Axes were a meme
>not as stabby as a sword in fact not stabby at all
>not as smashy as a mace
everyone who could afford a sword instead of this piece of shit did so
Axes were a meme
>not as stabby as a sword in fact not stabby at all
>not as smashy as a mace
everyone who could afford a sword instead of this piece of shit did so
Other urls found in this thread:
>everyone who could afford a sword
Which is why only six guys out of a hundred had swords, you retard.
I imagine they would have been quite effective against the lighter types of armor.
and the hundreds had spears or polearms instead of meme axes
fucking retard
>le only nobles could afford a sword meme xD
horse shit look at Celts
>what are Halberds?
Polearms which also had a long spike so they could be used for stabbing as well that have fuck all to do with one handed axes like the one from the picture.
>Halberds don't have axe blades on them
get a load of this cuck
axe blade is not an axe
>I have reading comprehension of a kid with down's syndrome: the post
Saxons and Vikings used them to hook shields drag it down
two handed ones seem alright
please stop shitposting on my board.
Good enough to keep 300 lousy Spaniards from crossing a bridge :)
Its the sliciest tho
Slicy > Smashy > Stabby
what it has to do with axes?
>not knowing that slashing and crushing is more important than impaling unless you had a pole arm.
Swords were not used very much during the initial battle. Usually they were there as side weapons or were used by knights. Even then, many knights preferred axes and maces above swords in combat unless
Swords were more of a symbol of a noble or freeman.
Yes I'm sure it happened.
>The Spanish victory was decisive, as the offensive capacity of the French was destroyed. After some days of siege in Gaeta, the French surrendered. Spain had therefore gained a total supremacy over the Kingdom of Naples that would last several centuries.
stfu french cuck.
>Slicy > Smashy > Stabby
Reverse that order.
>slicing at armor
just like in my anime xDD
They are axes on a longer stick and the wounds caused by the blade are mentioned in literature, the "spike" on many extant examples isn't a quadrangular spike but a hook instead.
Multiple French and Spanish sources confirm it :)
The outcome of the battle does not diminish the event painted.
It means the guy was a faggot, got rekt and axes are shit.
they broke wooden shields pretty well because all of their force was concentrated on a single bladed edge rather than multiple ones like with a mace or along its entire length like with a sword. They could also be used to reach over shields. The Norse sagas depict them as perfectly fine weapons and mention warriors using the upper horn of the axe to stab people.
The basic design was improved to better deal with armored opponents by adding a spike to the top and sometimes a hammer on the other side to make it a poleaxe.
>source: Mount and Blade
Norse sagas also mention people turning into bears, witch that had an army of monsters and also rose people from the dead (that one needs a video game) and all sorts of made up bullshit.
Which is why they were used almost by every guy in plate armor right?
>implying smashy isn't unironically the best
Even today, I'd rather have a baton than a knife.
Plate armor was for fucking faggots as well and knights were getting rekt by peasants with long pointy sticks on regular basis.
You are aware that is a cavalry axe aren't you?
*tips patched up strawhat
Glorious bastard you are
>all the butthurt axefags
>muh hallberd that served also as a hammer and a spear and was a polearm and not an fucking axe to begin with
lmao deal with it axes were only good in the early middle ages
I can't think of any good reason why multiple writers from a warrior culture would depict an inferior weapon as effective throughout their works. They don't really rank them as better or worse than other weapons, they just describe techniques that warriors performed with them including the ones that I mentioned. They were evidently good enough weapons that the Greek Emperor hired thousands of axe-wielding barbarians to be in his retinue. They were also good enough for King Stephen of England, Richard I, Robert I of Scotland, and John II to use on occasion in place of a sword.
>Which is why only six guys out of a hundred had swords, you retard.
Bullshit. By the time of the middle ages a sword cost less than a week's money a professional man at arms got for his work.
>warrior culture
yeah and they also had epic horned helmets and village raids involved heroic battles :DD
Varangian Guard also consisted of Saxons and Russians later on and they got defeated so there is that. They were loyal and that's why emperor was fond of them not because muh epic barbarian axemen.
ya'll niggers getting trolled tho
It depends on the technology, production capacity and demography of each society you fucking retard.
Name some societies where only few out of hundreds could get a sword.
ancient Germs
the Varangians were praised by numerous ancient authors for their skill in combat. I find it rarther doubtful that the Emperor's personal bodyguard would be equipped with weapons that were widely understood to be inferior.
>later on and they got defeated
The Empire was in decline and great troops can't do much if they're not utilized properly.
yep, entire thread is balls
Axes were incredibly useful against any sort of armored or unarmored opponent.
I forgot to mention that I made it up lol xD
They were praised by the time Varangian Guard had no scandinavians left so basically they praised Saxons.
axes were good at sieges and shit like that since they were the best to destroy barricades and any kind of obstruction
also, they worked better than sword against heavy armored targets
>destroying barricades
lmao I always knew Veeky Forums took it's historical knowledge from video games and fantasy movies
>being a square unbeliever
hit this fucker with the hammer, Thor!
>people destroying barricades is a meme xDD
care to explain a single good reason why advancing soldiers would play the game of the defenders and funnel down in a single or two-lane path?
Sieges were about starving out the enemy and then if they didn't surrender killing off weakened soldiers nigger they might as well kill them with rocks at this point.
Scandinavians were always the core of the varangian guard, dumb ass
lmao and Jackie Chan is Korean
Honestly there is pretty decent genetic affinity, especially between Norwegians and Russians/Poles, in many ways moreso than with germans.
LMAO you Slav subhuman you have nothing in common with Norwegians.
Is it 2010 still?
I am Norwegian.
Fan of russians and poles, dislike western Europeans (not counting meds)
>I am Norwegian
immigrating to Norway doesn't make you Norwegian Janusz
How are you sure they weren't Angles, Jutes or Frisians?
Because Saxons were the only ones who mattered in the Guard the rest were just meme tier fillers no one gave a fucking fuck about.
100% Norwegian dude, but the poles and russians are both historically and genetically like cousins.
t. son of immigrants
Yeah but how do you know the Saxons were actually Saxons and not the aforementioned peoples?
(This is a trick question)
Why would anyone lie about them being Saxons?
Language and culture are more important than muh haplogroups though. Norwegians are closer to Danes and Germans.
Dette er ikkje eit påskot for ubegrensa polsk innvandring til Noreg fåvæ, meir eit påskot for å heller dyrke våre historiske forhold i aust foran desse nye og einsidige forholda til vestlege stammar.
We have fucking nothing in common with germans, not really danes either.
Sweden and Finland (despite the language) are much closer culturally, and do keep in mind that we share a land border with Russia and have had tons of interaction with them up until VERY recently.
And since when are Nordics fond of Russians?
Not strictly lying but not knowing.
Were they Saxons from Saxony or Saxons from England? In the latter case it's quite possible they weren't actual Saxons.
There were heaps of interaction before communism.
>horse shit look at Celts
where only the nobility had swords
Your dad was cucked by a russian bull?
does that naked chucklefuck look like a noble to you?
Not many russians were I'm from, and I am definitely my father's son based on appearance, in that I have almost no features from my mother's side.
You weren't alive during that time, how would you know it's made up if you couldn't see it for yourself?
Swords are a GOAT weapons. Not because of the striking power, but because they are universal, useful against both knights and peasants.
>can't parry
>can be grabbed
>slow to retract after strike
>few weapon techniques
>useful for striking
>short edge makes it almost impossible to chop off polearms without holding them, since they slide off
>can fucking parry
>can't be grabbed
>quickly retracted after strike
>most weapon techniques of any weapon
>sharp tip can slide through openings in armor (the only way to kill heavily armed opponents)
>can chop off polearms due to the long edge
>in close combat pommel can be used to strike (and kill, it's fucking steel)
There are so many ways in which a one-handed sword is better than a one-handed axe, and the only advantage the axe has, namely the weight advantaged, is absolutely negated in the hands of a skilled swordsman. Axes are cheaper ofc, and better tools.
Yes. I completely knew you would reply with a picture like that. The nobility would often strip naked, the Celts were extremely famous for that. The Longsword was a weapon reserved for the nobility. In fact the common folk weren't even allowed to fight until the later Celtic period.
I know my shit on Celts.
>how could you know monsters and shapeshifting is made up
Why wouldn't a noble who can afford armor buy the fucking armor?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
They used two-handed axes for their reach and to kill mail-armored opponents (like Turks) by crushing. For close combat they all used swords. One-handed axes for Varangians were more like trinkets, that a officer would carry.
Because he wanted to fight naked to prove his bravery and favour of the Gods. The same shit happens today in Africa, google General Butt Naked.
You do not understand Celts.
>itt: armchair vikings
Admit it faggots, absolutely none of you know what you're talking about.
>b-but, I have over 400 hours in skyrim/total war/dark souls/minecraft
No, shut up, you are dumbasses.
t. mount n blade
Weapons are not so defined as you think, the differences are much less exaggerated as you make out
I know about General Butt Naked I saw him in one doccumentary but the difference is he lives in age of guns where no armor would actually help him (kevlar is a meme) and celts lived in era where armor was effective. Face it Celts spammed swords and axes were shit.
Jesus christ educate yourself
Which is the reason why all European knights used swords over axes.
Are you seriously trying to deny that the Celts had a thing for fighting in the nude? It's extremely well documented. Take the Dying Gaul for example. He wears a torc, an expensive piece of Jewellry, a sign of wealth and nobility, yet he is naked. The majority of depictions of Galatians show them naked, yet wealthy with such Jewellery.
The Celts. Fought. Naked.
Especially the nobles
Fucking deal with it
Literally none of those points apply 100% of the time. For example:
>can't parry
There's a handle
>can't be grabbed
With thick gloves you can
>le all Celts were naked
I can't decide what I'm more tired of
>everyone in the medieval era fought with swords and only swords
>swords were the rarest things in the universe and only Kings had them
I think the second one because it's spouted by autists who pretend to know about history whereas the first is just a common misconception
How about the truth: the swords were reasonably common and absolutely trash.
Never said all Celts were naked i said they often were.
Try reading.
How about, swords were amongst many weapons fought with and were both popular and unpopular, like say handguns today.
Scots were fucking barbarians too dumb to use a sword they don't fucking count.
Better truth.
There's no correct answer because over the timeline of swords being in existence and in different places the expense of swords has varied greatly making them go from extremely common in some places and times to very rare in other places and times.
Thats the only correct answer, any other generalisation is wrong
>presented with an argument
>nope, that doesn't count faggot