How do i get slimmer calves?

How do i get slimmer calves?
please fucking help me

exercise you cretin

The problem lies in that they are too muscular and disgusting imo.
can post pic if want

They are in the state between slim and muscular and that fucking assymetry drives me mad. Should i just diet?

post pic my dude

The thing with calves is that it's mostly genetics.

daily reminder that you should not be saying 'lit' if you are white

Can i be saved?

How do i BULK UP my thighs and calves, all while maintaining under 150 lbs (5'10)?

My upper body looks disproportional big on faggy legs. But i can't seem to put any more mass on my legs with out having to gain weight. And gaining weight is not an option. It makes you work way much harder to look fit and not show excess lard. Much easier to stay 150 lbs and do minimal exercise

tfw all chest no legs ._.

Lmao you have zero definition. Stop eating for three more weeks you body dismorphic faggot.

How do i get defenition?
I'm also insecure about my thigh game.
pls help you are my only hope

Sorry for shit furniture btw. I live in a post-USSR environment.

What's your leg routine?

My quads are marathoner tier. How the hell do i bulk up my thighs? while maintaining 70 kg

im 60 kg at 183 cm and my thighs are like that. I have not gone to the gym in more than a year. When I did, my entire leg part of the routine consisted of leg press and some machine in which you lie on your stomach and lift your calves up to your quads. rn i'm trying to lose the muscle in my legs and go pseudo-skelly mode. Is there any way i could acomplish my dream?

>"they are too muscular"

They are too muscular to be Veeky Forums.
On normie standards they are skelet-tier.
But not on Veeky Forums standards.
You might be right tho. I have a very limited wardrobe full of mall brands that don't(i think)compliment my build.Plus i have zero good shorts so idk.

fucking weird thread. weird board. didn't know what i expected but here i am.

theyre not muscular at all
deluded faggot

You are probably right.
It's just that i have a shit wardrobe AND self esteem.
Thank you anyway ly.



This is the first time someone has memed on me.
Thank you for this first time.

daily reminder that you should not be saying 'lit'


Eat less cardio more

get out pls

Why tho.
All i want is young thug legs.

>lift your calves up to your quads
That's straight out of a fucking nightmare dude

I meant this.
English is not my first language,Friend :)

Stop walking and levitate wherever you go.

Where are the calves you speak of?

fix your nasty ass nails man
