisanal fishers destitute and millions of citizens effected by waste is not the same as shitting in someone's backyard pond
If it is on Somalia territorial waters, I suppose they do.
Counter Question, do you defend that people basically deplete them of their source of food and other incomes?
>what is an analogy
Still doesn't excuse doing harm on innocents
It is not theirs, sorry but not sorry.
>the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.
Which I suppose means you can't use Moral arguments against what the Somalis do?
Shame I'm not either of them
>A United Nations report and several news sources have suggested that the piracy off the coast of Somalia was caused in part by illegal fishing by foreign boats taking advantage of the war, which resulted in lost fishing income to local communities
>by illegal fishing by foreign boats
>illegal fishing
Wew lad
Which, as I said earlier, must mean that you can't use moral arguments against them since you don't expect the others to not ruin everything for Somalia?
nobody romanticises shit that happens right now
also somali pirates aren't really in it for the freedom/adventure, they just gotta eat
They get regularly BTFO by actual navies, I'm not making sny moral arguments.
This isn't one?
So like thieves and bandits that wanted freedom from states, fighting to be able to sustain their semi-democratic order?
Face it, its just purely romanticized version that you're speaking about. Pirates are just thieves and bandits on seas. They rob, kill, rape, pillage, etc. I get it that they have to "sustain" themselves and that they often wanted "freedom from the states", but how is killing, raping, pillaging, slaving innocents help with that cause?
Pirates are romanticized because they were outlaws in fear but also free from government authority (until they cracked down).
In certain times when the government were distrusted, outlaws become more romanticized. When they perceive government to be too forceful/bad thing, the bad guys are seen as fighting for the common people or "less bad".
This translated into the movie era and then mass popularization and romantized/fantasy pirates are created. These pirates are often either seen as a the big evil or the cool dude with no worries and fights the big guberment.
I have actually seen a bunch of Libertarians defend the pirates as an example of functioning Libertarian societies.
Which is funny because it would imply that a Libertarian society cannot function without leeching off a functioning non-Libertarian society
Someone got to build the roads you know.
hakim bey wrote a book about pirates iirc
That wasn't my post you dumbo.
Somalis are doing it right now. Maybe we will romaticize them in 300 years
And Filipino/Indonesian pirates of Muslim origin are either members of those very worldly casual Jihadists flips have in their south or fishermen too looking for extra dosh, your point?
It doesn't take a massive brainwave to know that hostaging a fucking ship would have you surrounded by a global task force.
Better it is to attack them at night, break its comms, and steal whatever is of value, kidnap whoever is of value, and get the fuck out.
Or you know, follow whites in cruise ships, see where they dock, and kidnap them on shore. Lure the women with scams and the men with prostitutes. Oh and make sure to pay the barman/madame.
Like what they do in Southeast Asia.
Because its like this.
>Be non-state vessel on piracy.
>Shit, we're on our own mang.
>Realize there are other people like you.
>Make deals that you don't fucking kill each other.
>Learn to live with one another.
Furthermore the "Pirate Republic" in Nassau is not even independent. Its just a really, really Isolated British colony left to govern itself. Think Pilgrims. Instead of Jebus and Community however, these turned to selling pirated goods, literally pirated goods, and serving as a base for most of these thieves.
As for their so-called "democracy," that's simply how things were done in British/French colonies at the time. Small colonies had, for their heads, the cunts who have any influence in community, like Blacksmiths, Priests, Merchants, Lawyers.
For all its faults, the Spanish actually did an amazing job in centralizing their colonies as they didn't turn into "Wild West" colonies like what the Brits have done to the Americas. Hence we don't speak of "Pirates from Havana" or some shit.