Was there a cuter couple than Justinian and Theodora? They loved each other and only another, and after Theodoras death Justinian refused to remarry even though he could get any women he wanted.
Cutes couples in history
YHVH and Mary
Mohammad and Aisha
Now I want a doujin of YHVH and Aisha fucking
Trotsky and the ice pick.
Olga of Kiev and Igor of Kiev must have been a pretty cute couple, considering how crazy she went when someone decided to assassinate her senpai.
Man Olga is scary.
Someone should do an anime on her, desu.
are those dangly bits on his crown on the side or on the back?
>not a doujin where she fucking goes batshit and murders everyone and gets married to Igor and does some kinky shit for God
Yes, Kill Bill style. Would read.
>No Olga! Jesus said love your enemies...
>I know
>*drives a stake through his heart*
>I'm going to confession after this
on the side
Who here team Antony and Cleo
>cleopatra is lightskin
every fucking time
how do you know?
Realistic depiction
Ain't no Cleopatra be a skinny white bitch fool! She be a proud african american woman!
>That scene when Olga uses ancient martial arts to release thousands of burning birds into the enemy fortress
Voltaire wrote a play about them.
>Justinian and Theodora
epic simply epic
See Unteralterbach
>On the field of pleasure she was never defeated. Often she would go picnicking with ten young men or more, in the flower of their strength and virility, and dallied with them all, the whole night through. When they wearied of the sport, she would approach their servants, perhaps thirty in number, and fight a duel with each of these; and even thus found no allayment of her craving. Once, visiting the house of an illustrious gentleman, they say she mounted the projecting corner of her dining couch, pulled up the front of her dress, without a blush, and thus carelessly showed her wantonness. And though she flung wide three gates to the ambassadors of Cupid, she lamented that nature had not similarly unlocked the straits of her bosom, that she might there have contrived a further welcome to his emissaries.
>it's a nobody on Veeky Forums even knows enough history to recognise OP's bait episode
Why not? As far as I can tell she was ethnically Greek
>inb4 Greeks aren't white
user was taking the piss.
Sophie and Franz.
why do slavic women always look like they're angry or depressed in art
Joan and Gilles de Rais
Because they lived in Slavic countries.
t. Slav
That was one weird ass relationship.
Gile de Rais was legitimately one of the most imbalanced people to ever live.
>St. Olga
Was he the greatest cuck in all of history?
>He is best known for his reputation and later conviction as a confessed serial killer of children.
Oh. Okay.
Does marrying a stripper make you a cuck?
Veeky Forums is always right. The Cis white males tyring to oppress us by telling us Cleopatra who was clearly from AFRICA was white.
why do people like this bitch? literary comited a genocide because some assholes in that tribe killed her husband.
That's rad as fuck.
Holy kek
That was terrible.
Adam and Eve.
Plus, Eve was probs a lying skank who tried to place the blame on a "talking" snake and managed to get his husband into eternal damnation.
>shaming Eve for not eternally living in ignorance
Emperor Ai of Han and his boipucci.
In a non-gay angle, the Hongzhi Emperor is China's only Monogamous emperor. Literally threw the notion of having Concubines because he loves his waifu so much.
Cute...until he died and nearly triggered a succession war early in the Ming period's history because his children died early.
He knew how it was all gonna end
iirc the reason for this is because his father had a lot of concubines and he was disgusted with the palace intrigue involved with all of these women and potential succession/power disputes. I vaguely remember reading about this guy before.
There's a similar story about The Prophet Muhammad and his cat.
are you saying that the ultimate waifu should be aware she isn't wearing clothes? what's wrong with you?