Best historical borders thread. I'll start.
Best historical borders thread. I'll start
Colorado's borders are a million times better
Why do we let Americans spread their autism everywhere
It looks like a tumor trying to eat east Prussia
>that Spain
Obese jutland
The perfect western eurasia.
>Having a part of your country broken off from the rest
>ostrogoths and vandals same color
Who had S. Spain?
It always looked like a crocodile eating a nutsack to me.
>I can't read
It shows you the names of the conquered kingdoms, but it's all the ERE.
Yeah, I didn't pay attention to the legend.
I'd still like to know who had s. Spain before Justinian re-took it.
Visigoths of course. You should read on the subject if you're interested, Procopius is rad.
>HRE clusterfuck
Why do people think smolsweden is an idea
>tfw the perfect mix beetwen the east and the west doesnt exist anymore
The only way for a ME country to ever be relevant again is to hold all three Istanbul, the Suez canal and the straits of Hormuz. Luckily enough, that will never happen.
How did the Ottomans fail this hard.
>"The great"
Not this meme again.
You can tell that the majority of white americans came from German stock, lmao
I mean, not really. Saudi Arabia is a fairly relevant country already. It's just also shit. If you mean like great power tho, yeah there is no way that's happening again
Worst Austria
Israel is unholily relevant and technically middle eastern.