Morality is not real
Good and Bad are social constructs
There is no afterlife
The world is chaotic, there is no logic to the events of the world
You are nothing special
I remember being 13.
The goal of this thread is to make a serious case for "edginess."
tbqh I see why it is 100 percent logical, although that doesn't imply one should go around torturing little animals.
the proper way to apply "edge" to your life is by living by your own rules(when you can get away with it) and never believing in an authority unless you have logically made the same decision.
The other great thing about "edge" is hat there is no moraizing. Although there is the case of if it is 'edge'ical for a follower of the edge to become a moralizing prick televangelist solely for the money.
Morality is as real as a social construct.
Good and Bad can be social constructs, but there are Good things and and Bad things that are established in your mind prior to being culturally manipulated. Such as being hungry or being free from a shitty diaper. We define good and bad mostly on our natural reactions to things, rather than defining what is bad and THEN beginning to have those reactions.
There is eternal life.
The world is perfectly uniform.
You are everything.
physically beneficial =/= good
not in the sense of ethics. ethics are 100 percent social constructs.
>We define good and bad mostly on our natural reactions to things
this is not always the case, for a long time masturbation was thought to be bad even though it is actually physically beneficial.
Ethnics are real dude.
I will need proof on all of your claims so we can BTFO this thread already
"Might makes right" is the ultimatum of edginess.
the proof is the horrifying senseless world we live in
no one has ever proven the existence of an afterlife
>Majority of people are dumb
>Absolute monarchies are the best
>Using the word cuck
>the proof is the horrifying senseless world we live in
[spoiler]git gud[/spoiler]
Horror, senselessness and proof are all social constructs.
You are a social construct. Like, do you even exist outside a social context dude?
How is this any different from any Stirnier or Nietzsche threads?
I don't have any friends. So obviously.
>tfw I am literally speaking to a spook
>The world is chaotic, there is no logic to the events of the world
That's just plain incorrect
I was hoping this thread would go on to bring a discussion about challenging authority and the social aspects of edge.
the implication is that there is no governing metaphysical structure to which we must adhere.
social edge-ism by my definition is revolution against hierarchy, a revolution not based in
>muh poor
>muh oppressed class
>muh national spooks
but in based in pure emotion and desire and is honest about it
the communist would say
>fuck the rich
the capitalist would say
>fuck the poor
there would be no moralizing
>think about the economy, the poor, human rights, property rights, what would jesus do, >being rich is bad, democracy is bad
the poor would revolt out of hatred of the wealthy and desire for power. the wealthy would oppress out of desire to maintain their wealth and disdain for the poor.
things would be transparent and clear. true arguments could be made and there would be no more
>my ideology is more moral than yours.
Yes, but there is an extremely rigid physical structure
but it is not metaphysical. Electron emit photons when they jump an energy level, does that have any implication on morality or an afterlife?
>Morality is not real
It's a social construct, but that doesn't mean it's not real.
>Good and Bad are social constructs
>There is no afterlife.
We have no way of knowing, but we also have no good reason to believe there's an afterlife.
>The world is chaotic, there is no logic to the events of the world
Not true at all.
>You are nothing special.
Depends what you consider special.
>oh look mommy someone said something i disagree with on the internet better call him names instead of explaining why i think that's wrong
everyone laughs at determinists and nihilists but is there anyone who can actually refute them?
Gonna address these as if you were making a real point.
>morality isnt real
Morality exists relative to culture (such as religion and societal norms). Morality may be reduced to a personal sense of a right and wrong but it most certainly exists and the fact that so many people agree that x (e.g. murdering innocent children is wrong for "some reason") means morality also exists on a more global scale.
>edgy teenage something
Ok m8
>the world is chaotic and has no logic
You dont understand whay chaos is. The fact that we can "logically" say the sun will rise tomorrow is enough evidence of an order to the universe that debases the claim that it is chaotic. I say this because we only 'know' the sun will rise because of induction- ie. It has happened every day before so it will happen tomorrow. This isnt even technically logic. For a more logical example perhaps gradual evolution demonstrates a type of ordered growth and change. Certainly not pure chaos where i might grow 3 purple dinosaur heads in the next second.
>you are nothing special
Define special.
I have consciousness, i am a small part of a huge ecosystem that is the universe. Without me the universe would be fine but im at least equal with every other small part of the universe. One vote doesnt matter for a vote of 1 billion people. But if 1 billion people had that logic and didnt vote there would be no vote in the first place. This demonstrates how cumulative small parts can be important.
>good and bad are social constructs
Therefore there is no intrinsic good.
Consider survival. Without survival, nothing good or bad can exist at all. Pure nothingness. No thought to consider good or bad. By this token I posit survival is an inherent good. Now survival may have negatives like destroying the earth. However, this wouldnt be a bad thing if survival wasnt a good.
>Morality is not real
The very idea that there is a single objective moral in this world nullifies the vast array of other morals that exist. If Western morals are right, then Chinese, Muslim, etc, morals, are all inevitably wrong due to the moral's instrictly objective nature. So how do we know which is the right one? There is no way to argue for morality unless its the argument for functionalism, and even then, you're not really proving the moral as being right.
>Good and Bad are social constructs
I'm going to use the same logic as I did with morals.
>There is no afterlife
People make the claim that there is after life when they have the burden of proof resting over their shoulders, I don't need to prove this statement right.
>The world is chaotic
The world? Maybe. Probaly yes.
The Universe?
Not that much.
>there is no logic to the events of the world
There is, however quantum physics says that electrons bla bla randomly bla bla bla. So to some point it's random, but not illogic, and after that point, everything is completely deterministic and "logic".
>You are nothing special
I'm going to say something about how big the universe is.
So you were agreeing with OP about morality not being "real"? You havent said anything that would establish the idea that it's real- only that different groups argue about it. Religions argue about god but that doesnt make god real.
If fact you said if an objective moral existed it would disprove OP. But you didnt offer an objective moral you went on a wayward tangent like it elaborated on your point.
>tfw being scared is a spook
>free will doesn't exist
>I am certain determinism exists without any proof
>implying pure nothingness is bad/good
who the fuck are you to make such a judgement?
>You dont understand whay chaos is
>Certainly not pure chaos where i might grow 3 purple dinosaur heads in the next second.
what a flawed understanding of chaos, by chaos and no logic I meant that there is no universal action which is consistently moralistic
good things happen to good and bad people and vice versa.
the actions of the universe do not discriminate on the basis of how good or bad someone is.
You didnt mention morality at all in your brief, ill-thought out point. You said the world is chaotic and there is no logic to its events. That has nothing to do with morality, only metaphysics.
You say there are is no good or bad then you reference both in a completely arbitrary way to make an absurd point. You corrupt your own argument, lurk more. I'm not being rude but you need an actual thought out argument and not a one line intuition.
I didn't want to write out
>(a subjective concept)
every time I wrote 'good' and 'bad'
other than that I see no problem with my argument. There is no proof for a metaphysical or physical morality.
I make this claim so people will abandon the idea that 'bad'(a subjective concept) people get punished eventually and 'good'(a subjective concept) people get rewarded eventually.
>You said the world is chaotic and there is no logic to its events. That has nothing to do with morality, only metaphysics.
if there is a morality it would be metaphysical i.e, you can't put it in a box, but the proof of a metaphysical "morality" does not exist.
The morality of actions has no effect on this universe, which is the only the one which we can experience.
It is also dangerous to believe in morality because it gives license to people to let themselves be abused and live in sub-par conditions, because they believe there is a reward or an intrinsic value for being 'good'(a subjective concept) and a punishment for being 'bad'(a subjective concept).
If you believe the universe will eventually make things 'right'(a subjective concept) you are more likely to take a pssive role and not attempt to 'better'(a subjective concept) the world or your condition. Of course this is nothing wrong with this, because there is no right or wrong, but my personal thoughts are that such a passive populace will eat shit and die and be an agent of stability for the (by my standards) subpar society. Which kind of fucks things up for everyone else who doesn't want to eat shit and die.
you can bang and then marry your retarded step daughter if you have enough money.
Christianity is correct and everything OP said is false
Why no torturing animals? It's not bad, bad doesn't exist. Why can't we do that as long as we don't get caught.
hitler confirmed for "that edgy kid in school"
that is meant to separate truth from advocacy.
I don't advocate torturing animals and just because one knows the edgy truth does not mean you should start (or sympathize with) torturing animals.
but the edgy truth is there is no cosmic punishment or consequence for torturing animals. There is neither a morality that exists that prohibits it.
but pls no torture animals.
Who is worse Veeky Forums.
People who state that everything is pointless and immoral...
...or people who can't really find any proper counter-argument.
All threads are like that.
>life is shit
>no u stupid
>no life is really shit
>no u stupid and edgy
>ad infinitum
None of that is edgy.
yes, and so is the medical field
that doesn't mean it's not a social construct
Everything he said is correct (apart from the world being chaotic and illogical, I suppose), the only thing that makes it edgy is the way he states it like he's trying to upset the reader.
>Morality is not real
It's quite real. Social constructs are real and have actual impact on your life, through the force of others, if nothing else.
>Good and Bad are social constructs
Yes, though you can objectively make qualitative judgements as to which path leads to the desire result. Thus, good and bad are more than just social constructs, they are descriptions of logical decisions and the potential resulting consequences.
>There is no afterlife
Probably not, but everyone affects somebody in some way, and this effect cascades through generations, thus your impact in the world disseminates through time immeasurably, but nothing is forever, unless man invents eternity.
>The world is chaotic, there is no logic to the events of the world
Everything is cause and effect, nothing is chaotic. Even the mathematical chaos that derives from branches of physics only exists due to the impossibility to measure the system, or do so without affecting it. Chaos doesn't exist save as a concept, there is only that which is unpredictable due to lack of omniscience.
>You are nothing special
Your experiences, however similar they maybe to others, are unique in a myriad of ways and will never be experienced by anyone else in the exact same way. You are indeed a unique and special snowflake, and indeed, every individual is different form every other in far more ways than any two snowflakes.
You fail at edge.
What's so edgy about all that? You can still build values in a universe without objective values. Some states of being are preferable to others, so we try to ensure they come into being.
>There is eternal life.
Can you verify that or are you just saying whatever makes your inevitable death from heart disease or cancer more palatable?
I agree. Questioning authority as an adult is unacceptable, obviously. People should just shut up and accept things the way they are, and blindly subscribe to whatever ideology is most pervasive where they live. To do anything else would be childish.
Can you come up with an intelligible definition of death that doesn't rely on a transtemporal notion of the self?
But OP's lines are pretty much the prevailing ideology of the day.
I realize Sam Harris is immediately disregarded as a meme philosopher here, but he makes similar points in his lectures, and goes further to say that it is imperative that we define objective values based on human happiness and suffering instead of pretending we can't judge other cultures for dressing their daughters in cloth bags and choosing who they marry.
arguably fascist and ironically a point that a lot of stormfags would likely agree on, but because he's also against Christianity I doubt any of them would care to read any of his work to begin with.
Son, you don't know the horrors of eternal life.
Where, exactly? In the western world Christianity is still by far the prevailing ideology and where it isn't, Islam is also very popular. Both of those belief systems would disagree with all of those notions.
I concede OP's points are popular among a certain group, but to say it's the prevailing ideology of the day is just bullshit, maybe on message boards I guess.
What? You are talking about death as a philosophical or spiritual concept it seems like. I am just talking about your biological functions shutting down. After that, there is nothing. There is nothing to see hear or think because those are all functions of a brain, and after death, the brain is no longer processing information.
Maybe I'm retarded but not sure I even understand the question.
I would love to live forever, actually. My life is pretty good, I'm a white male with money and a reasonably sized penis living in modern America. I have access to literally anything I could want. I could understand not wanting to live forever without the advent of air conditioning or the internet I guess. Might get boring after a while.
Would you love to live forever if I told you that at some point in this eternal life you were going to experience the absolute threshold of human pain and suffering, an infinite amount of times?
Of course it would be mixed up with all sorts of ecstasies, to make the deal a little sweeter.
Hell yeah sign me up brother. Anything to see some hot alien boobies.
What if I were to tell you that eternal life doesn't mean you're going to continually be in the same body forever, have the same attitude towards life, or even experience a linear timeline between rebirths?
Sounding good isn't it?
Hmm... no, now you've lost me. That sounds cool I guess but I would have to believe there is something beyond the physical matter of the brain that drives my consciousness, and I just find that very hard to believe.
If you drove a spike into certain parts of my brain, like in a lobotomy, the mystery of consciousness I think would seem a lot less mysterious after I became retarded.
Rebirth isn't exclusive to spiritual thought.
What if the exact pattern of your brain were able to reassemble itself in an eternally fluctuating universal constant obviously capable of assembling you once?
>I am just talking about your biological functions shutting down
Cool Teleology bro, where's it come from.
>The world is chaotic, there is no logic to the events of the world
demonstrably false. Mathematics allow humans to predict events before they happen, therefore those events have logic, and follow the same logic we use.
This is true, for instance, concerning the very computer you use. It was built with logic, and logic allows it to function. The reason it turns on when you press the button is because it was made to do that and is part of a large series of systems, physical systems, also made to allow it to do that.
Or do you think it's just magic?
>Morality is not real
Morality is real. It differentiate us with civilized human being and a bloody savage.
>Good and Bad are social constructs
No it's not. If it harm other life in any way, it's a bad thing. If it benefit people in anyway, it's a good thing.
>There is no afterlife
Agreed. Afterlife is horseshit anyway. A childish construct by a people who afraid of being ceased from existence.
>The world is chaotic, there is no logic to the events of the world
Disagree. There is no such thing as event without logic. Every event and action have it reason, cause and effect. The world is actually less chaotic and less random than what some people perceived.
>You are nothing special
Meritocracy is a thing, you know?
ah, I concede that this is certainly possible, yes.
I am not recognizing the teleogy in my post, can you elaborate?
>I spam fedora memes on the internet when faced with questions that I cannot answer because I am afraid of challenging my conservative beliefs
you don't know about chaos theory or quantum mechanics. IT is physically provable that some shit is unpredictable.
furthermore, by no logic in the universe the OP was talking about how the moral and immoral get randomly assigned events.
>If it harm other life in any way, it's a bad thing. If it benefit people in anyway, it's a good thing.
says you
>The world is actually less chaotic and less random than what some people perceived.
you have never taken a course related to dynamic systems, and you have also never seen the suffering of innocents.