I am obsessed with looking like I'm not autistic

I am obsessed with looking like I'm not autistic.

I literally dress in the most unoffensive way I can think of and obsess over personal hygiene. That means solid color everything in my proper size, straight-fit jeans and solid color sneakers. Pic related.

If something could be polarizing in any way, I don't touch it.

What do you call this?


>I am obsessed with looking like I'm not autistic

proceeds to write how autistic he looks and is

>What do you call this?
advanced autism

Autismophobia and OCD

I would call it basic

You shouldn't worry so much. You should develop personal style further, even if it remains basic as it is now.
Who cares what other people think?
If you like something, genuinely, then wear it. If you are afraid of looking autistic, you are just suppressing your own style and decision making out of fear.

Let go of the fear, wear whatever you want too.

I am pretty sure I have the same condition, but I feel different about it.

That kind of behaviour actually exposes your raging autism, but it comes off as innocent (unless you talk about it in detail on the monglian knitting forum) and decent to other people.

Every time I try something different I cannot bring myself to leave the house without sweating like crazy and being obsessed about how try-hard / autistic I must seem to other people (especially in my third-world country, where even wearing an objectively decent fit makes you feel uncomfortable on the streets)

This is pretty much the most effective option by far - aesthetically pleasing, mentally comforting, and it's impossible to fuck up.

I'm almost certain that aint you, nigga

>I am obsessed with looking like I'm not autistic.
>dresses like an autistic basic bitch
Ih boi, this board just gets shittier and shittier every day

I dress the same way dude, don't worry about it. I justify it as minimalism or "erring on the side of caution" but really it's just my anxiety preventing me from wearing anything too outlandish. As long as you take fit and colour into account, you can still look good. Eventually you might get bored of buying and wearing the same shit, like me, and start to branch out a bit, but no one can fault a simple fit done well.

At the end of the day, confidence is the most fashionable thing you can have. If wearing simple fits make you feel confident, then knock yourself out. Don't let other people's opinions stop you from wearing what you want to wear though, that's just inauthentic.

I have this too - diagnosed sperg here. I used to not be self aware but Veeky Forums has made me scrutinize all aspects of my life compulsively.


I don't think it's autism. I do this too because I'm overly self conscious of how people perceive me especially physically and hygienically. If you like how you dress then there's no need to change it. But if you wanna dress differently maybe you should address the possibility that you're insecure or anxious about that sort of stuff, and look for ways to work on it(and by that I don't mean stuff like nofap, I mean speaking to professionals and exercising regularly). Good luck

literally the point

b o r i n g

This is Inkinsurgent of superfuture fame. One of the top posters over there. Google him, he has amazing fits. My inspo folder is like 50% of his stuff. He used to post here too.

Basic is the most effay style desu

This is not a good way to justify how boring you look.

Ur an autist m8

underrated first post best post

thanks for the info. really love his fits. could you please share what you have? would be much appreciated!