What does /int/ know about pic related?
Is Veeky Forums more than memes?
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That's a plane.
Isn't that the shitty french fighter from WW2
>What does /int/ know about pic related?
Ask /int/ then lmao
It is a plane indeed.
god fucking damnit Im retarded
Of course I mean Veeky Forums. Though probably comes from /int/
That's military history.
Most historians are specialized, and won't be able to tell you anything about planes from WW2. To some degree I do believe that this particular subject suits /k/ better.
It entered service in 1940 just prior to the invasion so it didn't do much afaik. It was later used by Vichy France and even Luftwaffe but only for training purposes. Overall a pretty mediocre aircraft that wasn't built in higher numbers and didn't see much action in order to prove itself.
>is Veeky Forums more than war history?
fixed that for you
You can be certain everybody here knows everything about WW2 and 1 but whenever somebody makes a thread that doesn't have to do with war history, it gets ignored or only gets half the replies
(don't get me wrong, I like war history too but only plebs and teenagers ((pretty sure half the people here are around 16-19)) only care about "epic battles" and interesting leaders)
Amongst other achievements, we had a French D520 pilot shooting down 6 planes in 1 flight (against Italians), which is impressive given the amount of munitions available, and also the best German ace (Molders) that was shot down by a D520, along with one of his wingmates, while ambushing a twice less numerous D520 squadron.
Shooting down Italians isn't really much of an achievement
fucking memes
I am gonna crash this plane.
Threw me, I'm good with planes but not on the French airforce for obvious reasons. I was thinking it to be a Russian Mig from WW2 that might have been used by French resistance or something
who cares about it? BF 109 E was superior in every way
>French resistance using fighter aircraft
>Using RUSSIAN fighter aircraft
Normandie Niemen
educate yourself pleb
That is hardly 'the French Resistance', a term which exclusively refers to French guerilla resistance movements
wasnt actually, D520 squadrons had a 2.5 k/d ratio.
(and took the same building time as a hurricane, which makes it arguably the best fighter in 1940)
they had Yaks though iirc
one of the most underrated aircraft of WW2.
Too little were built to make a difference.
They did that, also it has a similar profile to a ww2 mig
The Italians had a decent airforce at the start of the war didn't they?
Even if France possessed only 18 at the start of the war, in 14 weeks French industry kicked in and it had 600+ D520 by the Armistice (the plane was design around production efficiency). However, squadrons were not used to them yet, so it indeed came in too late to make a difference.
No, but even bad planes absorb bullets
For a time, yeah.
Their later planes are AMAZING, though.
they still used D520 till 1945 though, and appreciated them a LOT. They even killed the ammo supplies for the 20 mm canons.
Im seeing a Morane-Saulnier, but I might be wrong.
Decent aircraft. apparently was on par with the Germans except for agility and ground-air communication.
Not even close to a Morane Saulnier, which was 5 years behind the BF109.
What does Veeky Forums know about pic related?
Efficiently covered London at night but could not fight during the day due to poor design and bad engines.
They'd trick german fighters into attacking Hurricanes because they sorta looked the same.
very perfidious.
>Lets make a fighter with no front facing guns
Underrated plane that was discarded by allies and their necessary Spitfire propaganda (even to the doom of the Hurricane) and that Germans had too much pride to use themselves. They did study it nonetheless, and brought nose canons to most of their fighters afterwards. Also they gave the D520 stocks they had to their Finn and Italians allies, which iirc liked them quite a lot, and used them until the end of the war. It also saw some action against allies planes in Noth Africa, but was no match for 1942 versions of the Spitfire, which is understandable given how much it had improved since 1939.
Decent tier two premium. Good rewards. Low ammo count is an issue.
It had a good airframe. Makes you wonder how good it could have been if France hadn't been knocked out early, and it had gone through the same development cycle as the Spitfire or 109.
Lacked a good motor, since France was thinking of using German engines but the war made them change that plan. Pic related I found a comparator to the BF109G. The BF109E4 of 1940 would have had a DB 601 A-1 of 990 hp though. On paper, it could hold its ground. In reality, too few were made and too late.
Pretty shitty comparison picture, considering the "G" model had almost 50% more power than the "E" model the D.520 faced in the Battle of France.
Good lord no. They arguably had the worst air force of any of the primary Axis belligerents.
The bulk of their air force consisted of obsolete types that had served well in Ethiopia, but were horribly suited for any real war. They somehow managed to take lessons completely opposite to what everyone else got from the Spanish Civil War, and proceeded to spend an ungodly amount of resources developing and producing the world's second most modern biplane fighter, and, oddly enough, the elite pilots were almost exclusively flying biplane fighters at the outbreak of war. Even their modern monoplane fighters were sub-par with the exception of the very few Macchi C.202s that were available.
Plus, Italian aircraft armaments were hilariously inadequate. Their fighters were flying for most of the war with just two slow-firing Breda 12.7mm machineguns with something like 400 rounds between the two guns.
And even better, their industrial capacity was shit. The Regia Aeronautica was running on 850hp-class radial engines at the outbreak of war while their contemporaries were generally working with more powerful inlines (generally the Rolls-Royce Merlin, Hispano-Suiza 12Y, or DB 601), and even with lagging engine development they were still struggling to meet demand. By the 1943 Armistice, they had completely given up on developing a competitive engine of their own and just started relying on buying engines straight from Germany.
>Finns, who liked them alot
I wouldn't be so quick to use the Finns as proof that a fighter is good. The Finns were wildly successful with just about everything they flew, no matter how bad it was (looking at you, Buffalo). The Finnish successes with their fighters isn't evidence of anything beyond the fact that Finns might have superpowers.
And their batter late-war planes were...
wait for it...
Because Italians can't into mass production.
Funny thing was that pretty much everything that mattered on the best Italian fighters was German equipment. The Re.2005, G.55, and C.205 all used the German DB 605 engine and MG 151/20 cannon (in addition to the two useless synchronized machineguns.
Thanks for the feedback. Please read the comment though.
I was actually wrong, Bulgars, Roumains and Italians flew that plane, not Finns.