The Indo-Europeans literally invented everything
The Indo-Europeans literally invented everything
I believe they invented the first written language.
You are correct. It later spread into Sumeria.
Aren't the Jiahu symbols etc. older?
By stealing ideas and killing witnesses.
>Invented everything
>Didn't even invent civilization
but they did
they were natufians in disguise
Natufians came from the Keberen. Kebern came from the Antillein, which came from the Emireh. The Emireh comes from Europe
Those aren't even Indo European, the Vinca culture was made of neolithic farmers.
Because they originated in an area that let them migrate to all over Europe and western Asia. When the Mediterranean and the middle east is geographically one of the best areas in the world for giving birth to civilizations and different cultures its means that since the PIE were in a spot that let them migrate all over that area that they would end up in places where much of the important stuff was invented.
revisionist revisionist history its all one big circle jerk
but actual answer weve alot to thank the romans for alot to hate them for then came organised religion then came the mongols all weve left then is ruins and dirt theres ruins and things in the dirt
You motherfucker
How is it revisionist?
I bet its the guy who thinks Celtic, Germanic and Slavic languages are descended from Latin
Nigger tier writing skills.
>the wheel
>steel (production)
>domesticated horse
>composite bow and other advanced weaponry
>farming techniques
I doubt they ever existed
>We wuz invented all this shit.
>Invaded and subjugated by various "inferior races."
Hey if /pol/front wants to go with this narrative, feel free.
Then where'd all the Indo-European languages come from
> city
>between 1000 and 200 people
There are neolithic settlements here in Sardia which are bigger (Su coddu Vecchiu had a popolaton of 2,000 people in 3200 BC)
>not being an ariosophist
Aren't the Chinese (and other Eastern Asians) actually latter decendants of Indo Europeans?
I doubt it's correct to lump them together
Why? In older languages the relationship is extremely apparent.
I-is that Loss.jpg? Oh god...
Lol absolutely no.
Yeah this theory aint so bad but china exists, as well as jews who have had alot to do with science over the years
>sardinian idf detected
nope reread historic accounts those cities were big, also ever heard of merv, balkh, kashgar, marakanda?
Have you even read the article?
They are about the same size as several of the city states of ancient Greece and would have housed between 1,000 and 200 people, they said.
If there were more blonde people in Sardinia probably these retarded neo nazis would say that the Neolithic settlements were Aryan metropoleis considering they had twice that population.
Also it's not like I'm defending anything, I was stating that some neolithic settlements 1000 years older than that Russian one I'm aware of had twice the population of that Aryan "city", yet I've never heard those being called cities because we haven't got white supremacists here.
you sards are the nords of the med
That's considered a written language?
There is no proof that this is written language.
It was also made by pre-IE people
They were literally half-angel giants from the north pole, of course they were brilliant.