Historically, when did Special Snowflake Disorder first appear? When did it become a pandemic?
Historically, when did Special Snowflake Disorder first appear? When did it become a pandemic?
I feel like its a new way for people to deal with lack of religion in their lives. They desperately try to fill the void of meaninglessness with special snowflake uniqueness.
You don't really see people discussing music and literature like little badges of personality when you read old letters etc.
"I really think that my vinyl of Brand New Deja entendu says a lot about the depth of my personality."
Education after ww2
I'd like to figure out why parents educated their children like that in the 60's and after and not before.
What about those who lack religion and do not have Special Snowflake Disorderâ„¢?
Something really did went wrong in the 60's and 70's. I remember reading about those guys that were tortured for years in Vietnam. When they came back to America, they thought it was a very different country than the one they had a few years back.
There was much less varying music and sub cultures in the past though, hampered by a lack of technology. Whatever was played on the Wireless was it and you liked it. If you wanted a sub culture you'd probably need to be black and hang out in weird underground cafes. Now with modern technology you can have a billion cultures and identities within a culture.
The author of Infinity War wrote the entire book on this subject, he was super butthurt about the whole it.
*Forever War fuck, to much time on /tv/.
sci fi novels that offer something more than pointless escapism are rare
That's because letters cost money and people used to go and see their friends to talk about stuff like that.
Letters were for dire important shit.
Individualismus is the right aswer to your question.
>I feel like its a new way for people to deal with lack of religion in their lives.
Lol, no. If that was the case then Estonia would be the special snowflake capital of the world. America is currently producing more retards like the one in the OP than anyone else.
Nah they were there, they just weren't given a major platform. Infact there were likely a lot more, just like dialect and language differences were a lot closer together and a lot more extreme. There was a time you could go to the next city and they'd be talking a different language.
kek no reputable place will tattoo a kid holy shit
There are ither ways to find meaning
I wouldn't say it's lack of religion, rather just a lack of an interesting personality.
Dear friends, what we are forgetting here is an important factor: individualism.
Without mentioning individualism this interaction of ours is futile and ultimately pointless.
Also, dear friends, note that we must also not forget the role of the media. Perhaps we can even include capitalism in this, as consumerism catters to individual preferences, no?
Think of these things and maybe we can turn this conversation of ours into higher intellectual territory.
>Historically, when did Special Snowflake Disorder first appear? When did it become a pandemic?
It's probably always existed, like most of these so called social ills that people love to get worked up about. As for why you get more exposure, well probably because you're on the most contrarian website on the internet where people think it's fashionable to have an alternative view.
>Veeky Forums
>You don't really see people discussing
literally this
Conspicuous consumption as a general personal identity, you mean? It's probably a 20th century thing that we're still trying to shake off. Just wait until this whole "gender" craze dies down or until your economy doesn't rely on consumption of entertainment products and it'll all start to go away pretty quickly.
I think special snowflakism took off because of the internet, myspace and facebook to be honest.
Before, you had your real life cliques you were forced into, or you worked your way into. Each clique has their own division based on attributes, like the funny guy or the tough guy whatever.
Then you end up on the internet, where anyone can make up anything about themselves, you interact with way more people, thousands of times as many, and you struggle to make yourself unique among them. Because of the natural anonymousity of the internet, you outwardly start displaying the things you think are positive about yourself, while easily hiding the negative, to form cliques among the masses of random internet people. Then the increasing diversity of cliques because of the greater pool of people.
So I think with geographic isolation, there was less of a need for special snowflakism.
I'd say it popped up in around 1776.
Good meme, friend.
In what shithole is legal for a 15 old girl to get a tattoo?
Most US states with parental permission.
>Just wait until this whole "gender" craze dies down or until your economy doesn't rely on consumption of entertainment products and it'll all start to go away pretty quickly.
Not gonna happen soon, right?
God dammit, and you make people wait until 21 to drink? Or that's just without parental permission?
Historically speaking, when did [insert crossboard cancer here]?
Nope, 21 with or without permission. Tyrannical law, man.
That's consumption in public and purchase. I'd not illegal for minors to consume alcohol in private, although it may be considered child abuse up to a point.
You're 60000% wrong. It's illegal in all 50 states to drink in private underage. You just won't get caught in your own home.
My whole point was comparing it to the tattoo thing.
You're wrong. Fed law is only the public possession and purchase of it
>The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 (23 U.S.C. § 158) was passed on July 17, 1984.[1][2][3] It was a controversial bill that punished every state that allowed persons below 21 years to purchase and publicly possess alcoholic beverages
State law may vary. 35/50 states allow drinking in private non alcohol-selling premises. (29 with parental consent, 6 without). Another 10 have other exemptions for educational, religious or medical use. Only 5 is it outright banned.
I apologize for spreading my ignorance, then. My bad.
Thanks, now suck my cock.
and why does that mean your taste in music makes you superior
It was never a pandemic, but some people have always wanted to stand out from a crowd and attempt to be unique when compared to the masses.
There's nothing wrong with it until you take it to an extreme.