Everyone likes making fun of nihilists but can you actually refute them?
Everyone likes making fun of nihilists but can you actually refute them?
If there is no meaning to anything, in a very strong sense, then if you are right, it doesn’t matter. There is no right or wrong anyway. But if you are wrong, then there are consequences to your being wrong, because there is some sort of meaning in the world, that you are failing to do justice to. So it would be sensible to not care about anyone who is a committed nihilist, philosophically, because if he is right, it is nothing to us (in the same way everything is nothing); but if he is wrong, well, there were more promising positions we could engage with anyway, and we only have a finite amount of time to do this in.
Let me get this right.
What you're basically saying is "if he's wrong we're right but if he's right we're wrong but then it wouldnt matter anyway lol", and calling it an argument?
by definition it would not matter. if you want to be right for the sake of understanding and controlling the world, you'd find the argument compelling. if you prefer to assume things that are thoroughly incapable of helping you so you can be a smug faggot about your perceived superiority (but don't actually think there is value in being a smug faggot) then you can be a nihilist.
I can't refute fagism but still I make fun of them. so what is to ya fuccboi
Nihilism has no meaning. Checkmate.
Let's all become Christian then because I don't want to burn in hell if they are right!!!
I am not making fun of nihilism
I am making fun of you nu-males who are using the word nihilism which they read its meaning in wikipedia
nihilism was once a drastic upcomming problem 150 years ago, now it is just becomming a meme and people who are actually using the word right are ashamed of even speaking it out, without sounding like a fedora wearing virgin who found his deepest thoughts to be after they watched the anime neon genesis evangelion.
because pascal's wager doesn't do much to fulfill its initial purpose does not mean the same type of argumentation can never be used on anything else, ever. it doesn't apply in the case of hell because of REASONS. it's not some sort of fallacy, it's just wrong in a particular case.
you're a memeing retard.
This thread will hit 20-30 replies quickly going something like...
>lyfe is shit
>no it isn't you silly
>no lyfe is really shit
>no u dum
... and then stagnate being bumped only by some desperate for answer angsty teen or member of dedicated Veeky Forums shitposting team.
>20-30 replies quickly
I couldn't even get this right.
Does it even matter?
There's literally nothing to refute. Your bullshit, watered down, existentialism denies truth claims that most people hold to be valid. There's even fucks that deny deduction. You can't reason with someone who denies the fundemental axioms that are used to argue.
Edgy teenage memelords hold a position after reading a Wikipedia article, and then run around thinking they are zarathustra and need to "enlighten" the world.
Like user said above, it was a problem a while ago, but not really anymore. Post modern developments have taken it to its "logical" conclusion. Hit up some Heideger or Wittgenstein, preferably.
TL;DR grow up.
>ad hominem, the post
You should be happy to get even any answer at all on this question
I feel depression because life has no meaning, and it really doesn't, and to this day, on my vast quest for finding meaning, I have not found any piece of evidence that confirms the existence of a superior, objective, moral code that reigns over the Universe and gives meaning to human lives. Do you think I like being a nihilist?
Since you're not pulling your head out of your ass and make your life meaningful, yes, I think you're happy with your so called nihilism and pointless quest for a greater meaning.
If nihilism is wrong, then embracing nihilism would be the worst thing you could ever do.
If nihilism is right, then who cares? It doesn't matter; you'll spend the rest of your life wondering why you bother doing anything since nothing really matters.
most "nihilists" don't even get it though, they are fucking edgelord faggots who literally think "life has no meaning" means "LEL NOTHING MATTERS EVER OMG IM SOOOO ENLIGHTENED LEL LIFE IS POINTLESS"
life has no meaning in that we are all subject to the benign indifference of the universe, it means that life has no intrinsic value or purpose, or any true objective meaning.
we GIVE it value and meaning though, but it's that we've created meaning and value around life and morality and society. it just doesn't exist on it's own.
I can't refute nihilism, but I can rebuke nihilists. If nihilism is true, then nothing really matters. If that is true then there would be no reason for anyone who believed that to advocate for nihilism and thus they wouldnt do it. Thus if anyone actually claims to believe in nihilism, they are lying.
>I feel depression because life has no meaning, and it really doesn't
life has no universal objective meaning. if your own life has no meaning to you, then you fucked up.
As a human being I am capable of assigning worth to things in my life and expressing that worth to others. Maybe life is meaningless to a nihilist, but I personally think those people are just hopeless and dispassionate misanthropes. Their position doesn't need to be "refuted" because it's a subjective outlook on life. It may be valid to some and invalid to others, but because it CAN be invalid to others, it defeats the purpose of the worldview.
Saying "life has no express meaning," and having someone across the road say "I think it does," is all the refutation we require.
I think you are a whiny retard who does beleave to comprehend what nihilism means
The fact of losing meaning to life is nothing special in the 21st century, nore are you willed to comprehend what actual nihilistic writer did make through. You problems and pain has no worth whatsoever because it is just a product of time, culture and bad parenting.
And the most obvious thing, which makes you a whiny worthless shit, is that you are not possibly able to understand the well and source of the thoughts of big people who found "meaning" through hard work which almost/did kill them.
How can you suffer when there was Napoleon, ancient Greece, Renaissance, Wagner, Ghoete, Nietzsche
Under these names hide an unbelievably high abount of pain and hard work you are not willing to understand.
Thats why you are honestly better off killing yourself.
I don't think you quite understand the meaning of nihilism.
people only have a shallow dismissive opinion on nihilism because when they hear "life has no meaning" they don't understand that this doesn't mean "life has no meaning to anyone ever" but that it means "there is no objective universal meaning to life" triggers the fuck out of them
>Thats why you are honestly better off killing yourself.
Why are you trying to convince me on a thing I agree with?
the fuck would you define it as then?
if you actually read FOUCAULT you'd know dumbass
this desu famalam, nihilism is just a stupid current created by losers and edgelords, who acomplished nothing in life, so they want to put everybody in their same level saying "well actually nothing really matters lol we are all losers" fuck those guys
It's just an excuse for having a shitty life and doing nothing about it.
Because my reason is unquestionably more justified than yours.
Basically what said.
>hurr durr if life has no meaning why are you not kill youself XDDDDD
>nihilists are sore losers am i rite????!!
>hahahaha EPIC fedora memes from /pol/ xxxDDDDDD
This is the idea that most people seem to get, when in reality, nihilism is denying the existance of a code, moral, a meaningful bunch of pretty words that give meaning to the Universe. We're all just atoms, and that's all there's to it. Nothing else.
complete degenerate and one of the chief architects of the SJW insanity we have today. also, not a nihilist.
I think you're the one who doesn't get it m8.
You deserve to be made fun of if all you got out of that was the insult. Any argument that I would present would be met with "nuh ugh, you're wrong."
>There's literally nothing to refute.
The only instance this can happen in a logical debate is when the statement is completely true (so there's nothing to refute), so right off the bat you start off agreeing with my point.
>Your bullshit, watered down
Ad hominem.
Untrue, nihilism is the complete opposite of existencialism. It denies any meaning, purpose, the existence of a "greater truth", etc. So it's wrong to use tha tword.
>denies truth claims that most people hold to be valid
I'm not sure what exactly this is but it seems like some sort of an argument from authority. Just because most people believe X is true then X is true, which is obviously a fallacy.
>There's even fucks that deny deduction
Fallacy, again. This is like saying that because some theists are retarded in their arguments and make use of fallacies such as circular logic, then the entirety of theology is completely wrong. It is a fallacy.
>You can't reason with someone who denies the fundemental axioms that are used to argue.
This is true but it follows the same principle of what I mentioned above. Besides, this statement, by itself, does not refute nihilism.
>Edgy teenage memelords
Ad hominem
>hold a position after reading a Wikipedia article
ad hominem
>and then run around thinking they are zarathustra and need to "enlighten" the world.
ad hominem
>Like user said above
Several posters made replies to the OP before you, you should quote the poster if your sentence is to make syntatic sense
>it was a problem a while ago, but not really anymore
Please elaborate.
>Post modern developments have taken it to its "logical" conclusion
Please elaborate on what this logical conclusion is, apparently you are not aware that other people can read your mind when you type random words without a syntatic structure supporting them
>TL;DR grow up.
ad hominem
Here, finished.
I showed how your unholy little contribution is entirely made up of logical fallacies and senseless sentences, word by word, and it even took me two entire replies to do that because of the character limit. How does that make you feel, you faggot?
Of course I don't. Sure, go on.
>trying to justify yourself so hard that you even play intelligent infront of an anonymous image board
not him but your last two words made your whole post to a single ad hominem
>nuh uh nihilism really means scepticism
he means the other thing, which is a thing that means things because there are people who defend it. OP did not specify so you can act like this but you should know that you're doing nothing new, retards have set up endless arguments about vaguely defined words since before anyone thought to write them down.
why do you need to be wrong just to be a cunt? of course they didn't.
They're self-refuting. If nothing matters, their belief that nothing matters does not matter.
Oh huh, now there are two fools already
The word nihilism is truly magnetical for such
>nothing matters
>belief in nihilism is a thing
>it therefor doesn't matter
I'm not seeing the inconsistency here
If nothing matters, how come they make such a big deal about it?
Their beliefs don't matter. So don't waste time on them.
Nihilism doesn't argue that life is shit, that would be pessimism.
"Not making a big deal of it" equally doesn't matter, right?
wow you are so right i am TOTALLY convinced right now that there is a deeper truth that reings over the universe and humans in harmony. i will convert to protestantism and from now on i unironically believe some magical dude on the heavens uses his magic powers to make sure everyone has free will in spite of the deterministic system of laws of physics, chemistry, biology etc. i AM TOTALLY going to create a fedora folder as well, in case anyone challenges my conservative beliefs.
I'll take Occam's razor for 100 Alex
Ahh shit Pascal's wager. Fuck
Sperging out on the 'net is so 1996.
ze care for nothing, Lebowski...not even my refute.
Nihilism is an interesting position and sounds plausible in my point of view.
But sperging out like this raises the edgelord stereotype.
It's a pain that nihilism and atheism attracts so many people who are spreading such an unflattering image of these world-views.
Arguable. To hold your believes above everyone else's you have to think they are more valuable than theirs, therefore, in your eyes, your faith matters more than nothing
Hey man that's so cool, it's awesome, really, this is an amazing poist. I just told my family about your epic meme, everyone was amazed and they all asked me to congratulate you in their place, knowing they would never have the opportunity to personally congratulate someone as awesome as yourself. In Christmas we are going to tell even the most unrelated parents about your amazing post, and everyone will be happy to hear it. I also told some friends about this epic meme, and they did not believe me when I said I knew the person who made such an epic maymay. They all said they would honor your legacy to last a thousand years. When my neighbors came to know they were all shocked, and said they wanted to meet you in person. They said that, if you have the time, of course, they would be fulfilled to be visited by your grace, just so they can shake hands with your heighness, the meme master. With the knowledge of your post, people all arround the world are holding parties to celebrate your magnificence. Zeppelins and balloons fly with your face printed on them. Several streets and even cities are being renamed with your name. A famous businessman announced he wanted to hire you so you could give motivational speeches to his employees and make people work with as much energy as you create memes. You're not only famous on Veeky Forums, the whole internet has come to praise your epicness. Even tumblr, 9gag and reddit stopped insulting Veeky Forums after this incident, and now they all bow to us because we made possible for you to share your masterpiece with the rest of the world. Even Facebook and Twitter are now flooding /b/ with newfags, and they all want to see you, the one user who made this post.
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Shouldn't some degree of solipsism refute nihilism? It matters to me, so it matters?
Pascal's Wager is an even bigger meme than ideology. Living a certain way ie following various religions for the sole purpose of avoiding eternal punishment is bullshit and insincere.
>the one fucking thing it applies to
>after all the memery about something so obviously wrong
>another group of retards went and mathematically isolated the only possible argument it refutes, start shouting that as truth
>and then
you. you fuck. you show up and start going "NUH UH THAT'S BEEN REFUTED"
There is literally nothing stopping me from making absolute meaning in my life as I'm a being with absolute free will.
Fuck you. See? That had meaning to me.
That just makes the bullshit insincere people better than you too. You think God likes self-righteous assholes?
"to me" is your problem in dealing with this sort of thing; "to me" is subjective, and the meaning of life is objective.
The meaning of life is to know God and live in a loving and dependent relationship with your Creator.
can you post really be consider a logical proof that nihilism is false or is it some vague reasoning lacking rigor?
I have always wondered when people refer to nihilist do they think of nietzsche or more like generic skepticism?
God exists
it is logical proof that the truth about nihilism (which is likely unavailable) is irrelevant.
how do you not get this fucking kill yourself. will you do it if i tell you it doesn't matter?
Why would He prefer a follower who only follows out of fear of eternal damnation rather than genuine love?
>I feel depression because life has no meaning
If life really had no meaning, and you honestly believed that, you wouldn't feel depression.
No it's not. I know myself as the subject and therefore what I make for myself is objective.
I would make a difference hede between believing,rationally, and feeling. One could think life has no meaning but feel the need for a meaning and strive to find one.(not him)