I'm really fascinated to get a general idea of what political ideology most people on Veeky Forums identify with, so I've made this simple strawpoll with a few of the basic political ideologies, just pick which one you think is closest to your own. Tell me if I've missed any major ones.

Libertarian my dude

Well that's Liberal.

>being so retarded that you easily fit into one of those categories

if you think libertarianism is the same thing as modern liberalism you don't know shit about libertarianism

>no nationalist

>modern liberalism
Fuck off Yank

He's right though, liberal and conservative are terms that only apply in the present context and are subject to constant change. "Libertarians" were once considered "liberal" and fell under that umbrella term IN THE PAST.

Anyone today trying to call themselves a real liberal or say "Libertarians are the true liberals" are just left leaning faggots attempting to appeal to other leftists, looking for a special snowflake label and probably aren't really true libertarians.

Agreed. Since how long have people been falling for this meme?

Pure ideology if you ask me

Well then vote that you're a conservative.


Whoops I didn't read the OP and misread the poll as "Which of these ideologies is the most '/pol/'?" Anyway, I said fascist.

>no stoic fatalist
oh well, chose anarchism, because why not.

>Not being a Thatcherite

>I'm really fascinated
What a biased poll.

>no theocracy


what even

>6 votes

>not listing libertarian

Shit poll, OP

""""Libertarians"""" are liberals.

Not in America.

That's because Americans have a perverse obsession with "liberty". So the more a word sounds like liberty the more American it must be even though until relatively recently it meant (more or less) left-communist.

Listen, King George, I don't care what you think. You're on an American board. Don't get upset when people use American terminology.

>unironically calling yourself a communist
>unironically calling yourself a fascist
>unironically calling yourself a feudalist

But it's not American terminology, it's a bastardization of French terminology for an English language.

And it's a Japanese board.

It was the closest to Carlism available.

Fuck off, centre-normie.

It's an American board about Japanese anime, you dunce.

Where is my leftist-fascist option?

this is pure ideology

Is that a new meme?

>no "without ideology" option

moot didn't invent Veeky Forums, dumbass.

>No "none of the above" option
Useless poll

W e w

This, a thousand times?

It's not golden middle-grounding to say that you don't identify with a particular ideology. The only people who do are blind and/or apologist to that particular ideology's shortcomings. A person who is really interested in creating an effective ideology picks and chooses.

And also, this initial survey doesn't even diversify between major streams of these ideologies. Communism is quite a different thing to Marxism is quite a different thing to Leninism.

0/10 OP, step up your game desu senpai

>if your views are consistent you are blind


>The problem with an ideology is you pigeonhole yourself blindy into them.
>These ideologies are too broad, you need narrower more pigeonholed ideologies

Actually, I didn't say that, I said that a well-educated person has breadth to their learning, and is not sucked into a vacuum of bullshit by one particular school of thought

Views and stances on ideology change depending on our situation in life. They can change as much as they want as we rationalize them.

But if all political ideology ever was contained in a circle, OP has basically ignored half the circle and insinuated that you should probably be aligned with one of these groups.

His original question was asking us to 'most closely pick the one that we identified with'. So yes, for this survey, we do in fact need more specific options, regardless of the fact that it is retarded to not selectively choose as is appropriate

Spooky right

didn't think we had only three commies


His so far is literally 54% Right-Far Right What a world

It was a meme option along with Fascist to draw away deliberately wrong votes from retards.


>thinks fascist is a meme ideology
>doesn't mention anarchism

Not the neo-nazi/stormfaggot type tought.

>What do you identify as most /pol/?

If i like Juche. Should i chose Feudalism, Communism or Fascism?


Closest i can come to is a mix of 18th-19th century reactionary, socratic reactionary, and neo-confucian reactionary.

I unironically beleive the best form of government involves a benevolent by indoctrination well educated dynastic philospher king who presides over an absolute meritocratic society which makes up all other branches of the government. Where the normal order is not of political meandering but philisophical discussion on what will be the next action that will improve society regardless of ideology.

This sounds jaw droppingly idealistic and let me tell you, it is.

>having feudalist as an option
are you fucking serious?

>communist and socialist are different
communism is socialism's ultimate goal, except if you think that socialism = gibsmedat state

2 main branches of it with completely different opinions on what 'anarchy' is

this literally doesnt mean anything, except if you're an amerifat who still debates about abortions and weed.