What makes gold a very valuable commodity throughout history?
What makes gold a very valuable commodity throughout history?
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It looks pretty.
It's shiny and rare
>got a ban warning for making a thread about the Crimean war
Could we get mods who actually know about history?
1. It's rare
2. It's pretty
3. and most importantly it's easy to work into things like coins and jewelry
what else would GP stand for if gold didn't exist
and on top of that you can easily turn it into objects that you can show off with
howdy germanic servants
gook pussy
Finally, I have managed to secure a piece of territory for myself and my fellow haplottype-sharing subjects. Even though this was only possible after my superior subjugators died, I consider it a super-human feat. I am a God. I will finally achieve world relevance by becoming the most loyal subject to the Pope, and giving him all my money.
t. Otto the Great.
It hasn't been valuable in the same way, though, i.e. in the sense of being somehow synonymous with "money."
The Inca had tons of tons of gold just decorating public buildings. They valued it, but not so much that they were worried it would be stolen or something. And they were kind of baffled when the Spanish lost their shit when they saw it.
Please excuse me. I couldn't help but notice that your definition of "god" wildly differs from my own. I am also of the belief that the Vatican is corrupt and therefore should not receive our support. I will now engage in petty squables so my vision of an abstract concept becomes the most relevant.
t. Martin Luther
>making threads on current happenings
>being this retarded
Gold does not tarnish or corrode due to its incredibly low reactivity. This made it ideal for decoration, since unlike Bronze; Gold never loses its luster.
This also gave it great symbolic worth as a "pure" metal. This purity lore is shared with Cypress trees or whatever that secrete sap that repels parasites, making its wood last for significantly longer.
It's used in weddings and other ceremonies that produce a lot of social cohesion
Well it's a valuable commodity too.
That's partially because most of the "gold" used by the amerindian civilizations was actually tumbaga, an alloy of gold and copper. The difference can be hard to spot and the conquerors often didn't notice it.
The indian was like "kek, why do you spaniards like copper so much?".
it also doesn't corrode over time, so there was the impression that gold was special.
Because it is amazing indeed.
More seriously, probably because it's rare and easily shaped into a variety of intricate shapes without much technology being required, meaning it can establish a foothold early and doesn't stand too likely to saturate a market.
it's rare and beautiful. but the most important factor are its chemical characteristics. they make it durable and incorruptible. therefore worthy of trust while also easy model into beautiful objects.
objects can have use value like hammers, chairs etc. or exchange value like bills, checks, coins. gold is the one thing that has more of both.
It's scarce and non-reactive(mostly though, can bond with chlorine under specific circumstances) so it doesn't corrode like other metals, and keeps it's sun-like sheen for a very long time.
Because it shows that you have half a haplotype, therefore you are a pure-blooded german king who is relevent
Gold is a very valuable commodity. You are very powerful and I have no choice but to submit to my servile instincts and become your vassal. I totally don't have any plans for independence or world relevance by the way.
You have to be 18 or older to post here, retard.
before the industrial revolution it was the densest substance known and impossible to forge so it made a perfect medium of exchange
Everything is explained here
I used to live right next to that statue by Magdeburg Alten Markt
>mfw seeing kids throw eggs at it