What does Veeky Forums think about Trianon?
What does Veeky Forums think about Trianon?
>start a war of aggression against a country you know has done you no wrong
>18 million people die
>Serbija dindu nuffin, they was good bois
The Slavic victim complex strikes again
Hungary getting trolled by Wilson's promises
> muh trianon
Literally every primary belligerent in WW1 was at fault for the war in some way. The Serbs may have played a significant part, but don't act like the Habsburgs weren't going out of their way to turn the assassination into a war despite Serbia's efforts to accommodate the Austro-Hungarian demands.
Weren't hungarians like only a tiny majority in pre-Trianon borders?
Not at all. As a Hungarian I think Trianon might have been justified if it actually cared for ethnic borders and economies, but it didn't. It wasn't really done to reward the Little Entente but to flex some muscles and punish Hungary. Loads of Hungarians were left in our neighbours, who, after feeling free from oppression did not exactly go easy on them. In Slovakia for example they gerrymandered the electoral districts so that there would be no Hungarian majority in either of them (from W-E orientation to S-N) etc. Not to mention that half of Hungary's economy was left abroad with no time to rearrange things, naturally resulting in a huge crisis.
I have absolutely no bias or any form of modern-day revisionism in myself, and I can tell you that the way Trianon was done was not at all in accordance with Wilsonic pronciples. If it indeed attempted to do justice, it was an absolute hackjob. But I'm convinced that it didn't, it was an attempt of mainly the French to demonstrate power and gather some grateful allies in Eastern Europe that did not manage to evaluate possible consequences.
People don't realize it could have been much worse and that in fact the treaty was lenient towards Hungary while toning down the initial claims of their neighbors significantly.
Some ethnically Hungarian regions were lost due to economic and geographic reasons. At most they might have kept some border town like Komárno, Subotica or Satu Mare, but not much more than that.
Certainly not the borders of 1940 and not the absurd borders of 1867.
They eventually gained Ödenburg/Sopron which was supposed to remain in Austria.
more pics related
The fact that it could have been worse doesn't mean it didn't suck. Toning down the claims of our neighbours doesn't mean much as those claims were ridiculous to begin with. We are talking about Trianon in more or less moral terms here (or at least I am) and the decision makers in question, or anyone for that matter, didn't really care much about those. Neither did they care for realistic consequences, everyone seemed to be lost in childish, romantic visions of national grandeur.
Btw Sopron could vote whether they wanted to remain Hungary or be transferred to Austria. I honestly wonder how the youth there relates to this fact deep down...
Genius french-anglo diplomacy to stop hungary from being german aligned by fucking them over and moving them towards germany. They even had to start a second world war because no one cared about their meme partitions
Serbia did literally nothing wrong. They actually passed on their intelligence about the Black Hand to the Habsburg government, which failed to take action. Vienna actually KNEW that Serbia was innocent of the assassination when they went to war, and deliberately calculated their demands to be unacceptable. Austria and Germany were 100% at fault.
Fucking Reichaboos, Jesus.
>Habsburgs were Hungarians
>we dindu nuffin
quality Slav educamation
Rightful Romanian land
One of the biggest injustice of the XXth century.
Was probably too harsh. Nothing wrong with detaching the non-Hungarian parts of Hungary, and Transylvania will make people mad wherever you draw the line, but Czechoslovakia's border was way too far south and Serbia's a little too far north.
Hungarians BTFO.
At least learn the proper use of English before you start spewing your Hungaboo faggotry here
>Everyone on Veeky Forums is a native English speaker and has a perfect grasp of it.
Nothing wrong with it. Should have done the same to Germany.
the border territories with a hungarian majority should have been hungarian, other than the treaty is fine
>Btw Sopron could vote
The Sopron plebiscite most definitely would not be considered a legitimate vote today. Voter intimidation was widespread.
This, holy fuck.