How will history remember him?
How will history remember him?
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it wont
Wait 25 years after his death to talk about him on this board
not an argument
Doesn't /pol/ hate him
Does the government of Canada just randomly allow people to steal occasionally? What the fuck is he talking about?
>instead of 'off'
the government raids our maple syrup supplies occasionally
I remember listening to him on Rogan's podcast using an example of a hypothetical disease analogous to libertarianism. Anyone remember this shit? It was something like, what if there's a disease and it's an agency, but the disease is dormant within everyone; do givers have the right to further your disease, or do receivers have the right to reject it. But if everyone is their own agent, they can have the means to do what they want and how it can be enforced. And of course Rogan is like "dude apes lmao" and asks how any of this relates to what he's saying. And Molyneux just says "We have to be our own agents and not rely on an agency should they not have our best interests in mind, which they won't because they aren't us" before plugging his podcast and asking for donations he relies on
Depends. Has he ever made a single joke about white people? If yes, /pol/ hates him.
>You cannot have
You demonstrably can because that's what the state is and does.
I mean, I don't get his moralizing. Does he expect the state to be dismantled based on some deontological moral rule?
not an argument
so on what is the right to property actually founded
He promised awesome rpg games only for these games to fail to deliver.
For him? Self-ownership. pretty much cut-and-paste Austrian school shit. It's circular and implies slavery is permissible if it tells you anything.
Given the quote you just gave us, Molyneux can't logic for beans, so he'll be forgotten within a month after his death.
Is he critiquing the Pink Panther?
>mfw someone supports me getting shot near me
He sounds about as insightful as teenage leftists crying about corporations
>muh small elite group and their minions!
He is constantly getting shilled on there, it's hard to tell with all those shills
cult leader
Go to bed Stefan
Report, Sage, Hide everyone
Only for his overhyped failures of a game
I'm convinced, like the rest, that those are all Stefen
Remember our incapacity to finetely prestate all possible functionalities of the humble screwdriver. Now, knowing this, how can we possible prestate how history will remember this particular person: we can't.
We cannot accurately foresee if the importance of this individual. As Darwin noted, an organ, could have casual features that are not the function of the organ and had no selective significance in its normal environment. But this individual, which is merely a meme, could have selective significance within a different environment. This is what is called a preadaption.
So we cannot know the adjunct possible of this particular meme nor in which fitness landscape it will go to.
Every single person in this thread is Stefan Molyneux except you, user.
Let's talk about your parents. Were you close to your mother?
>believes in free will
not an argument
>Does he expect the state to be dismantled based on some deontological moral rule?
Yes, the NAP. That's the whole point.
The police's job is not to defend your property, it's to uphold the law tho, so his argument is pretty pointless.
I just downloaded his book, is it any good?
>Yes, the NAP. That's the whole point.
Which is ridiculous and is never going to happen.
Not an argument
Not an argument
So you would argue that we can indeed forecast how history will remember him? Because I trully doubt that. I might not have an argument but my point is that we cannot know.
Believing in any kind of gun control means you want the government and only the government to have ALL the guns.....
As a Youtube shitposter. For the five minutes it does remember him for.