Why it took so long to develop a halberd...

Why it took so long to develop a halberd? You would think that an axe on a long stick would be one of the earliest weapons ever made but nope. People were so retarded back then.

No, it wasn't needed until the high/late medieval period.
It's actually quite an impracticable weapon, its off balance, heavy and difficult to take full advantage of while in formation.

Yeah, isn't it specifically made to fight late medieval knights?

No it was made as dildo prototype used by noble women.


people used shields for a long time

also dane axes, bardiche and voulges were like 1000 AD stuff

No, just heavier armed infantry. You might be thinking of polaxe which was used by knights for other knights

Why people stopped using shields later then?

Notice how the axe part of it gets more ornamental the farther to the left you go? This is probably because it was hardly ever used.

armor got better, didn't need it as much

to the right I mean

And crossbows/early muskets

Wow so they were retarded after all. They could use both shields and their new armor but they decided to be stupid cunts like every pre 21st century fuckface.

2 handed weapon with armor > armor and shield

It's amazing how people easily forgets we didn't have black bulls for our dear princesses in the past.

In use c. 1600 BC.

Shields take up an entire hand.

You are very retarded.

Phillip of Macedon figured it out, just use a smaller one and strap it further up on the arm.

>weapons designed specifically to fight against men wearing full plate harness
>hurrrr why did it take until the late 14th century for this sort of weapon to be developed?!?!?!?!?!?

Why would you carry a giant, heavy, awkward shield when the hardened, fitted armour you are wearing provides more protection and isn't a liability?

Macedonian phalanx wore shields strapped around the neck.

>Why it took so long to develop a halberd?
Not really, Chinks had them by the 1000's BC.

Not an axe.

Maybe not purposely but they were used often to dismount Knights.

That's where you're wrong, the "axe" bit of the Ji is called a "Ge."

Which translates into "Dagger Axe." Ancient China had shitloads of axe types and the Ge is one of them, designed as a two handed weapon to pull people off chariots or to pierce typical leather armor at the time. Or for charioteers to drag enemy charioteers off their vehicles.

During the Zhou period, the Chinks then said "you know, this thing is rather limited to a sweeping motion, why not combine it with a spearhead?" Tada, Ji.

So as a spear with an axe bit, Ji therefore merited the english translation of "halberd."