Where can i buy decent quality pro-trump sweatshirt or hooded sweatshirt that's less autistic than pic related?

where can i buy decent quality pro-trump sweatshirt or hooded sweatshirt that's less autistic than pic related?

or should i make my own? if yes, where can i make them?

fuck off fascist


post a fit autist

lol fuck off cucks

if you say so

They are right.
Vote Hillary, get more Spics, let Niggers do what ever they want and become a shithole as fast as possible.
Then you can't infest the rest of your Bullshit anymore.

Sören bitte

*rest of the world with your Bullshit

I don't have to vote for either dumbass

I'm serious, Hillary should win.

I agree. She sucks, buti It's better for the left if she wins.


can someone answer my question please

You'll look autistic no matter what, so you should go for the cheapest one

You're welcome

reported for racism, sexism, xenophobia

if you're serious the MAGA logo is the only remotely effay trump related media i can think of but you will look like a grade a autist no matter what so like others have said buy the cheapest you can find or print ur own

get the hat, not a sweatshirt

your fucking 12 you cant even vote..

Fuck off

You still have made a choice

t. Rush

>not voting for Hillary to start a civil war and result in dead libcucks

pls leave and never come back

>thinks a liberal vs conservative war would result in dead liberals

LOL. 99% of the U.S's economy is in liberal/coastal states. Cut supply lines and let the southern and flyover states starve, would do this country some good.

what kind of meme is this

Are you an actual retard or are you a bot with a broken irony detector

We can dream, user

We can dream

All you need is a trump hat

>skinny cute boys like Trump
oh fuck

maybe it's time to switch sides

>wearing anything political
>not being autistic

What did I expect with an fabric washing forum

Just smear shit all over yourself. It's way cheaper and achieves the same result.

I think you'll find on any side of any issue at least some moderately attractive people.

I'm all for switching sides for literally any reason tho. Fuck politics.

OP. Politics, especially political belief, is transient, and wearing something that professes your allegiance is cringeworthy d e s u.

it's going to look tacky when the race is over.
Ever see those kids still wearing "Bernie 16" shirts? You know how stupid they look? Do you want to look like one of them?

If Trump loses, you don't want to wear that shirt.You don't want to ever admit you were on a losing side. You will be a dressing like a loser.
You will be literally clad in the clothing of a loser.

If Trump wins, you'll be inviting comments from anyone, including random people on the street you've never met, to ask you to justify/support /explain the *LATEST PROVOCATIVE THING* Trump said or did. Literally random people will expect you to debate with them on some stupid political issue, because politics season in America makes people grow bolder and unclassier than ever before.

I fucking hate politics so much. can we just keep political shit off of Veeky Forums?

Just have a custom one made with a huge "TRUMP" on the front in a metal font. Done.

no because my political leanings are directly tied to my identity and EVERYONE HAS TO KNOW WHO I AM AND WHAT I STAND FOR, I HATE THOSE PUSSY LIBTARDS AND THE JEWS DID 9/11