Why do I find ugly/hot girls so... attractive?

Why do I find ugly/hot girls so... attractive?

idk what's wrong with me

face features that stand out tend to get notice and stay in your memory longer.

I don't think you know what truly ugly girls look like.



they're not exactly "ugly", they are attractive in an unconventional way. these models have interesting features but their faces are still symmetrical
girl in pic 2 has incredible eyes, they are just a bit wider apart


because it's what fashion industry is about these days desu

kys she's str8 goddess

Ayy Lmao

Sam's reason why /sp/ loves Katy Ledicky

Ugly = accessible

you know these models are way less accessible than your average 10/10 right?

nothing ugly about this one

are you also an alien?

I think they're beautiful and they could definitely sit under the removable hard top and optional Thule roof rack of my 1992 Geo Tracker, the official car of Veeky Forums

I've always found girls with distinct features more attractive than average girls and my longest relationships have always been with girls who have a slightly different look. I think it's just my mind being naturally edgy. I have to be seen with a one of a kind, edgy looking girl, not some clone whose hot, and possibly a better fuck, but someone unique aesthetically.


why the fuck do i see this everywhere

This is the best. I can't escape this fucking thing!!

Because it's a nice, reliable vehicle. Affordable, to boot! In fact, I think we should all be driving them.

But she's so cute :3

I think she's just hot T B H

It's literally because these girls aren't ugly.

Look at some super models. They are not hot by the standard definition, but some have extremely unique faces with strange features. They aren't "ugly". I second the fact that you haven't seen an ugly girl before. To further complicate things, beauty is in the eye of the beholder or nah

Who is this user?

Aye i have seen her irl..Too bad she is from walloonia and doesnt speak dutch and Japanese despite being part japanese

because you are ugly and you think they are the onley ones you can get.

>beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Not really.
No one finds pizza-faced asymmetrical with jagged teeth people to be hot.
Beauty is about rules that don't actually vary that much. Some people overestimate how much their silly preferences matter.

In what fucking world is that girl ugly?

Most people regardless of how attractive they are, are going to be more attracted to a typical 10/10 than pic related

Stella Lucia

well no shit look at her fucking face

o shit I had no idea Yumi was Belgian

where'd you see her?
I might try go get a glimpse myself


what about this girl do you find ugly?
her brow line?
none of these grills look ugly to me cept

I don't come on to Veeky Forums to be reminded of this shit. Fuck off.

what are you talking about

nothing because he's a retard

It's because she has no eye lashes and her eyes look jarring on her face because the asian featues don't mesh well with white ones.

Fetal alcohol syndrome



it's a meme you dip

This is almost as funny as the

She's actually good looking. It's the two hair clippers on the sides that give her a slightly distorted look.