cop or not
Cop or not
cop if you're still 14
cop if you're Persian
lt's the closest thing you'll get to seeing a pussy in real life so you better cop it
fuckin sicc w2c
damn bro so rad, is that a vagina? heard it tastes like bags of sand
This and some slim pants or shorts and a nice pair of sneakers would look great
looks like my room mates pizza hut uniform lol
I had to go verify, it does indeed look like a Pizza Hut uniform.
12 posters for 14 replies
Which one? Going for a hi-end irony look. Considering to wear vetements and cut-and-sewn margiela pieces
fucking hell, wrong pic. This one or the red one?
you fucking suck
this one?
or this one? And is it possible to get the black one without the patches on the back?
cringe af
Kek, is it Black Scale? Backside is even edgier, please wear in in Sharia-zone in UK.
Cop this one instead.
>be me
>wearing iron on shirt with nude whore i drew
>walking in sam ash classical instruments section
>little black kid sees my shirt
>his mom grabs him and walks him away from me
learn from my edge user, don't do it.
you'd look like their employee
cop? I need a new 3 season jacket since I basically only use my black harrington
not sure if this is worth the 69 euro though
What a dumb fucking logo
cop or nah
get some pf flyers instead if you want something like chucks that isn't standard. cdg cons are wack and a rip off
need new comfy slackerpants but im not sure about the colour
A.P.C Central Park Sweatpants
I'm in market for nice combat boots. Those are ones I found so far.
>CP winter CB
>Sandro Paris CB
First two are of a same price, but I'm not sure which one is more versatile and better, Sandros look nice, but no idea where they are produced and what's their quality.
Is sizing on boots same as sizing on their sneakers (1 size down)?
are you 12
ok.. i kind of want the suit just to have.
They look really nice but I haven't seen many fits with them besides the classic inspo one. If you have the money, I'd say go for it.
I'm leaning towards no.
I'd wait for a sale, as they are I don't think they're worth $69. I'd cop if they were cheaper though.
If you live in a place where Palace is hyped, go for it. Otherwise, unless you really like the brand, it'd be best to get something else.
I have these and they look better beat up. Their quality probably isn't any different from a regular Chuck Converse, but they're the shoes I've gotten the most compliments on.
C/N? Love the hidden hand pockets.
if you want to look like an edgy high schooler at his first party then yes, then kys
hell no
nah cdg play is for fashion victims
to many pockets
boring just get some cheap shit similar from uniqlo
top right
sure why not, just get them tailor nicely
dumb edgelord shit
I'm thinking yes
just bought have i done goofed
I like it but you can brag about it in recent cops =)
you fucked up
Probably looks better unzipped
Did not see in the first few bits of catalog, I apologize.
here is one i haven't bought yet, may be meme shoe.
For $140
looks like the shit a creepy substitute teacher would wear
That is the exact look I was going for.
Navy is better than black. Alpha doesn't offer the black Apollo edition without the back patch. You could get a regular black one and get the patches you want to add from A-B emblem. They are NASA's patch supplier.
that upper is confusing, what do they look like on foot?
kinda meme, depends if you with combine it with other stuff that fits the style.
fuck yeah, im clueless on what'd look goot with them though
Thanks for the info.
Might get the white since I'm thinking this cap for black and pink is meme.
and this beanie
this is the only good one, dont buy le ego massage clothing
Thinking about it but feel like they aren't pointy enough
hat 2 doesn't have anything on the front
No, abandon meme hats before it's too late
No, seems costumey
God no
best korea core
my black shoes just got worn out and need a new pair
Should I get a black bomber or a leather/biker jacket?
I really like how versatile and timeless both are, and I especially like how clean a bomber is, yet I'm kinda attracted to the "edginess" of biker jackets
Whichever I cop would strictly be used for layering purposes btw (specifically I'd be wearing a hoodie underneath)
hmm.. very interested in seeing the end result. wanted to paint my old jeans for sometime now
Cop or not?
And yes I'm a big fan of Junji's works.
would require bigger logo on the back
Have this shirt in white. Def cop
left is unlined
right is waterproof
both made in UK
leaning toward navy, to be honest
those look really bad qual
Navy is more versatile but then again you could just get a similar one for cheaper
i prefer left but they're both nice
if you actually need a waterproof jacket get the blue one though
Is Laputa Veeky Forums?
Also as an oz, would anyone know shit about gildan tees quality wise? moreso expected shrinkage.
Cop some shoes like pottery instead
Just curious, how much do they want to charge for that? I'm a screen printer and I can tell you one screen of black ink on a gildan shirt- those things cost less than $1.50 to produce.
an end user can't buy shirts that cheap, only if it's done in bulk, Gildan shirts cost around $3, talking about the heavy blend
no :)
If you want a biker then you need to step up way higher in price to get a decent one
winter CPs
that lug(?) sole is sexy
I realize some amount of markup is essential in order for it to be profitable, but if you pay more than $10 for that shirt you're an idiot. But I'm guessing they're charging $17-$25.
Just looking for some pretty basic beaters for everyday use, which of these (the're both on the cheap at roughly the same price)