>Africans never had any civilizations
Africans never had any civilizations
Other urls found in this thread:
>five straw huts encircling a mud mosque is an empire
>Muh special snowflake definition of an empire/civilization
My house is an empire!
I am interested, how exactly do they explain the lack of plants like coffee cacao beans being transported over from America to Africa like it happened with the Colombian exchange?
Your house has an army, large population, multiple ethnic groups, and specialized legal system that others recognize? Cool!
Columbian Exchange*
>muh superior white culture
>everything is borrow from indians and arabs
Were there any hardline dindu empires? As in unequivocally negroid central and south african civilizations with an impressive reach and complexity of social organization.
Mali and Ethiopia are quasi-caucasoid in phenotype. At least that's what bygone anthropology would say
Are you that canadian afrocentrist WE WUZ KINGZ who posts in /pol/ ?
Yes, Songhai.
Songhai is in the same general area than Mali. I mean, I don't know what the fuck the dude means with Mali being "quasi-caucasoid" when they're the most stereotypical blacks, but that's what he said.
Any scholar of history has found fascinating, impressive civilizations in most every continent in the world. The Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Northern half of Africa.
Yet, Subsaharen Africa is found wanting. Little is to be found there that had not developed elsewhere. PC academics have tried for decades to write this off as Simple environmental factors, yet we find in the Jungles of India and the deserts of America, highly advanced civilizations did in fact exist in these conditions, yet somehow in Africa they failed to spring up.
Thus, any knowledgable academic has to conclude that, rather than the doctrine of black inferiority being a white supremacist statement, it shall be one that all the races in the world view the black with contempt at his failure to produce advanced civilizations, and rather insultingly attempt to appropriate there own. To recognize the inferiority of the negro, much as anyone would anywhere as they observe and come to hate the antics of blacks, is paramount to uniting the world to combat the black menace.
Nok culture reached Iron age independently before most of Europe.
"quasi-caucasoid" as in morphologically intermediate between north africa and the rest of the subsahara
I'm not sure if that's even a good description, as they may in fact not be intermediate in any meaningful sense, but they are at least a discreet type
>"Education, sir, is the development of that which is. Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa--rich beyond the dream of poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a White man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail!" Thomas Dixon
Why do black people have identity issues?
They were descended from West Africa. Why not go study about tribes over there instead of the "WE WUZ KINGS" shit.
>Were there any hardline dindu empires?
Benin, Oyo. But Mali was black as sin. The dominant ethnic group was mandinke, otherwise known as Mandingo, which should give you an idea of how black they are
That's bullshit and you know it though
The "mud mosque" isn't even the actual great mosque of djenne. That was built by the French centuries after the actual one (not made of mud) was destroyed by the moors.
And it's not like mud would make it any less of an empire if it was the original mosque
Post moar of these people.
I'm fine with any other group of people as long as they associate. Whether they be Arab, Latino, Asian, Indian etc.
Yet the nigger I will not accept because a nigger does not assimilate. The nigger instead corrupts ones culture. It turns that culture into one of violence, crime, and destruction. The nigger is disproportionally responsible for crime in every country, and as such should be removed with extreme prejudice. My greatest fear is that humanity should fail, and the negro hoards shalt overrun and annihilate our civilizations and all we've built, rendering all the sacrifice and time we as a species have devoted to our advancement, wasted.
Literally never heard this word before. What does it signify?
>an army
Have a gun
>large population
Not a requirement, see pic related
>multiple ethnic groups
gf is black
>specialized legal system that others recognize
Shoes are to be taken off, toilet seat is left down
Isn't she cuuuute?
Because very little archeological work has been done on Africa to verify the uniqueness it has compared to the rest of the world.
Shitpost discarded
>Why do black people have identity issues?
>Why not go study about tribes over there instead of the "WE WUZ KINGS" shit.
Some do but not as much is known about these groups and they aren't as glamorous. It's the same for many people. Macedonia's entire country is based on WEWUZism
"A African male who knows that he has a huge penis that can hit all night and keep a female comin back fo more"
>yet somehow in Africa they failed to spring up
False and this idea get shown to be bullshit every time we have this retarded thread
Take your psuedo-history back to and circlejerk around your alt-history maps of a million grossgermaniums
Yes, truly they bear no dissimilarity to le ghostbusters woman
Keep shitposting senpai
It's pretty obvious all you have is pseudo-scientific bullshit to go on
If you're butthurt over me loaning a word from dated anthropology, fine. East Africans are still ethnically distinct and "black" is not a coherent descriptor. Oh, and panafricanism is retarded
Fulanis are 2qt4moot but they weren't dominant in Mali or Songhai. They had their own caliphate later on though.
I might make this into a fulani qtposting thread.
I never tried to relate them to mali (though i know they inhabit the region), he asked and I simply delivered
>What does it signify?
Big Black Cocks
Originally it was a term for Slaves who were bred to fight in bloodsports or some shit but now it basically just means a black dude with muh dik
Keep deliverin my dude
>it's a "/pol/ tries to troll Veeky Forums but isn't intelligent enough to succeed in irritating anyone" episode
Dat quasi-caucasoid ass.
>Dat quasi-caucasoid ass.
>not as much is known about these groups and they aren't as glamorous.
They were the mighty empires that sold their ancestors to whitey. What's not to know?
What do people who are only 12% black look like?
Which statement am I even trolling with? The central argument /pol/ would make is actually contrary to racist convention. That different blacks are ethnically discreet and are different "types". Regardless of what you think about the alt-right stance on historical development (and how this ties into racial inequality), identifying a couple (or a few) recurring civilizational locuses in Africa doesn't address their central argument until you can establish these examples as generalizeable.
They think most of Africa lacks some natural propensity for civilization, some exceptions (geographically and ethnically self-contained exceptions) do not address the point and thinking otherwise suggests universalism in all black africans when in fact the continent is a medley of rather different peoples and cultures. Redpillers don't believe in that universalism, but they still assert a common factor (barring the stated exceptions) that varies in relation to the unique characteristics of the people. "Blacks are dumb, but not all blacks are equally dumb" and this relates to that whole we wuz x civilization debacle by extension.
Arabs (from the actual Arab peninsula), so Bedouins, some (north) Egyptians, some Palestinians.
Pic related
post em
I like to play a game where I try to guess if they're part nig or no.
that's one of the most densely inhabited areas of Africa though
You don't have to be an afrocentrist to acknowledge that not all Africans lived in mud huts in the jungle.
If Mali doesn't count, because Malinese had some sort of genetic superiority, doesn't modern Africa count?
After all, subsaharan Africa like Botswana, Rwanda, Uganda, Cameroon, Ghana and even fucking Nigeria have their shit together better than Mali.
This entire paragraph is nothing but /pol/-tier lies.
A huge majority of em are uneducated and don't even know that Africa had actual civilisations apart from Egypt, so they latch onto it and make up stuff about them having super advanced technology that was taken away when the white barbarians came.
>toilet seat is left down
You mean sahelian, I suppose. But you should know that Mali is diverse and has super stereotypical "dindus" too. Remember most afro-american's ancestors were captured in this area since it's the land of the bambara predatory states.
Didn't the Portuguese say that the king of Mali could amass something like 100,000 warrior? It's probably an exaggeration, but it suggests that the area was highly populated if nothing else
>Mandingo, which should give you an idea of how black they are
Couldn't help but to laugh.
The fulani are up to their old tricks in Northern Nigeria apparently.
>toilet seat is left down
The all mighty Beta Empire.
Fuck meant the king of Benin
Nice man I was expecting this to go one way and you did something different, quality 10/10.
Aren't fulanis supposed to be muslim. I'm 100% sure that's very haram. Don't stop posting though.
They're as "Muslim" as the dumbasses that mix paganism (slicing a goat head) and Christianity.
>the dumbasses that mix paganism (slicing a goat head) and Christianity
>You will never be a warlord in the Sahel
Africans and some hispanics after the Spanish left
Are sub-Saharan Africans the Masterrace?
No one cares about Sub Saharan civilizations.
Dude back in the day Sahelians practiced free love even married husband and wife, Sahelian and Saharan Islam is much more law and woman centered
They're cucks?
Why would anyone but descendants of such "civilizations" even care about them? They contributed nothing to humanity, maybe it would be neat to study just another human culture, but it is seriously useless to put them on a pedestal.
You can say that about any non European/Chinese civilization. The point isn't that they didn't contribute, it's that they had civilization which many stormfags deny.
"""contributions to humanity""" has to be the biggest fucking meme in history, seriously.
So why do we, random white guys, have to put the fucking Benin empire on a pedestal and pretend it was equal to the French empire? Like if I was East African I would be interested in the history of it, but I'm not.
What I'm trying to get at here is comparing subsaharan empires to European and Asian empires is ludicrous. Just using the same term is ludicrous.
So you're saying it's equally worthy to study a culture that rapes goats as opposed to one that invented modern physics? They are equally beneficial?
>What I'm trying to get at here is comparing subsaharan empires to European and Asian empires is ludicrous. Just using the same term is ludicrous.
I agree but no one is doing it in this thread.
>So you're saying it's equally worthy to study a culture that rapes goats as opposed to one that invented modern physics? They are equally beneficial?
That's a huge generalization of a culture from a foreign perspective. People study them not because they contributed, but out of interest and in order to understand a contemporary people/land.
To be honest, it's more like "a culture that rapes goats as opposed to a culture that rapes goats and invented modern physics"
Farmers gonna farm.
>nobody is doing that in this thread
Literally the first two posts mate, come on.
And what you were saying about studying to understand them as humans is what I was trying to say in my first post. It's acceptable to be interested in such cultures, but academically placing them on the same grounds as actual empires is stupid.
The initial argument here was with that guy saying we shouldn't value cultures based on their "contribution" because contributions are meaningless. I completely agree that you can study cultures just to study cultures, but you can agree that from a purely knowledge based pursuit it would be more beneficial to study the Greeks as opposed to the Zulus.
It was and is highly populated, modern Lagos is the fucking biggest city on the continent.
>So why do we, random white guys, have to put the fucking Benin empire on a pedestal and pretend it was equal to the French empire?
Literally nobody ever says that though.
>What I'm trying to get at here is comparing subsaharan empires to European and Asian empires is ludicrous.
The only people who ever try to compare them is people like you who get triggered by the mere mention of them. Nobody brought up France before you did.
Why the fuck do people keep saying I'm the only one comparing them??
>Sub-Saharan Africans never EVER approached the level of civilization that other peoples did and what civilization they did have was given to them by North Africans
>b-but muh literal clusters of mud huts
Spanish empire was beneficial to fuck all but it was impressive nonetheless. I don't understand this logic.
Nobody's putting them on a pedestal, which is what you were complaining about.
I said "people like you" which includes the first few posters who got triggered by the word empire.
Case in point, this guy is trying to compare Africa to other civilisations. Something that only triggered retards do. Usually those same retards complain about other people comparing them, when they are the only ones making a comparison.
>Benin """"Empire""""
you know, empires don't have to be big
it's sort of like the word "penis." Some of us have huge, 9 inch meat muskets ready to please any woman with a spare afternoon, other people (I'm not naming names here) have 4 inch wilty willies. they're both penises because they both meet the definition, but like empires, meeting the technical definition does not make it great, while it also does not disqualify its categorical status.
Don't be Fooled
Around Fulani.
Fulani Jihad 2.0 coming up, prepare your anuses
Read what I posted dude. I'm saying it's okay to look at how pretty and shit cultures were.
WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY BUT IS APPARENTLY FALLING ON DEAF AND STUPID EARS IS: if you were trying to gain knowledge and study mathematics, physics, philosophy, etc., PURELY KNOWLEDGE BASED PURSUITS, it would be more beneficial to study the Greeks than say, the Zulus.
Why is this so fucking hard to understand?
>if you were trying to gain knowledge and study mathematics, physics, philosophy, etc.,
It would be best to study the subjects themselves.
However If you want to study history, then you should study either the greeks or the zulus, which ever one interests you. It's not like history is going to get you a job anyway
or the Polynesian/South America Exchange.
The Viking/Canada exchange.
>no sailing experience
>we wuz konkerurs n' sheiit
Why are /pol/fags obsessed with Afticans?
Why do they insist on shiyposting threads like this?
I don't like Punjabis but I don't go around sperging in every India thread about them
And I certainly don't make retarded bait threads about Punjab
Did an African cut you off this morning?