>yfw the Nazi's won
Yfw the Nazi's won
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Take your nonsense to /pol
Fuck off to /pol/ and never come back you damn caveman. Germans suck.
>tip hipster glasses.
Germans are just people that come from Germany, they're not particularly better or worse than people that come from areas of land that are not called Germany. Germany got fucked over after WW1 and people bought into the Third Reich meme.
Actually that would be If Rome wasnt fucking destroyed by germanic snowniggers.
ave, socius
Literally every other european country that isn´t germanic or nordish is trash tier. So try not to be a salty pole and realize the inherent stupidity of your ramblings. Patton was damn right when he realized that the germans were the only civilised people on the continent. Culturally, economically, socially etc. germany leads europe by a far margin. Name one important thing the other european countries produced lately you slavic mong.
On the main topic it would look much more like pic related than naziboos would like to admit.
More like if Napoleon won.
Or if the Renaissance never happened.
Nazi cannot won. The best thing that Hitler can manage is to revert back to status quo and usher the new Cold War that is even more brutal than this world's cold war. Also space and arm race between US-Germany-Soviet would be more awesome.
>yfw the German Revolution succeeded.
France is historically, artistically and academically superior to Germany in every conceivable way.
How amusing that you have brought your sick and twisted anti-enlightenment hatred out for an airing.
The Nazis literally suppressed the study of physics because it was too Jewish, so that's gonna be a no from me, dawg
>everything is metal and glass
That looks like a really shitty future
>Thank you Mr. Goldstein. 10 shekel has been deposited to your account.
Common man you can't honestly believe that had Germany won they would have forgon physics
Tbf I think things defiantly would be great for Europeans however the rest of the world not so much.
Nobody said they would have completly abandoned it. Just would have been a similiar to the soviet fuckups with evolutionary theorie.
No Jews, no physics. Sorry
>fucking up Physics
if the nazis won the qt jewish girl that i have a crush on wouldn't exist.
on the other hand if the nazis won my country wouldn't be full of worthless shitskins.
I am one myself mate so believe me when i say its entirely possible. They didn´t fuckup as bad as i thought so.
the nazis was the worst thing that happend to the nationalistic movments of the western world
Historically and academically is just plain bullshit mang. Artistically and culturally might be true not to keen on this fields
this desu
Leading scientists and geniuses were leaving Nazi Germany in droves. When you cause your own prime intellectuals to defect, you're doomed, and so is your regime.
Yup. Still suffering from the loss of all the geniuses that left. So now thanks to the nazis we have mongs that are bragging about how france is academically superior (though this isn´t even in true in this weakened state).
What does the Renaissance have to do with Enlightenment you drooling retard?