"He was so tall in stature that he overtopped the tallest by nearly one cubit, narrow in the waist and loins...

"He was so tall in stature that he overtopped the tallest by nearly one cubit, narrow in the waist and loins, with broad shoulders and a deep chest and powerful arms. And in the whole build of the body he was neither too slender nor overweighted with flesh, but perfectly proportioned and, one might say, built in conformity with the canon of Polycleitus...
His skin all over his body was very white, and in his face the white was tempered with red. His hair was yellowish, but did not hang down to his waist like that of the other barbarians; for the man was not inordinately vain of his hair, but had it cut short to the ears. Whether his beard was reddish, or any other colour I cannot say, for the razor had passed over it very closely and left a surface smoother than chalk.. His blue eyes indicated both a high spirit and dignity; and his nose and nostrils breathed in the air freely; his chest corresponded to his nostrils and by his nostrils... the breadth of his chest."

- Anna Komnenos, describing Bohemond of Taranto.


Guess she liked tall blond guys.

A time when Scandinavians were actually powerful men.

>Billions of women in human history
>None of them would ever talk about you like this

>canon of Polycleitus...
now we're talkin', girl

>horny roman slut 2
post horny roman slut 1


>Byzantium isn't Rome
Sure is Eurocentric in here

>tfw no horny Roman slut gf


I hope that you are just trying to be humorous, because if not, you are an idiotic moron.

there's no such thing as a roman identity, and in fact, most 'romans' today whether in italy/greece/anatolia are not descended from the original italic latin tribe, roman is thus simply an ethnolinguistic term used to describe people who are of mediterranean background that is not distinct (i.e. they are not umbrians/sabines/etruscans/etc.)

>Scandinavia had to become a first world country
>Scandinavia will never be backwards niggers again
>sluts will never defend your oppressed snow nigger d's online
>Central europeans will never apologize for oppressing the pagan religion of peace and colonization

What does Scandinavia have to do with this, idiots?

Everything, opees post is like 20th century plot paintings where you interpret it as you will

Open your eyes.

Op's Quote describes Bohemond of Taranto, the Norman prince who eventually became the duke of antioch during the crusades. He was a Norman, descended from other normans who had conquered sicily, who were in turn descended from vikings. Thus I say, scandinavians. it can also be argued that the normans intermarried with the local langobard elite, but that doesn't hurt my point as langobards are heavily germanic.

>this tenuous logic
>whoahhh normans only bred among themselves and not with french
>whoahhh normans in sicily only bred with locals and not other nobility
>whoahhh the normans must have looked distinctly scandinavian despite all of this

and then you say that >langobards(stick to playing total war dipshit) must have been germanic enough for such a mix not to matter

You're about 300 years worth of breeding away from authentic scandinavian normans.

Well if you consider that by the time of world war one virtually every monarch in europe was third cousins or closer and that by the late middle ages you had heavily intertwined royal dynasties and all these strange inheritances, it doesn't seem to me such a terrible supposition that nobles generally married other nobles.

Now if you say that normans married frankish nobility or married langobard nobility, that doesn't really decrease my point as both of those elites were heavily germanic at that time.

Nobles didn't generally marry peasants and the like.

Man the hair color thing can be weird. I had dirty blond hair until I was twelve and then it turned brown while my hair down below and facial hair has a distinct copper/reddish hue.

Certified mutt?

Fun fact: she wrote that in the Alexiad, which she wrote sometime when she was Grandmama-tier old.

She met Bohemond when she was 14.

>None of them would ever talk to you like this after 40-50 years.

Yeah, your're a certified mixture of all kinds of indo-european.

How's that?

You had blond hair for longer than most, brown hair and red/copper hair. Thus you're definitely have some indo-european admixture, i'd say possible germanic and celtic, but these traits are not unheard of in other indo-european mixed populations.

Well most family on the male side has been in North Western Europe for at least the past 500 years and possible longer, though I suspect there is a hint of Southern European in there since like half the family has brown eyes, brown skin and chestnut or raven black hair.

Chuckled heartily




Fenno-scandinavian and aryan elites did not intermarry with conquered natives to any significant degree (see: the lack of authentic scandinavic DNA in for example Dublin and Scotland) but simply ruled over them as slave masters much like the aryans in the rig veda ruled the dravidians.

There's no such thing as a roman identity today, because the civilization has been almost completely obliterated. That doesn't mean there didn't used to be a roman identity. It sounds like you have a pretty ethnocentric concept of identity so I don't know if this is just something we have to agree to disagree on.

Is there any rule 34 of Anna Komnenos getting railed by Bohemund?

Need proof of this.

I never knew how much I wanted this until now

Theodora "Vaginas for nipples" Justinian obviously

This is a great idea!!