Are the French Germanic or Celtic?
Are the French Germanic or Celtic?
Latin, wether they like it not.
Are the mestizos Spaniards or Amerinds?
None, that's the point.
Northern French are Normans and Celts, the rest are of Maghrebi and Sephardi extraction.
A mix of both, but I think the extent of Germanic blood is exaggerated on this map.
I've wondered this for awhile, but I think the more important question is why so many French look like Jews now.
wasn't there some confusion over the origin of the franks at some point and the french were horrified to learn that they were germanic?
>not German
I don't know, but I think most of them are blonde, blue eyed and German looking. I think the average French could pass for a German.
Germanic. It butchered Latin just as a Germanic language did.
>us dropped like az from proton-Germanic
>mid word hard consonants dropped like in German, ie water>wasser, mater>mare
>Germans cutting Latin words in half or dropping them completely ie Koln>Colonia
>most of them are blonde, blue eyed and German looking
They wish.
Other examples:
>Lotharingia to Lorraine
>Oculuii to Yeux
>Aqua to l'eu
>veritatus to vrai
etc, French a merd
i don't even think most germans are blonde.
French is not an ethnicity. It's a nationality.
No, French are pretty distinct looking. I'm the last person to sperg about hablotypes or whatever but I don't think they're very germanic in the stereotypical sense.
>wether they like it not
Why do so many idiots think that?
France is Latin, there's not even a question about it, every French person will tell you it's Latin.
>you MUST be one thing or another
underage detected
Compression if this type isn't exclusive to Germanic languages though.
>t. American
about 10% are
From what I understand, archaeologically, people from Gaul, before they were latinized, had distinct similarities with what we identify as Celts. Over time, it's become a sort of fusion between Scandinavians, various Mediterraneans, and Saxons primarily.
I thought they were a Gaul-Frank mix
France is white in race, Christian in religion, Graeco-Roman in culture.
>B-But muh Germanics tho
>Muh Celts though
Who the fuck cares. Unlike the losers of history, the French aren't obsessed with who belongs to what subrace to what extent. The French spearheaded civic nationalism, not racial nationalism.
De Gaulle's attitude to race, religion and culture is probably what defines the French attitude. Or at least defined, before France went full multiculti.
They are and people here are stupid.
>Christian in religion
Nice secular republic you got there.
>Greco-Roman in culture
Just kill yourself senpai
So is the American Republic, yet the Supreme Court case Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States affirmed it is a Christian nation. Neutrality of the state institutions does not stand in the way of the country being a Christian nation. In fact, France has a special position as the Oldest Daughter of the Church. [spoiler]That makes the kebabification of France and rampant left wing atheism all the more painful.[/spoiler]
Unless they're Breton or Alemannic, they're Latin. How else would they be?
I could pick out French Cajuns in New Orleans from tourists.They look pretty distinct to me
Far north and east : germanics,
north : celts-germanic
South : celts-italic
pic related, a norman friend of mine