>thinking your post should be taken seriously while using a slur like abos, niggers, chinks, or kike
I'm not disregarding that post because they have a negative opinion on a group of people, I'm disregarding that because they used an ad hominem while supposedly trying to have some serious thread. There's a reason no one does that in academia.
Veeky Forums, what makes you immediately disregard a post?
>Veeky Forums is academia
toppest kek
Well yeah, of course, but a lot of threads try to attempt it.
And there are certain embarrassing examples of that attempt where the OP just casually uses a slur as if it was some statement accepted among historians.
When it says something that goes against my feelings.
I think they should be silenced, doxed, and lose their job, family and friends.
t. leftist
I thought it was acceptable only when used to with regards to abos due to their especially sorry state?
When it has a bible citation it. The word 'cuck' or when it makes the non-argument that something they don't like is a 'meme'.
I instantly rule that person out as an imbecile.
I think the bible citation is still viable when it is a meta-biblical thread about how interpretations of it changed over time, but otherwise yeah, using it as a history book is pretty cringy.
Are you one of those people that thinks saying "jew" is offensive?
>Any Marx thread that portrays him as right
> t. leftist
You have to go back!
>SJWS are this dumb
>Veeky Forums, what makes you immediately disregard a post?
People who disregard good posts because they see words that trigger them, even if they do not constitute an ad hominem fallacy.
Thinned skinned SJWS like OP
>people taking Jared Diamond seriously
>people implying Turks are human beings
>trying to paint Marxism as anything other than a human tragedy
>cultural relativism
That's pretty much it desu.
When it's blatant bait, like yours.
when I smell /pol/cat which isn't that hard
they are pretty stupid
T - 1st grader
>they used an ad hominem
You've got it backwards. You should be disregarding the post because it is ad hominem, not because they used chink, nigger, or kike. Abo is not a slur, same with jap and jew. This place is not academia. Also, you seem like one of the retards who thinks any form of insult is ad hominem and you can instantly disregard the argument.
>one of the retards
post disregarded ;^)
stupid AND stinky AND they're going to vote for Trump!
>they used an ad hominem
Nope. You misunderstand the fallacy.
"Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.["
A says "The earth is flat"
B answers "No earth is round proved by x, y, z, w, ö and å you fucking nigger"
2+2 = 4 you fucking swedefag
I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better argument than that you scab eating dipshit
I legitimately don't get whether you're agreeing with him or not. I think you do tho.
An inelegant use of memes can be a real put-off. In-jokes are awesome when incorporated naturally into a post, but most of the time it's just embarrassing.
for you
I don't have any interest discussing anything with somebody who doesn't embrace logical reasoning as a basis for knowledge, past explaining to them why logical reasoning works.
Another thing that irks me is when people use circular logic, and you explain to them how their logic is circular and they tell you that your explanation is circular as if it's a flaw in your argument and not theirs.
using the classic example:
>God exists because it says so in the bible
Where is the proof that the bible is factual?
>Because it is the word of God, and God is infallible
How do you know God is infallible?
>Because it says so in the Bible
Where is the proof that the bible is factual?
>You're just repeating the same argument, your argument is circular!
kill yourself SJW
I agree just neck yourself bro. It's too late for you.
>anyone who disagrees with my shallow world view is a bigot who has been on Veeky Forums too long
Whew, it must be hard to deal with reality user.
There's always one of these threads and it's always the same shit
>i fucking hate /pol/ you guys am i cool yet whur da marx threads at
these threads are literally leftist virtue signalling
Things that trip my Christfag sensor like excessive zeal or single quotes from scripture without any of their own words in the post.
>people who find a conversation where people are insulting both sides, and get offended because it isn't a circlejerk
Niggers like you are why this site has gone to shit. Used to be everyone called each other a nigger, now everyone assumes someone who does that is "racist" and comes from /pol/, and they use that to discredit the argument and divide the Veeky Forums userbase, turning boards into Reddit-tier hugboxes that might as well be empty grey blobs.
For me it would be someone who hears something that doesn't align with his narrow world views and all he can say is "" to enforce a safe space where politically incorrect viewpoints are frowned upon. Ironically these types of people are why academia isn't as good as it should be, because historical records and teachings are often influenced by political correctness. Or someone who can't counter arguments, so he starts throwing around the names of "logical fallacies" erroneously (calling someone a chink isn't "ad hominem" unless it's used to imply that the chink in question can't have a valid opinion because he's a chink) instead of actual addressing hotse arguments. Also known as the "fallacy fallacy", good job OP.